normal or harrassment????????



Then I have no idea why nothing is being done. They've received the calls, come and checked things out, leave and nothing changes. Of the 80 drivers at our center, there's about 15 that are constantly out over 9pm and the other 65 or so that are off by 6 or 6:30 every night. The few times my husband has been on a route he knows that he could get off at a fairly decent hour, they have called him (on his personal cellphone I might add) to TELL him that he needs to go help another driver. When he asks for help, they say they can't send anyone out. I would have been fired for insubordination by now so I guess I should be proud of him for holding his tongue.


How did they get his cell phone number?? I do use my cell for UPS business (bad adds, no co. name, etc), but the center contacts me thru ODS.

Anyhow, I guess I know now that the Help Line number is just a feel good thing for UPS. Does no good.

Does anyone have any positive info about the Help Line?


I have seen the help line solve issues many many times. I have never seen them ignore a call. Corp swoops in like a SWAT team pretty quickly.

I'm only playing devil's advocate... please don't take this the wrong way, FOB, but please hear what I'm saying.

I have been asked several times by different drivers to lie for them if their spouses call the office. Say that they are still out, having a horrible day, etc. It happens. (I didn't comply, BTW.)
Their are mistakes made on paychecks, especially since they centralized it in Texas, but to say your husband is out every night till 10:30 and his checks are screwed up sends out signals to me. If you were a girlfriend I would ask you, over margaritas probably, to take a good hard look at the situation. The volume needs to be back to the center by a certian time, air needs to get out, timecards and reports need to be done AFTER your husband gets in. I doubt the OMS is happily knitting while she waits for that one last driver so she can go home. If I am way off base, please don't take offense. I'm only saying make really sure you have your eyes open to the situation. Their are good men and bad men in every company. If he is a good one, count your blessings. If he's a bad one, use your head.

Sorry to be the black cloud...


I dont think your problem is your husband carousing, as some insinuate.....
You have already checked, probaly out of disbelief at the hours, not a matter of trust.
I HAVEused the help line and it was to no avail in my case.
UPS does make payroll errors, happens all the time, mostly to Pters in multiple shifts, or to drivers who experience layoff when they are swinging. Or when you have a death in the family and your center cant get the obit to payroll in time for payroll to know you were off the day before and after a holiday, on funeral leave (still a little raw on that one)
If he decides to stay, harrasment as well as overdispatch, multiple rides, etcUSUALLY goes in cycles. Although lately the cycles seem to be a bit longer.
When I was a new driver the only thing that got me through it were my fellow drivers taking me down to the local watering hole to have a drink, chat, and loosen up a bit, and I learned alot about "hanging" in there from those guys, or I wouldnt still be here. I dont know if that is good or bad but anyway.........
What I do know is you most likely have a good man, who is getting tested severely, and I doubt even if he wanted to he would have time to have an affair. Much less the desire to try to handle 2 women and a stress filled job.
Yes there are good men and bad men, Ive had a few, and trust me they dont work and show it on paper to their wives if they are screwing off.


"Last night he got off at 10:40 pm and was the last driver in."

"My dad didn't deal with the type of harrassment my husband is enduring, he was there so long they didn't bother him and he had 33 years safe driving."

I think you are on the right track. Your dad was never harrassed because he did a good job for the company. Your husband is the last driver in at night. Perhaps your dad can give your husband a few pointers on how to improve his job performance and become the same type of employee your dad was?


Thanks Tooner, I trust my husband and know what he's going through at work and see his check and feel like an accountant and payroll clerk every week because I have to be sure they've paid him right. I know where he is.

Tieguy, my dad wasn't harrassed AS MUCH as my husband because of his years of service and seniority, I didn't say he wasn't ever harrassed. They tried him on several occasions and he gave it right back and they couldn't scare him like they try to do the newer guys but they tried. My husband gives it right back and doesn't hesitate to throw a grievance on them when needed and they actually thought they had a case on him when he was terminated and it turned out they didn't, they knew they didn't and they were in jeopardy of being in big trouble if they didn't offer him his job back. Now they look stupid, everyone there knows it and so they think they can test him day after day. They are hoping I'm sure he'll quit, but he won't. They'll end up being moved out to another center before my husband quits and he has gotten good at watching his back and doing everything by the book so they can't try to say he did something. Funny, he was fired for dishonesty. He never lied about anything and we had all the proof we needed to have a case against them. Still do and still can pursue it. They are the most dishonest people I've ever seen and will LIE to your face and behind your back to get you in trouble. I hope I never meet any of these guys in management here on a dark alley, I have an earful for them.


tieguy, have not been here for months. but, when i look at your responses. it's still the same. it's always the driver's fault. not the preload, not mgmt, not the loaders, not <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> EDD. it's the drivers. i'm sorry you have fallen into the brown brain. over the years you just lose sight of what's real and what's not. well, i hope all is well in your cookie cutter world.


I agree.
Tie and Proups seem to be on a permanent cruise on the Good Ship Lollipop together.


Alright put down the reefer. The woman says her dad was never harrassed and the husband is harrassed to death. Her husband is coming in at 10:30 every night and often the last driver in. Read between the lines her husband is clearly earned the "least best" title. Until he gets out of managements dog house he will continue to catch heat. My advice was to have Dad coach the husband. Do you have better advice for her? Perhaps a nice pity party for her?


Tieguy, you are right. My husband is not the most liked person at his center by management. Why? Because he doesn't kiss their butts. My dad didn't either and I wouldn't say he was necessarily "liked" too much. They were ready for him to retire. So much so that when he had a stroke that almost killed him, they sent one of the most cocky supervisors they have to the hospital ICU unit to "check on him". Basically talk to him like they like him and find out when he's coming back and if he's coming back. He retired soon after because after being there 33 years, he was still going out each night with 10 hour days every day and sometimes 12 hour days. See, they don't go out to the bars with supervisors, go to cookouts, race parties etc. So they aren't honest "BROWN" nosers like some. Out of 80 some drivers, I'd say that 50% are going through the same thing at some time or another. The other 30% aren't and its either because they have already, they have a pending lawsuit or they kiss butt, the right butt. All I know is the way people are treated by management at UPS is unethical. I've been injured on the job myself and have worked for the same company for almost 13 years. My supervisor and director called me at home the night I was injured to see if I was ok and if there was anything I needed. When my daughter was in the hospital for 2 days at 3 months old and 4 months old, I was told upfront to "not worry about anything here, my family came first". I am sure that if I called my husband to tell him our child was seriously injured and on his/her way to the hospital, they'd make him finish his run first. Family comes last at UPS or so they think and would like you to believe. I don't believe in treating people like that.

By the way, my husband has over 150 stops today. He's already told them he'd be out until 9:30 or 10pm tonight. Did he get a response? Nope!


familyofbrown I really think it's time to change the family color! To be this unhappy life is way to short, there has to be another job he can do and be a lot happier may not pay as much but money is not everything when you are this miserable,then what would you do if his checks were always right and you had nothing to check up on!


Its true. UPS is certainly not a job for everyone. Even if hubby can deal with the harassment, FOB cannot deal with the late nights. And theres nothing wrong with her wanting her husband home at night. Now I think your husband should leave UPS and get a normal job elsewhere. This is obviously affecting your family life and WILL start affecting your marriage.

Your marriage is far more important than the job. Don't let the job kill your marriage, cuz it will...


Oh, I'm so used to the late nights and nobody can complain about the overtime when the checks come in and he's not miserable and I'm not miserable. I think my original post was asking if this treatment fell under "harrassment" or if it was normal within UPS? I just wanted to know if anyone else had to deal with this sortof of treatment, late nights etc? If its harrassment, he needs to know and could file a grievance or somehow maybe get it stopped or get them to lay off of him. I simply tell him each morning to have a good day, be careful and not let them see him sweat. Don't let them win this fight, act like you love it and it will eat them up. I'm used to being home alone. Hell, he had to work at night part time for 4 years before he could even drive as a cover driver. That meant working 8-5 at a regular job and then working nights at UPS until 10:30 or 11. Before that, he worked 12 hour shifts from either 5am-5pm or 5pm-5am and it rotated. Before that, he worked full time and was in school at nights 4 nights a week. Before that, I wasn't married to him and my dad had this UPS schedule from hell the entire time I was growing up. I never knew a parent that got off at 5pm except for my mom and I spent a lot of time with my dad as the only child. This isn't new to me and I can handle it fine. I just don't want to see him harrassed, he's my husband. He likes the job, its just feeling like a target makes you worry. Its hot, humid, stressful and then you have harrassment to top it off, its hard.


So you want him laid off? Then there want be any errors on the paycheck there just will be none. I think you like to complain, my husband has 25 yrs with UPS and has long days but I think it is the nature of the job. I wish he could get home earlier but he can't so we live with it. Still think you need a new color.
You sure sound miserable.


"So you want him laid off?"

I think you read that wrong.

"he needs to know and could file a grievance or somehow maybe get it stopped or get them to lay off of him."


I think this board has turned into people with misdirected anger. Whether you believe FOB has any business on here, her heart is in the right place. It is OK to try to get info to help your spouse. This is a board for family and he could be a total screw up, but he could also be a target, and she is just trying to get info, to see if it happens everywhere, and the consensus is YES it does. I seldom stick up for anyone but it seems the ladies here are quite viscious, and I think its uncalled for. That is why I like working with men, women are too catty. At least men tell each other when they dont like them, women just smile and then stab you in the back and twist the knife. If I were born a guy I would have to be gay, as there are few women I can get along with for this reason. I think the women here have hatred for men for cheating, working too much, etc, so they take out their anger on this woman trying to help her hubby. I could be wrong, seldom am, and yes I have already made my judgement.
And Over9five is totally right, and by the way he is seldom wrong also.
And spidey, arent you the one who was getting screwed out of all your hours as an OMS, and now you cant believe UPS could be working a driver that many hours? How could UPS be so cruel and uncaring to you, but no one else??????

(Message edited by toonertoo on August 31, 2005)

(Message edited by toonertoo on August 31, 2005)


No, Tooner, I was not disputing that he could be working those hours. I was telling her she needs to be sure her eyes are open because I can't count on both hands how many drivers in my center lie to their wives about the hours they work and what they make. Many of them are cheating. Most drivers don't have the inclination, the time or the energy, but a lot do. I've been screwed over by the company from time to time, and screwed over by a husband from time to time. Always a good idea to have as much infomation as you can.

Never was I catty or mean. Read back and I accept you apology in advance.


No apology here, thanks anyway in advance.
I work with about 80 men, and maybe two are cheats, the rest are great guys. You must work with a bunch of low life smucks, sucks to be you.
Reread your posts, yes you were catty, insinuating that her husband is probaly a cheat, as did others and males also said that.
Yes people do need to be aware, but I dont think you have to slam them when they are down to make them realize that. And I think your past relationships have made you bitter, it shows.


Suggesting that someone protect themselves from ignorance, in case she hadn't already, is not catty. However "That is why I like working with men, women are too catty. At least men tell each other when they dont like them, women just smile and then stab you in the back and twist the knife. If I were born a guy I would have to be gay, as there are few women I can get along with for this reason. I think the women here have hatred for men for cheating, working too much, etc, so they take out their anger on this woman trying to help her hubby." is.

Must suck to be you.

Wow, that's catty, isn't it... Guess we should end this leg of the discussion.