Orlando night club shooting


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The 2nd amendment did apply to muskets. As far as I know, neither Nostradamus nor Miss Cleo helped write the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.
Muskets were the premier weapon of the day.

The AR type weapons are the modern day equivalent to the muskets back in the 1780's.

dookie stain

Cornfed whiteboy
Banning things does not stop people from getting them...I could drive five miles from my house to the ghetto and buy any gun I wanted...unregistered...making stricter laws on them will only work in the land of unicorns


Well-Known Member
He could have killed 49 people wirh a car, bomb, gasoline and a match or a plane.

You want those banned?

The 3 things common in all the mass shootings lately are the shooters are Democrats, Muslims and they all happen in gun-free zones.

So I am all for banning Democrats from owning guns.

And I am in favor of Muslims being banned from owning weapons.

And I am in favor of banning gun-free zones.

These measures would surely help in diminishing these mass shootings.

So you want to 'pick and choose' which parts of the Constitution you like?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So you want to 'pick and choose' which parts of the Constitution you like?
What part are you saying I don't want?


Islam is a cult.

A political cult bent on world domination by any means possible.

And as a cult bent on the over-throw of the United States government, it can be banned.

So what part of the Constitution am I not following?


Well-Known Member
It seems terrorists have found out its much easier the American way. Much easier than trying to acquire bomb materials or hijacking planes.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Another thing in common about all the recent mass-shootings is that the shooter was an American citizen.
Muslims, who are American citizens are not exactly what anyone would call patriots.

86% of Muslims who are American citizens, prefer Sharia law over the Constitution.

As they say, the Constitution was written by man, Sharia was written by God.

Muslims just don't seem to be able to let that go.

So, are they truly Americans, even if they are born here?

Or are they radical Islamists, or as I like to call them, Muslims?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It seems terrorists have found out its much easier the American way. Much easier than trying to acquire bomb materials or hijacking planes.
Hey, I am all for banning the 2nd amendment rights from the mentally ill, those on terrorist watch lists, Democrats and Muslims.

They just don't seem to be able to handle the responsibility of it.


Well-Known Member
No, you didn't back anyone into a corner.

Your choice of 'scenarios' was absurd.

What a softball question...obviously the answer is 'I'd feel safer at the gun show'.

Who (including you) wouldn't feel unsafe in the prison yard, guns or no?

A better choice would have been gun-show vs. a more realistic gun-free zone (church, school, bar, UPS Center).

That would be a valid choice, instead of your question which was clearly geared toward the response you desired.

Some of us aren't 'anti-gunners', we just don't understand why common sense is talking a back-seat to the NRA.

Someone posted that fists kill more people than guns per year.

Explain to me how this latest idiot could have killed 49 people with his fists.

The question was anything but absurd. It was formed to prove a point that you disagree with so you find it absurd.

You answered the question properly by asserting the gun show is the safest place to be, but lets take this a bit further. Instead of focusing on the structures and objects in these two scenarios, lets focus on just the different kinds of people in each. In group A you have people who can be armed to the hilt or not and their threat those around them does not change. While those in group B will sharpen a toothbrush to a razor edge just to slit your throat for fun. The objects each group possesses are meaningless, but what their intents are mean everything. Your "common sense" regulation always targets those in group A who are no threat to you or anyone else while those in group B could care less.

Now you may be wondering why I refer to you as part of the "anti-gunner" crowd, and I thoroughly believe you are anti-gun. Your last statement about killing 49 people with fists begs the question how do you think you can get to that point where someone like Omar Mateen only has his fists to carry out a mass murder? Since he purchased the weapons legally then your only answer can be that they should not be for sale which would require the banning of guns. Hence the title "anti-gunner". I know some of you like to pretend you respect the right to bear arms, but I can see through your charade. With each new tragedy you seek to further limit the right of the people to keep and bear arms(that shall not be infringed) with new regulations until those regulations all but ban private ownership of guns. Thats the goal of a large chunk of liberals including our very own President.


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
What are the details about the armed security guard who was at Pulse on the night of the shootings?

Heard it on the radio, not sure if it's true or not.