Been around the block a few times
When a driver is learning a route cold in our center, a member of the safety committee rides with them the first day to teach them the basics of the route. We don't have EDD or Orion.
Many of the older drivers dislike this way of coddling the new guys as they learned routes truly cold. They were given a loaded package car with the first hour set up to start their day and they were on their own. Now....the new drivers expect it and say they cannot go cold on a route without a driver ride. I don't are given the tools to figure out addresses. Use them.
Many of the older drivers dislike this way of coddling the new guys as they learned routes truly cold. They were given a loaded package car with the first hour set up to start their day and they were on their own. Now....the new drivers expect it and say they cannot go cold on a route without a driver ride. I don't are given the tools to figure out addresses. Use them.