Orlando night club shooting


Well-Known Member
You don't get it do you??? The majority of Muslims are peace loving people, including my nice and her husband. It's the minority who want us dead no matter what we do. If we stayed here in our own little country and ignored the rest of the world, they would still want to kill us. They believe we are infidels and don't deserve to live, period.
thats more like it, but u might ask that minority of muslims what drove them to that crazed lust for american blood? im dont know exactly only cuz i didnt look it up, but im pretty sure your government blowing up the world, overthrowing democracies, and meddling with other countries business might have something to do with it.

but i think staying in your country and ignoring the rest of the world would be a good first step. if you see celebratory fireworks, you know it was a really good first step


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
In my fathers generation , they feared the Japs would never give up !! Well when the wrath of hell was thrown on them , they sure as hell threw in the towel !!!! I'm not saying we should nuke these know Isis areas , put we do have the means to go all Patton on them , and the guy in the WH has no balls , he's to worried about image and Americans are dying and the world is laughing at us!!!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
yea i dont have anything against you, i just get sick of all this anti muslim talk on the boards and in general.

im saying if u want to talk the talk, then u gotta walk the walk and theres probably a shortage of posts of yours defending people who are not a part of your tribe for example palestinians, iraqis, muslims, etc.

if you stop bombing and invading the muslim countries, then the small segment of muslims which hate america might be at peace with u. especially if you make up for your sins as a country.
I feel bad for the Palestinians. Really I do, but the world decided the boundaries of Israel, not just the US. And I feel bad for the peaceful Muslims who just want to live in safety and peace. It's the rest of them that I have no use for, i.e., the ones who want to kill us infidels, the ones who want to move here and feel that because they're Muslim that should exempt them from American laws, etc.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
In an indoor space like a night club... What's the difference in having a semi automatic "assault" AR15 and a handgun that can fire continuously?
A sporting rifle, the AR15 is a semi automatic firearm, just like a pistol. One pull of the trigger, one round is fired.

Continuous firing firearm would be a automatic weapon. Those a very hard to find, very expensive, and purchasers must go through an indepth background check. All automatic firearms are registered with the ATF, they keep close tabs on them. They're also not allowed to be built for the general public any longer. Haven't been for quite some time now. Thirty years...


Nine Lives

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
thats more like it, but u might ask that minority of muslims what drove them to that crazed lust for american blood? im dont know exactly only cuz i didnt look it up, but im pretty sure your government blowing up the world, overthrowing democracies, and meddling with other countries business might have something to do with it.

but i think staying in your country and ignoring the rest of the world would be a good first step. if you see celebratory fireworks, you know it was a really good first step
I'm all for staying in my country and letting everything sort itself out.