Odd question


Nine Lives
@jill del
If you were old enough , you'd know my quote

Personal Quote:
and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make !!!!! from The Book of John & Paul !
Wasn't from the Good Book,,
It's from John Lennon & Paul McCartney ,,,,, Abbey Road side two Second to last sing called
"The End"
Not that John & Paul '!
Lol lol. Youth!!
Her Majesty - I imagine she's a pretty nice girl ...


Well-Known Member
Really not trying to be a dick here but what was your mother doing? Sitting in her car?

So your mother isn't expected to see a 10 ft tall 6 ft wide brown truck behind her but the ups man should of seen her sitting in the car while he's backing up?

What part of "when in doubt, get out" are you having difficulty with?

Our guy was clearly at fault here.


Huge Member
After 107 posts, @jill del THE DRIVER WAS AT FAULT
What the supervisor on the phone said or didn't say is irrelevant.
This is not going to court and UPS will be paying for damages to your mom's Jeep.

As for rules about driveways. We are told not to keep it to a bare minimum.
However, if I had to back up to turn around, I try to find a driveway that I've delivered to before.
I'm familiar with the surroundings and sounds like this was in the driver's mindset.
Don't worry about the driver's job. If he's had to many of these mistakes, it's his own fault.


Well-Known Member
i didnt read the whole thread, but bottom line is everyone should be looking where they're backing up. I dont care if its your own driveway. Dont assume its perfectly clear, thats careless. circumstances can change in an instant. What if a little kid was walking the driveway to the house for a fund raiser.

It will be the drivers fault. But in my eyes if the ups truck was parked its mom's fault. if mom's car was parked, ups's fault. both backing up, ups's fault

The sup is the biggest :censored2: of all


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
What part of "when in doubt, get out" are you having difficulty with?

Our guy was clearly at fault here.
Actually we don't know that at all. We are getting a second hand account of what happened.

Telematics will help tell the story. What if the driver was parked and in the back getting a package like the sup said?

Over 70

Well-Known Member
OP'er mentions how moral, mature, and successful she is multiple times

OP'er then responds like an immature baby the minute she hears what she doesn't want to hear.

I apologize for my generation.



Well-Known Member
Hmmm IF this happened the way you say it did, sounds like you should let the insurance company handle it or lawyer if need be...

Just sounds odd that you would ask random strangers about something that may or may not have happened.

So what law firm do you work for? :speechless2:


Well-Known Member
What are the rules as far as UPS drivers backing into driveways or pulling into driveways?

"expect the unexpected"

-which in this case is your careless mother who cant be inconvenienced to check her mirrors since its her driveway, and she knows exactly whats going on in it.

So in essence its not really "unexpected" anymore because we see this level of cluelessness daily


You are one pathetic loser. Im sure you jack off to these threads every night. :censored2: off.....also I happen to be a beautiful blonde bombshell with a smokin' hot boyfriend, a great job, and I happen to have a damn good pasta sauce recipe....oh and a tight ass! You're barking up the wrong tree :censored2:!
Got any pics:P:lips:

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
One point I did not see brought up.
Don't the trucks have backup cameras? If so, is all backing video stored for future reference for stuations such as this?