Orlando night club shooting


Well-Known Member
This post is directed toward the anti-gunners on here. I am going to give you two scenarios, and I want you to tell us which one you would feel the least safe in.

A: You are in the center of one of the largest guns shows in the deep red state of Texas. You are surrounded by thousands of firearms, and millions of rounds of ammunition. Just about everyone around you is carrying some sort of firearm or other type of weapon.

B: You are placed in the inside courtyard of the San Quentin prison in California while the prisoners out for their daily dose of "recreation" if you can call it that. San Quentin is where California's most violent and notorious criminals are held. This place also happens to be your liberal utopia in practice as nobody has any sort of firearm except for those who work for the government. In fact all weapons are technically banned here.

If you had to choose which place you would feel the least safe in I am curious to learn which one and why.
Using your logic, why don't we just give all prisoners access to guns? Then you can feel safe out in the yard with them.;)


Well-Known Member
This post is directed toward the anti-gunners on here. I am going to give you two scenarios, and I want you to tell us which one you would feel the least safe in.

A: You are in the center of one of the largest guns shows in the deep red state of Texas. You are surrounded by thousands of firearms, and millions of rounds of ammunition. Just about everyone around you is carrying some sort of firearm or other type of weapon.

B: You are placed in the inside courtyard of the San Quentin prison in California while the prisoners out for their daily dose of "recreation" if you can call it that. San Quentin is where California's most violent and notorious criminals are held. This place also happens to be your liberal utopia in practice as nobody has any sort of firearm except for those who work for the government. In fact all weapons are technically banned here.

If you had to choose which place you would feel the least safe in I am curious to learn which one and why.
Neither of those are choices I am likely to be faced with.

I'm not so sure there are 'anti-gunners' here, just those that believe there should be reasonable limits on firearm ownership, and those that think there should be none, or very few limits.


Well-Known Member
Neither of those are choices I am likely to be faced with.

I'm not so sure there are 'anti-gunners' here, just those that believe there should be reasonable limits on firearm ownership, and those that think there should be none, or very few limits.

So far none of our anti-gunners have been willing to answer the question on its face value. What a shocker.


Pees in the brown Koolaid


Bad Moon Risen'
I'm far from anti-gun. I most likely own more firearms then most members on this forum. The only ones that get any use these past few years are my shotguns.
I choose not to carry. I have made it 57 years without much need to do so. The only time I carry now is when backpacking and wilderness camping in the mountains just in case the bear bells do not work.
That being said, someone physically abusing their spouse or under investigation for terrorist ties should NOT be allowed to purchase or possess firearms.


Well-Known Member
Because you know you would feel A LOT SAFER at a gun show in Texas than the yard at San Quentin.

And you can't admit that, can you?

Yea, I backed them into a corner so they are doing what liberals do best and that is play stupid(or maybe they aren't playing?). They don't want to admit that the nature of the people around you mean a lot more than the objects they possess.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Yea, I backed them into a corner so they are doing what liberals do best and that is play stupid(or maybe they playing?). They don't want to admit that the nature of the people around you mean a lot more than the objects they possess.
The politest people I ever saw were at the 1st gun show I ever went to.

I took my family, and in the car ride home, my middle son said he never heard the words PLEASE, THANK YOU and EXCUSE ME so many times in one day.

Not the type of people who pull the mass shootings.

Most of those people are Muslim or Democrats, or both, like in the Orlando shootings.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I backed them into a corner so they are doing what liberals do best and that is play stupid(or maybe they aren't playing?). They don't want to admit that the nature of the people around you mean a lot more than the objects they possess.

No, you didn't back anyone into a corner.

Your choice of 'scenarios' was absurd.

What a softball question...obviously the answer is 'I'd feel safer at the gun show'.

Who (including you) wouldn't feel unsafe in the prison yard, guns or no?

A better choice would have been gun-show vs. a more realistic gun-free zone (church, school, bar, UPS Center).

That would be a valid choice, instead of your question which was clearly geared toward the response you desired.

Some of us aren't 'anti-gunners', we just don't understand why common sense is talking a back-seat to the NRA.

Someone posted that fists kill more people than guns per year.

Explain to me how this latest idiot could have killed 49 people with his fists.


Bad Moon Risen'
The 2nd amendment did apply to muskets. As far as I know, neither Nostradamus nor Miss Cleo helped write the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
No, you didn't back anyone into a corner.

Your choice of 'scenarios' was absurd.

What a softball question...obviously the answer is 'I'd feel safer at the gun show'.

Who (including you) wouldn't feel unsafe in the prison yard, guns or no?

A better choice would have been gun-show vs. a more realistic gun-free zone (church, school, bar, UPS Center).

That would be a valid choice, instead of your question which was clearly geared toward the response you desired.

Some of us aren't 'anti-gunners', we just don't understand why common sense is talking a back-seat to the NRA.

Someone posted that fists kill more people than guns per year.

Explain to me how this latest idiot could have killed 49 people with his fists.
He could have killed 49 people wirh a car, bomb, gasoline and a match or a plane.

You want those banned?

The 3 things common in all the mass shootings lately are the shooters are Democrats, Muslims and they all happen in gun-free zones.

So I am all for banning Democrats from owning guns.

And I am in favor of Muslims being banned from owning weapons.

And I am in favor of banning gun-free zones.

These measures would surely help in diminishing these mass shootings.