Jedi much? That would be my one power.Just let my hypnosis work
If you don't mind me asking, what was the price of that piece??? it's niiiiiiice!
$849 from my shop.If you don't mind me asking, what was the price of that piece??? it's niiiiiiice!
These are not the droids you're looking for.Yes yes
Did you get it yet???Probably but if you buy for self-defense, that extra assurance that it will not jam is assuring and I like to keep one in the chamber and Glocks have 3 internal safeties for safety concerns.
Plus I can afford the Glock.
I have been eyeing the Sig-Sauer 1911 but $1300 is a bit much.
My friend has one and we target practice on my property.
It feels good and recovers quickly.
Note: I do have an SCCY CPX-2 and a couple of S&W 5904 - I have all 9mm except for a couple of Kurz 380 backups. But the Sig is calling.
Lets let the world know I'm empty!Best sound in the world
Nah. A Colt single action revolver being cocked. *C-c-c-click*Best sound in the world
Nah. A Colt single action revolver being cocked. *C-c-c-click*
Nah. A Colt single action revolver being cocked. *C-c-c-click*
Made me dizzy ... good thing I wasn't standing up!Ohthat’ll give a guy a seizure
Chainsaw revving does it for me!