One liners, short jokes, funny sayings, puns, etal


golden ticket member
Jimmy Jr.

Jimmy Jr. came home with great excitement, saying, "Dad! Dad! Coming back from the mall, I ran home behind the bus all the way and saved the eighty-five cent fare."

Jimmy Sr. chided him, and shouted, "Spendthrift! Why didn't you run behind a cab and save $


golden ticket member
family enjoying their Christmas in 2014



golden ticket member

"Ever since we got married, my wife has tried to change me. She got me to stop drinking, smoking, running around at all hours of the night, and more. She taught me to enjoy the fine arts, gourmet cooking, classical music, how to dress well and how to invest in the stock market."

"Sounds like you may be bitter because she spent so much time trying to change you."

"I'm not bitter. Now that I'm so improved, she just isn't good enough for me."


golden ticket member
A friend knew that she'd overdone it with the gifts and candy last Easter when her six year old woke up to all the booty and shouted, "This is the best Christmas ever!"


golden ticket member
During my third-grade music class, my question, "Does anyone know what a polka is?" was met with blank stares.

So, prompting them, I asked, "Polka is a type of what?"

One student answered,"Dot".


golden ticket member
Robber: "Give me all your money or you are GEOGRAPHY!'
Cashier (puzzled) "Did you mean to say "or you're history?"
Robber: "Don't change the subject."


golden ticket member

A man clutching a smart-phone goes to a doctor's office and waits nervously until his name is called.

Once he's in the examining room, he tells his doctor, “Doc, help me. I’m addicted to Twitter!”

The doctor replies, “Sorry, I don’t follow you …”