Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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We were the Mexicans of today back them. Help wanted no Irish need apply was a frequent sign. I actually have one in my garage. We were like Ike's down on. Google Irish slaves in Mexico as well.

I tried to quote a section from this book on ethinic America but couldn't : he talks about that and says that they were the first great ethnic "minority" in American cities. They were at the bottom of the occupational ladder, lived in slums that were far worse than today's public housing, when they moved in people moved out giving them stereotypical names such as brawler, drunkard, or incompetent and with that came the stock phrase "No Irish need to Apply" They ended up with the hardest jobs that nobody wanted thus
birthing a common phrase at the time "you never see a gray-haired Irishman because there life expectancy was 40 years old.


Retired 23 years
I've resorted to fishing the past few months to just get away from everything man. It's been awesome. Found a new love for it I never had.

Of all the hobbies, past times & recreational things I've done in my life I would say my fishing days were usually the most fun and relaxing of all. Sometimes you don't even care if the fish are biting--just sitting in a boat on a nice day drinking a brew with a buddy is the best.


Fight the power.
Of all the hobbies, past times & recreational things I've done in my life I would say my fishing days were usually the most fun and relaxing of all. Sometimes you don't even care if the fish are biting--just sitting in a boat on a nice day drinking a brew with a buddy is the best.
I remember them. Even though I haven't done it in over a decade. Still some of best memories I have in my life.


Of all the hobbies, past times & recreational things I've done in my life I would say my fishing days were usually the most fun and relaxing of all. Sometimes you don't even care if the fish are biting--just sitting in a boat on a nice day drinking a brew with a buddy is the best.

I just love it all. The sounds of it, the smell of the ole 2 stroke, ugggggggh I wish I could do it everyday man.
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