Ja. And hairy armits. German girls can be aggressive.
And no deodorant. The only German Helga I ever knew didn't believe in deodorant either.
If you want....I'll talk to your boss...straighten it outLMAO! Just got my warming letter. Yay me!
If you want....I'll talk to your boss...straighten it out
We'll give him a pass then....Nah. The man's just doing his job. If he could have avoided giving me a letter he would have. Backing accident, automatic letter even though damage was less than $200.
I got a warning letter once for something a customer apparently heard me say. Good thing that's the only occasion they know about.Nah. The man's just doing his job. If he could have avoided giving me a letter he would have. Backing accident, automatic letter even though damage was less than $200.
We'll give him a pass then....
You didn't say anything sexual to him right?I got a warning letter once for something a customer apparently heard me say. Good thing that's the only occasion they know about.
Probably thought they could get some free stuff or something just for being a crybaby bitch.I never got a warning letter but had complaints in my file. I was always careful what I said but sometimes people didn't like "my attitude" when I couldn't wait or give them the special attention they felt they deserved. It was like,"Was it anything he said? No, I just didn't like his attitude."
I never got a warning letter but had complaints in my file. I was always careful what I said but sometimes people didn't like "my attitude" when I couldn't wait or give them the special attention they felt they deserved. It was like,"Was it anything he said? No, I just didn't like his attitude."
What's a warming letter? Sounds kinda kinky.LMAO! Just got my warming letter. Yay me!