normal or harrassment????????



I see another person has boarded the "Good Ship Lollipop" while it was in port.

I have seen management with precisely that....nothing else to do but harass an employee.

They will go after an injured employee like a pack of wolves after an injured animal simply because it's easy prey, it sets an example and the "weak" need to be filtered out.


A little paranoia has high survival value.
Ask any cop and then consider who we, the hourly union people, have to deal with.


In NYS the DOT law is 395.1(e)} states that a driver not carrying a log book must be released from work within 12 hours of reporting to work, no mention of a lunch hour in this regulation. As this law is stated a driver in our area with a required 45 minute unpaid lunch break and starting at 8:45 am would be required to be off the clock by 8:45 pm and would be paid for 11.25 hours on the clock if this is violated the driver and not the company shall receive the fine(up to and including $5000.00) and possible jail time if their is an accident involved. I myself have recieved as many as three days in one week in excess of these hours which prompted me to find this law as a matter of personal safety. In conclusion I am saying that there are places out there where these 10:30-11:00 nights do exist but there are laws out there to protect employees and also the other people occupying the streets. A rumor that I have heard but unsure of the validity of my source states that with the use of diad 4 this law will no longer be pertinent because diad 4 also doubles as a log book I am guessing in part due to its GPS capabilities.}


I'm not sure the GPS part has anything to do with it.
The DIAD 4 may keep a running record of your hours worked and hours available just like the computers in the feeder tractors.
Supposedly you are supposed to keep a written record of your hours on your person in case your computer goes down.


"A little paranoia has high survival value.
Ask any cop and then consider who we, the hourly union people, have to deal with."

Ah so your point is a cop should treat every member of the public as a gun toting criminal?


tie: trick doesn't have a point. He just likes to solicit people to board his ship.


Based on the votes counted, it appears more people agree with me than the pilot and co-pilot of the Good Ship Lollipop.

do you sit outside the fence on the weekends hoping to catch a glimpse of your package car?


There are many good pieces of advice and some pretty kookie ones also.

I have seen supervisors make it personal to get even with a driver for some of the most insane reasons. But when one person gets a burr up the choot for someone else, stupid things happen.

As with many other problems in life, time has a way of making things better.

I too have had to work late many nights. Latest night I have ever worked in delivery was 4:38 AM with a start time of 8:45Am. Three weeks ago I worked 17.49 hours in one day. So it does happen. But it shouldnt on a regular basis, so if he claims to be working until 10:30 or 11 every night, check out what is going on. But do not go calling the center to check up on him. That is demeaning to you and him.

AS for the settlement the union "got" for him, things are not fair at UPS. NEver were and never will be. But he did get his job back with only a few weeks lost in the process. I have seen drivers that were off for months and even over a year done the same way. Let it go, that is part of working at UPS. LEarn what needs to be learned from this episode and let it go.

As for putting him on a run in the blind, I have done that many times myself. Just tell him to do the best he can and be back in when they say.

Also understand one thing. Getting caught in a lie, no matter how small at UPS can get you the door.



trick: do you spend all your time voting on your own posts?

You started the Good Ship Lollipop thing, I just made you the Captain. If you will read this thread, you'll notice that it was ups gal 710 that called you on this one....

Now go get back on your ship, and quit soliciting people to pilot it for you!



Your word is a bit over the edge. I believe to be aware of your surroundings would be better.

To be aware would be to notice when you are being followed by management. For that matter by those that would steal our packages. To be aware of things management might do.

To be paranoid would be you think management is hiding around each and every tree and rock; that every time they talk, it is about you and how to can you.

Show me a cop who is paranoid and Ill show you an ex cop who has and will shoot innocent people.

Paranoia is not a normal state of mind and needs to be treated.



I appreciate any support I got and am shocked at some of the comments and accusations I got as well. I came here for support only. I don't know how people are treated at UPS everywhere in the country/world, but I do know how they are treated at the local center. I know through my husband, dad who worked there for 33 years and many fellow UPS drivers there that are friends of my father/husband. Maybe it is just here. I know last week he worked 12 hours overtime. Monday, he worked until 10:30pm, Tuesday until 7:30 pm, Wednesday until 10:30 pm, Thursday until 6:30 pm and Friday until 10pm. They laid off of him every other day so he wouldn't get mad. I do know that they aren't allowing him to bump drivers with less seniority and put him on a new route blind 4 out of 5 days last week. Last night he got off at 10:40 pm and was the last driver in. I do check his paychecks and know his time is accurate. I do this not because I don't trust him, I don't trust UPS and their payroll dept. Each time he's had a vacation or holiday, his check is shorted and we have to wait a week for a green check. This is why I check it. His overtime is always accurate. My dad didn't deal with the type of harrassment my husband is enduring, he was there so long they didn't bother him and he had 33 years safe driving. He watched it happen to others though, including my husband for the last 5 years he was there before retiring. He is happy he has his job back though and isn't blaming the union for anything. I just wanted to know if this was normal or harrassment and if there were any suggestions on how to get through this type of treatment until, hopefully, they do decide to "move onto" someone else.



Do tell!
There are individuals on this board that can't believe something like this is happening. They think everything is lollipops and butterfly kisses. They will also twist your story around to where it appears that it must be your fault and couldn't possibly be the company's fault.....imagine that.


familyofbrown my husband worked 14hrs of ot a few weeks ago .But he was home by 9:30 every night, and the reason he was that late was because he took his lunch from 8:00pm till 9:00pm and half hour to drive home. And his center knows that he wants the least amount of ot as possible. As for paying correctly in the 26 yrs he has with UPS not one paycheck has been incorrect.


I wish it wasn't happening, but it is. I used to think UPS was one of the best places to work and until recently, thought it was like any other place of employment. You have good employees, bad employees, good management/supervisors and bad. The local center here has 1 good supervisor that won't stab you over and over and there are maybe 3 employees out of 80 or so that are trouble makers. The rest do their job as good as they can and there's not 1 there that regardless of their numbers, aren't harrassed at some point for something during a week. You would not believe the number of grievances turned in in 1 weeks time here. They make threats and are absolutely hateful to their employees. Unfortunately, you can't just leave your job making the money you make at UPS and start over somewhere else that easily so you are stuck taking it as long as you can. I'm starting to wonder if my father's health condition was caused by UPS and not his age. By the way, to the person that asked, my husband's first workers comp. claim was not on his back and he was urged to not file the claim by UPS management and finally after working a month with an injury that wouldn't let up, he filed a claim and ended up having surgery. This second claim was mild, pulled muscle in lower back and within a few days, he felt better.


Familyofbrown, make an anonymous call to the Corporate Ethics Hotline. Tell them you are the spouse of a UPS employee and this is what is going on.
May do absolutely no good, but maybe....


Familyofbrown, please read the article at: Company/Standards, Policies and Procedures/Business Conduct and Compliance/The UPS Help Line


My husband has called this number 3 times, my father has called once and I know of 5 or 6 other UPS employees at this center that have called and they've sent people down twice to look at things and how management is treating people but its their word against the employees and so far, nothing has been done. I guess we should just keep calling, maybe they will get tired of all the anomyous calls from the same center? It is going to take time I'm sure and in the past 5 years, the center and division manager have been changed here 3 times and almost every supervisor has quit and been replaced by someone you've never heard of so its just a matter of time before its done again but I just wanted to be sure what was going on here isn't something from the twilight zone. Apparently its just UPS in general right? Of course, some centers are better than others I'm sure. Its funny how when you look up lawsuits against UPS for "unfair termination" or harrassment, you see so many. You would think a company as rich as UPS would treat their employees better.


"familyofbrown my husband worked 14hrs of ot a few weeks ago .But he was home by 9:30 every night, and the reason he was that late was because he took his lunch from 8:00pm till 9:00pm and half hour to drive home. And his center knows that he wants the least amount of ot as possible. As for paying correctly in the 26 yrs he has with UPS not one paycheck has been incorrect."

My husband has repeatedly asked that he get help when he's out that late and they flat out refuse. They tell him too bad. There are guys getting off at 6pm and he's out until 10:30 with 150+ stops on his truck. Each time he's requested and been approved in writing for an 8 and off, they give him more than an 8 hour day. He was an hour late to our son's allstar game this year and had requested an 8 and off and was approved but funny thing was, that morning, they had a 10 hour day planned out for him and wouldn't send him relief. The last 2 years that he's requested to use his personal day, its been approved but he doesn't get paid for it. He's had to file grievances for his pay. My father's paycheck was never wrong as long as my husband's has been but I can count 16 weeks from 2004 that my husband's paycheck was wrong. From either being paid part time rate to not being paid at all. The center blames it on payroll and payroll blames it on the center and whoever turns the time in.

As I originally stated and this just makes it more clear, management targets the ones they don't like and its so obvious now that I read other replies.


Its not their word against yours when it comes to how late they're keeping hubby out. You have pay stubs, and I don't think they're hiding his hours worked.

And, yes, I think you ALL should keep calling!