That's the problem with politicians, I don't even think Ron Paul will give up the power that the previous administration has given him *IF* he wins. I certainly DO NOT think any other potential future president will at all.
BINGO! That's the whole problem with all these programs the gov't creates in that they never really solve the problem thus ending the need for gov't intervention. They gain the power and create the bureaucracy which in turn feeds a system of constituent services in the form of entitlement givebacks (individual, special interests and Corp.) which is nothing but welfare and also the earmarks program which is used to buy voting district loyality thus ensuring re-election term after term.
I'm all for solving problems for folks and helping people out by whatever means within moral reason of course but the meaning of utter stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a better outcome!
Let's say Ron does get elected and let's say he holds true to his word, how does he do it? His most effective means is by the use of revoking past Executive Orders which would do a lot but let's be realist here. Who built the system as we know it today? Both the democrat and republican parties. Who are fighting tooth and nail to preserve it? Both again. Who ran in 1994' on changing things and bringing in the proper role of gov't? Republican revolution. Who ran and won in 06' on near similar principles of ending abuse and even condemed earmarks? Democrats. What do we really have after all of this? Same ole' Same ole'! Who will fight Ron tooth and nail if he does hold to his word? You want to see strong bi-partisanship and democrats and republicans working together as happy campers? Elect Ron Paul and I'll take that one to the bank!
You're headed in the right (no political pun or suggestion intended)direction but not there yet. Keep working though and if you're willing to dig, the answers will come forth.
As to globalization having been around for a while. Since the time we went from being hunter gatherers to being farmer, settlement types about 6k ot 8k years ago. Man becomes most dangerous when he gathers in groups ie communalizes, learns to lead and manipulate others, believes he has all the answers contary to what another individual thinks. realizes the power of majority rule we call democracy and then set himself/herself apart by becoming gov't!
Jim Jones only to had to force a minority to drink the poison as the others (majority) did so willingly and voluntarily. They had been conditioned to the terms of their society and if you acted according to your individual beliefs outside the confines of the majority belief, you were penaltized, force and if need be killed to keep from infecting the rest of society. Look across the picture of time and man's efforts to societize themselves and there are vastly more Jim Jones than there are Jesus of Nazereth's or Gandi's or whoever.
We are no different today but with a vastly larger population base we just have tons and tons of Jim Jones and Adolp Hitlers among us but they just take a different approach of instituting their will and power.
BTW Fredless: You can blame Vay Vincent and Bud Selig for GW being President. I heard an interview Bob Costas did with Fay and he told Bob that back in the early 90's he got a phone call from GW about being Baseball Commissioner. GW told Vincent that he had Selig's backing but Fay told GW he wasn't so sure. Over several days they talked about the commiss. job and it was coming down to baseball commissioner or run for Texas governor. Momma Bush wanted son to take baseball job because she thought Ma Richards was unbeatable. Vincent finally told GW that Selig wasn't behind him and that he should not think the commis. job was his. He choose politics and the rest as they say as history. So tonight when you pray for God's judgement on the evil, add Vincent and Selig to that list!
It was an interesting interview from a historical POV to say the least.