
Well-Known Member
There are situations that require drastic measures, and from what I know of tonertoo, is that she is a reasonable person, so since I wasn't there, I would have to side with tonertoo making the right decisions.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Are you saying we have the right to then call them a liar? Two wrongs don't make a right.
If a customer knowingly and falsely accuses me of lying...which is a direct attack on my career and the financial well-being of my family..... I have every right to defend myself by confronting him with his own dishonesty.

I will be polite. I will be professional. I will be the bigger man. But I will not be a doormat.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
There are situations that require drastic measures, and from what I know of tonertoo, is that she is a reasonable person, so since I wasn't there, I would have to side with tonertoo making the right decisions.
She had a misogynistic, verbally abusive customer who came to the door in his underwear and was accusing her of being a liar. There is enough wrong in that situation to justify putting that customer on permanent Will Call status. I know I wouldn't be setting foot on his property again.


Well-Known Member
If a customer gets lippy with me or calls me a name, I literally keep my mouth closed and dont say one word. Behavior like that doesn't deserve a response from me regardless of what we are "supposed" to do. That pisses them off more....which makes it even better.


Fight the power.
If a customer knowingly and falsely accuses me of lying...which is a direct attack on my career and the financial well-being of my family..... I have every right to defend myself by confronting him with his own dishonesty.

I will be polite. I will be professional. I will be the bigger man. But I will not be a doormat.
Not 2 long ago I had a scheduled pu at a machine shop. No one helps you at this place, you knock on overhead door , someone could be standing right next to button to open it, nope. You have to go through a man door and open it yourself , you have overweights , o well your on your own. Anyhow , this particular day it was right on time for scheduled pu, but nothing on pick up cart. Went and hunted down an employee who told me, " we must not have anything". I left. Shure as s'$@t about an hour later I get messages about why I hadn't been to this place yet, bla bla bla. They are closing and need pick up , they have airs and I haven't even showed up...................let me put it this way , I let it be known I would no longer be opening doors for them , they would be getting delivery notices instead, and I would no longer be hunting down employees , again , a notice instead. They got the picture. I'm actually glad I got accused of not attempting pick up. Things much better now.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
ORION is quite funny, silly
I actually had a good Orion day. It actually made sense. I followed it all day, only had to pull for one oca. I will admit when it works. But this is the first time since inception. Does it correct itself after awhile, or does someone somewhere see why I am pulling and fix it? I think I was over 3 miles by their plan. which is good as it had been anywhere between 17 and 26, no matter who runs it.


I actually had a good Orion day. It actually made sense. I followed it all day, only had to pull for one oca. I will admit when it works. But this is the first time since inception. Does it correct itself after awhile, or does someone somewhere see why I am pulling and fix it? I think I was over 3 miles by their plan. which is good as it had been anywhere between 17 and 26, no matter who runs it.
Yeah, I don't understand how one day ORION makes zero sense, but the next it's actually reasonable and not that bad to follow trace. With the same sections, streets, neighborhoods.

I was 88% effective Thursday and didn't even try to follow it after 1pm. Not sure what the deal is, but it's not worth worrying about either way.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yeah, I don't understand how one day ORION makes zero sense, but the next it's actually reasonable and not that bad to follow trace. With the same sections, streets, neighborhoods.

I was 88% effective Thursday and didn't even try to follow it after 1pm. Not sure what the deal is, but it's not worth worrying about either way.
Yea, I dont worry about it, anymore, but if it is making sense I follow it.


My first two stops in ORION (businesses) are always out of order, so first-stop compliance is out the window. It wants me to make TWO left turns onto busy streets, near a major dangerous intersection, instead of just one and a turn-around in a parking lot. First-stop compliance will have to take a backseat to safety and common sense. The sad part is, there is apparently no way local mgmt can fix this error. Silly!


Well-Known Member
Sad but true, we are now told a single package going to a home with no one home is as important as a business that gets 20 packages a day and count on UPS for their livelihood
This is one UPS message that I happen to agree with.

The overall revenue UPS receives from those 20 shippers may be far less than the overall revenue received from the shipper that sent that one resi (Amazon).

The real customer is the shipper and a driver's revenue perspective may be different from accounting's revenue perspective.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't understand how one day ORION makes zero sense, but the next it's actually reasonable and not that bad to follow trace. With the same sections, streets, neighborhoods.

I was 88% effective Thursday and didn't even try to follow it after 1pm. Not sure what the deal is, but it's not worth worrying about either way.

ORION cares only about miles and nothing else. It is bounded by pickup windows and business closures and guided by your time allowance. The traveling salesman problem is intractable, meaning you can't use computers to find the absolute solution. So it must use an ad-hoc method to find an imperfect solution. In this case it uses smaller 'cluster' (smaller problem sets, smaller sections of DOL) solving smaller problems and piecing them together and then solving that larger set of clusters and so on.

In layman's terms, computers cannot solve this problem so they use mathematical and logical shortcuts to get a 'good' solution. Depending on all the daily variables this may work, it may not. It also makes flat out mistakes.

A well trained, safe, and responsible blows the doors off ORION. ORION is a good tool and will only get better. But it will not save this company and in the end because of a lack of good implementation and feedback, it will fail because management wants to cram it down driver's throats and fire them because it doesn't work.

The end.

The Blackadder

Are you not amused?
This is one UPS message that I happen to agree with.

The overall revenue UPS receives from those 20 shippers may be far less than the overall revenue received from the shipper that sent that one resi (Amazon).

The real customer is the shipper and a driver's revenue perspective may be different from accounting's revenue perspective.

That all sounds good right up until the receiver gets po'd and they start asking the shipper to use fedex.