Orlando night club shooting


Well-Known Member

I read "Rolling Stone".

They say that no mass shootings have been prevented by 'good guys with guns'.

Are they wrong?

Since Sandy Hook there have been over 800 mass shootings (defined by the FBI as four or more people selected indiscriminately and killed - not including the perp).

With so many examples, surely there are many examples where there was a cowboy who stopped the mass slaughter?


I think the problem is that once a shooting has been stopped. There is no way to tell how far it would have gone.


Well-Known Member


Staff member
Sorry, I know you're not.
But don't you think there are armed people in bars every day already? I don't think all of them (at least here) are "gun free zones".


Retired 23 years
I bet if you talked to the survivors they would all say they wished someone else had a gun. What would be going on in your head if you were trapped in a bathroom and knew the shooter would be coming in in a few seconds? At that moment having a "Gun Free Zone" means crap----------and a death sentence.


Happy Verified UPSer

WWII was a major geopolitical conflict involving major armies engaged on multiple battlefronts on multiple continents over the better part of a decade.

Wasn't what I was talking about at all.
i understood exactly what you were trying to say. there are ton of examples of "good guys" with guns stopping potential bad guys with intent to hurt many people. just check out videos on You-tube for some.

also , without good guys with guns, the United States west of the mississippi would have never been settled. also without a police force in every town and city in this country , the streets would be too dangerous to walk on in broad daylight. the cockroaches would take over .

also without the US military we would have long ago become enslaved by either the Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians , or others,

try seeing how long you would survive in countries controlled by truly bad guys.

THANK GOD for "good guys with guns."


Happy Verified UPSer
The tradeoff is the only one with a gun is the bad guy.
it would be interesting to research violence with guns or gun use in counties that either allow open carry or ccw . how many times is there a shooting or attempted robbery in a cop bar, haha . it's funny when they show that in the movies.


Well-Known Member
The fact is more lives will be lost than saved if you allow guns in places like night clubs and bars. Security needs to be upgraded at these places.


Staff member
I bet if you talked to the survivors they would all say they wished someone else had a gun. What would be going on in your head if you were trapped in a bathroom and knew the shooter would be coming in in a few seconds? At that moment having a "Gun Free Zone" means crap----------and a death sentence.
What makes you think nobody there had a gun?


Staff member
I know plenty of people that go to the bar to hang out, not just drink.
Nobody said everyone drinks. Do the math though. How many bars in the US? Multiply by an average of 3 drunk people per bar. Throw in other estimates and it's not hard to get to literally hundreds of thousands of drunk armed people in bars.


Well-Known Member
Never mind that six different investigations ruled Fosters' death a suicide.

Yeah.......and the Warren Commission said JFK was shot from behind.....even though the film that everyone saw clearly shows his head rocking back and then forward.

....pesky details and the sheep that believe them.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah.......and the Warren Commission said JFK was shot from behind.....even though the film that everyone saw clearly shows his head rocking back and then forward.

....pesky details and the sheep that believe them.....


It's a conspiracy.

Do you own stock in the tin-foil company?