Orion, does it work and if not? Why?

The joke is on the driver who succumbs to the pressure.

I wish every driver went thru enough production harassment to sear their attitude toward this game.

Do it the same way, every day and do it safely using the methods and get the courage to see it through.

Screw the fear factor. It's overrated.
This is the right way. This driver is not scared.
Ok bug, since it seems that you are a Union official from Ohio. Why don't you explain to all of us why the IBT continually allows UPS to develop technology that adds work on our members? Isn't it a fair days work for a fair days pay? The IBT has allowed UPS to increase production standards by implementing b.s technology that is only in place to attempt to justify more stops an hour. When is enough, enough? Have you been so far removed from the trade that you are out of touch with reality? 100 stops is 100 stops no matter how much technology is in place. We are human and we cannot continue on this excessive increase of stops per hour. Is it just one more oversight by our Union officials or is it just apathy? Either way it has to stop. We are not androids. Our backs go out, knees, and additional repetitive injuries but yet are infamous leaders still remain clueless and outmatched by UPS. Is that back on topic for you?
This is a scared driver. Oh no they are making me work so hard. If you follow the methods the stops come off the car. Just by following the methods the stops come off. How long have you actually been a driver? What have you been doing this for? Like 5 years?


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
I absolutely will fight for the "unborn" wage scale. The problem is, that we are the minority when it comes to that.

There have been a lot of FT drivers brought up from PT who are in the 4 year progression. As a group, I'd be surprised if they'd OK a five year tier or a $25 cap, considering their own experience. UPS convinces the Teamsters and hourly employees that any gains gotten from negotiations with UPS must be paid for with a "give back" of even greater savings on the companies part.
Going forward, considering that, and the incredible unpopularity of the decision to overrule the "no" vote of the last few locals last year, if be surprised if there can be a majority YES vote on any contract not being weighted more heavily toward the rank and file.
The retirees got a very short straw as well, with healthcare costs, and even pension contributions flat lining here in the west.
Overall, things are still mostly good, but just freaking barely. Hopefully the majority of eligible voters will vote, and will see; The "unborn" must be taken good care of, as these are the people who will be voting on our retirement benefits in time, and by default their own. The gains can't always be focused on solely the good middle years of careers at UPS, (pay raises, healthcare, vacations and holidays) while neglecting the beginning (where younger workers are trying to start families and buy a house) and the end, where we'd all like to enjoy the fruit of our long invested labors.
It's all important, and UPS only gets to treat us like dogs BECAUSE of our great compensation, which in turn makes UPS far and above superior to it's competitors.

Irishman Collins

Well-Known Member
You were. If my memory is correct.
If we fought RTW as hard as we degrade each other we'd make great progress.
10, I think you are definitely on point. This thread has proven that our Union is divided. This last contract has split UPS brothers and sisters. Our side thinks that people that support the current administration are blind, thoughtless, sell outs. They think we are nay sayers, never happy whiners. It is a tough issue to get past. There are so many dividing issues in this contract. Again, another reason to vote for change. Contracts should bring us together not divide us. It seems with every contract the IBT gets closer and closer to the possibility of decertification. I hope we never see that happen.


Well-Known Member
10, I think you are definitely on point. This thread has proven that our Union is divided. This last contract has split UPS brothers and sisters. Our side thinks that people that support the current administration are blind, thoughtless, sell outs. They think we are nay sayers, never happy whiners. It is a tough issue to get past. There are so many dividing issues in this contract. Again, another reason to vote for change. Contracts should bring us together not divide us. It seems with every contract the IBT gets closer and closer to the possibility of decertification. I hope we never see that happen.
It wasn't the contract this happens every 5 years. Some people have to have something to campaign on because they can't campaign on what they've done. It also happens every 3 years in most locals. You will be using the Hoffa administration as a reason for running in your local instead of running on what you can change there. You will mislead the good members of your local for your gain. I guess it's ok if you can live with it.