Odd question

jill del

Active Member
Still puzzled how she did not hear a loud noisy truck, or see a big truck when looking before backing?
How is it neither was noticed?

I don't know either. I'm just relaying the situation. I'm not going over it again, read back through the thread or something. It's time for bedtime.

Buona notte


Retired 22 years
For what its worth - I had a very good driving record at UPS. I even made the 25 year safe driving Circle of Honor. That being said I once backed into my own garage door from inside the garage. :poop:happens.

jill del

Active Member
For what its worth - I had a very good driving record at UPS. I even made the 25 year safe driving Circle of Honor. That being said I once backed into my own garage door from inside the garage. :poop:happens.

Good for you! That's impressive! We all have done stupid things. I'm 27 years old and I have to tell myself not to bang my mirror off the mailbox when I pull up to one. .... does happen


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Italian and family had a business!!
I hope the Supe and driver don't get whacked by the end of the week !!!
And don't worry honey,, you'll be chain smoking cooking pasta and fat by 40 !!


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
make the sup
An offer he can't
Refuse !
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jill del

Active Member
You are one pathetic loser. Im sure you jack off to these threads every night. :censored2: off.....also I happen to be a beautiful blonde bombshell with a smokin' hot boyfriend, a great job, and I happen to have a damn good pasta sauce recipe....oh and a tight ass! You're barking up the wrong tree :censored2:!


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
You are one pathetic loser. Im sure you jack off to these threads every night. :censored2: off.....also I happen to be a beautiful blonde bombshell with a smokin' hot boyfriend, a great job, and I happen to have a damn good pasta sauce recipe....oh and a tight ass! You're barking up the wrong tree :censored2:!
Lighten up !!!
You came to an internet thread to get answers ,, don't take life so serious sweatheart

jill del

Active Member
Lighten up !!!
You came to an internet thread to get answers ,, don't take life so serious sweatheart

Well from the looks of your profile you come off to be the religious type....your post is contradicting of that. Awesome impression! If your favorite book is the good book and your quotes are from it as well, you should act like it. If you have a girlfriend or wife she should dump you.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
@jill del
If you were old enough , you'd know my quote

Personal Quote:
and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make !!!!! from The Book of John & Paul !
Wasn't from the Good Book,,
It's from John Lennon & Paul McCartney ,,,,, Abbey Road side two Second to last song called
"The End"
Not that John & Paul '!
Lol lol. Youth!!