Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Retired 23 years
I tried round up and didn't work. Tried preen. Didn't work.

I will loan you my wife. She has a knack for killing anything green. Every year about 3/4th of the stuff she plants dies before it should. She likes to plant it and forget it. (I sometimes mow it over if she put it where I told her not to).


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I tried round up and didn't work. Tried preen. Didn't work.

Did you use a spreader sticker with the RU? The thistle has a waxy layer on the leaves. RU has to be absorbed by the leaves. It is not fast either. It works by blocking the plants ability to make food. The plant must be actively growing.

Preen only works to keep seeds in the ground from germinating.


nowhere special
Never buy mulch from places like gas stations. What they sell isn't Grade A mulch (although you won't see it labeled anywhere). Also, they will sell 2 cubic feet bags instead of 3 to appear cheaper. If you get fungus from bad mulch spray it with bleach water.


Retired 23 years
Yep. That's about what I get it for. I have waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy more area to cover than that. I live in Midwest. Not New York.

Around here all we have to do is go to the electric co-op and they have a mountain of it for free. Its not the beautiful red or gold stuff the women think they need (it all turns the same color after about a month anyway) but its FREE. In fact if you need a bunch of it they will drop it off at your house free if you put your name on a list (if you are a member of the co-op).


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Staff member
Never buy mulch from places like gas stations. What they sell isn't Grade A mulch (although you won't see it labeled anywhere). Also, they will sell 2 cubic feet bags instead of 3 to appear cheaper. If you get fungus from bad mulch spray it with bleach water.

My town has a brush pile for residents. They grind it for mulch, and it's free. It used to be really bad, but last year they fenced the pile, established open hours and put a guy on it to check your load and address.

Now, the ground mulch is really clean. No grass clippings and no construction debris anymore. Not as nice as double ground, but for the price you can't beat it.
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