normal or harrassment????????



Whatever happened to her husband requesting a meeting with the center manager and the BA or steward to discuss why he seems to be the last driver in at night while others are walking out the gate at 6-6:30 PM?
Perhaps the focus of this meeting could be to even out the dispatches among all the drivers so that no one person is out until 10:30 PM.
What a novel idea!


Are you feeling a bit beat up from this discussion? If so,I for one would like to apoligize for the crap thrown at you on this board. Seems the stress level is high here and that is the nature of this job. To suggest that your husband is screwing around though is way over the top. You know him. The folks on here don't. The last thing he needs is his wife doubting his honesty. I hope you will continue to cover his back.

As far as hours go, I've been the first one in and also the last one in. I prefer being first but know it depends on the dispatch. Your husband understands this all to well. It's a tough job and as much as you think you understand it you will never. He will never understand yours either. The best we can do is try not to take it home with us no matter how late it may be.

Wash it off......


"See, they don't go out to the bars with supervisors, go to cookouts, race parties etc. So they aren't honest "BROWN" nosers like some."

Hopefully its not all as you paint it. Many of us actually do work together without the brown nose. There are forms of the "brown nose" which do garner the good will of management which do not require kissing their buts. Do you support what the boss is trying to accomplish or do you fight it. I have a boss, my boss has a boss and so on up to the final boss the customer. There are objectives handed down from the top that may appear to be out of touch but are not. If your husbands boss is getting his but kicked for certain numbers that he is not hitting then your husband does not want to be the one that is slacking in that particular area. In todays world the information technology is often so good that the pencil pushers in the global palace can usually pull their own reports and tell the center manager who is problem drivers are. Your husband may be able to improve his standing with the bosses and therefore garner some peace of mind by taking the boss to the side and having some honest dialogue about how he feels he is being treated. At the same time if he shows some concern about the issues his boss is getting his but kicked about then that will certainly help his standing. Our company is not as negative as you paint it and its also not a rose garden reality is somewhere in the middle. I think your husband can work on improving his relationship with the bosses without selling his soul to the devil. Whats he got to lose. He sounds like he is miserable as hell right now?


trick: is tieguy off base here? Just thought I would ask. You seem to be the UPS expert here. Any other opinions and you send them off for a ride on your Good Ship Lollipop.....


What is ridiculous is that we are even having to have this disussion. How pathetic.


Good Lord, what was a simple question of understanding how this company works, why they do certain things to certain drivers and how it can be handled/stopped has turned into something so off base. Apparently there are some here that have nothing better to do than sit online and read into something more than they need to all day long. I certainly don't have time, I have a job to do as well. I don't think my husband is cheating on me and if UPS is covering his butt and letting him run around on me and paying him for it by paying him overtime, then they are a better company than I thought. I know what time he gets off, I check his checks to be sure his OT wasn't shorted and he does as well. We go over them together, we have since the first time his check was wrong. Its not about me not trusting him. If a woman wants him at 9pm at night as sweaty as he is when I see him, go for it. I have never felt threatened in that area. Apparently the people who are so consumed with warning me about his possible infidelity have either chose losers to spend their life with or have done this themselves to someone they claim to care about. My relationship, fortunately, hasn't gone through that yet and hopefully won't. The only thing my husband ever feels like doing after working 12 hour days is come home, take a shower, eat, kiss the kids since they are already asleep and he never sees them and go to bed. He still finds time for me though. And no, he's not miserable. As a matter of fact, I'm extremely proud of him and his ability to keep his mouth shut working with the junk he works with. The center manager is the biggest jerk I've ever heard of and very CATTY and I would have been in jail by now if I had to take orders from someone that has never driven a UPS truck in their entire life and laughs at you to your face and tells you to go work somewhere else when you do ask questions. He's tried talking to them. THEY DON'T CARE!!!!!! The problem lies in the managment and may go up further but just because a center manager has to take orders from his boss and make the numbers look good, doesn't mean he has to be a total <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> and he is. Either he was sent to a class for that or it comes naturally. I'd hope it came naturally. Yes, I feel somewhat attacked on this subject and apparently it hit a nerve with many others that have taken the time to attack me and my honest QUESTION. I wasn't asking for advise, thats what I have an attorney for. I simply wanted to understand and hear others insight on this and what they have been through as a UPS employee and/or spouse of a UPS employee. Oh and no, I don't want him laid off. I want him treated fairly and because I have a good relationship with my husband, its only natural for me to come to his defense when he's not being treated fairly. In the case of his center, he's not. He's not the only one though and I know this but he's the one I live with and see every day.



I have seen UPS do this numerous times. Sorry to say, the best thing your husband can do for himself and his family, is find another job. In the meantime, find the best comp lawyer in your area. I would think you'd have a strong case.

Good Luck.


"Good Lord, what was a simple question.."

Yes it was, but you posted it on a public board and now you have to weed out the responses you like from the ones that really aren't relevant to you.

And REALLY, it isn't that simple...because you asked a lot of people who work for the Brown Monster, and we've all been there or at least have seen it. And we all have a story to tell!

Soooo, don't take anything personal. Nobody here knows you! It's still a good place for info, or to gripe, or to know your not the only one..


You are right in a sense over9five, however, I don't recall hearing very many "stories" that had anything to do with harrassment. I basically got stories of infidelity and cheating and trust issues and such. I keep hearing that he needs to find another job. Why? Because he's being harrassed? If its that common and everyone left to find another job, there wouldn't be anyone left and sure as hell wouldn't have drivers retiring after 30 years anymore. I don't want him to quit, he doesn't want to quit and he shouldn't have to quit to avoid being harrassed. Is it possible that it will stop in time? Will they move on? Should he ignore them? These were my questions.

Nothing taken personal. I'm actually alot more thankful of what I have, the kind of man I'm married to etc. now that I've seen what UPS does to alot of drivers that post here or have worked for them or are married to them. Those that cheat I mean.

And I do have a lawyer and we do have a case. These things take time and in the meantime, he has to work and we have to pay bills so he'll have to deal with it and make it the best he can.

End of story, thanks guys!


Susie is a UPS quitter, so her response fits her situation. But her response to harrassment is not for everyone.

I too have been harrassed at work, many times. It will pass. They get tired and move on to someone else. Unfortunatly, there are managers that do not understand how to handle employees throughout UPS. There are also employees that UPS would be better off without.

Your husband and yourself need to sit down and weigh out the pros and cons carefully and make an informed choice as to what is best for you to do. Do NOT jump to anything based on what crap has been posted here.

As for the comp situation, some legal advice would be in order.



For what it's worth.....he probably is getting hassled because he has filed a comp claim.
An employee at my hub got fired allegedly because he filed a comp claim.
He and his attorney are now 1.6 million dollars richer.
I'll take that any day.



Yes I left after over twenty years as a driver. The job became too physically demanding, and the excessive hours made for a lousy life. Money isn't everything. I wouldn't trivialize twenty years of service as the actions of a quitter.


You are correct. Hire the best lawyer in the state, it will most likely be worth it.


"And I do have a lawyer and we do have a case"

I would say that's 50% of your husbands harrassment right there.

"because he has filed a comp claim"

And that is the other 50%.
Just don't give up.

(Message edited by johnny on September 01, 2005)


The comp. claim"s" he's filed and him not taking crap off people that try to run a business that haven't been there as long as him are the reason he's harrassed. He gets along fine with every other driver and all the union stewards and most of the supervisors. There's just a handful that will continue to stab you in the back and some that constantly look for something to harrass you about. The lawyer thing isn't known to anyone other than my immediately family so that has nothing to do with it. But I can say this, everything that happens and has happened in the last few weeks and that happens from now on will be documented as instructed by the lawyer so if they want to harrass because they think he has a lawyer, they are welcome to it. He was denied unemployment compensation because UPS claimed they retracted his termination (they did, they pulled it from his file). We faxed the U/C office the termination letter and the following day, a weeks worth of U/C benefits was electronically deposited into our bank account. The letter that came from the office stated that "no evidence produced by the employer indicated misconduct of any kind on behalf of the employee". You think? Maybe thats why he was offered his job back instead of going to a panel???????


"The lawyer thing isn't known to anyone other than my immediately family so that has nothing to do with it"
If your lawyer has filed anything through the court system then they all know about it trust me
Good luck with it,it all works out in the end.


Nothing's been filed. We have someone retained for their services and are keeping notes on everything and keeping copies of everything.


Do you log on to on that computer? They know now. All they do is compare IP addresses on BrownCafe to IP addresses at

They know us all.....


And on a final note, No it doesnt suck to be me, its fantastic being me.
Of course I dont have drivers calling me and asking me to lie for them, to their spouses.
And If I was an OMS I dont think they would ask me to either.
An OMS works for the center, not the drivers, and that is NOT in their job description, I dont think. So someone should have put a stop to that a while ago.....
Dammor Put it correctly, the last thing someone needs when they get home from a day at work anywhere is a wife, stressed that her husband may have been one of the drivers, some OMS on Brown Cafe spoke of. Its a public board, many spouse read it, not all post. I just really think it put bad light on our drivers, to say they are a bunch of lying cheating buddy**. . A private message may have been more tactful. Just my Honest opinion.
Have a great Day.


Agree with Tooner. I've never even heard of a driver asking the company to cover for an affair.
I don't know how a driver would have the energy to have an affair....unless......Tooner, whacha doin after work tomorrow....?