Orlando night club shooting

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
same can be said of the Christian religion, so when are you leaving?

When was the last time you heard a Christian commit a mass murder and claim they did it in the name of God. Your full of crap, because it has not happened. Oh, and Charles Manson was not a Christian. No other religion commits mass murders in this country in the name of God, other than Muslims. They gotta go!!


Makaveli, there aren't any. From what I have read of your posts, you are a big Liberal Lemming. Liberals are the weakest thinkers on the planet. A chimpanzee has a higher IQ than a Liberal.
You know your posts and others like it only proves your own ignorance and stupidity. Thanks for playing.;)


Strength through joy
Now even the FBI is hinting that the gay lover story is false .
Just another muslim killing , please keep moving along folks , nothing to see here .


Well-Known Member
Now even the FBI is hinting that the gay lover story is false .
Just another muslim killing , please keep moving along folks , nothing to see here .

shush now muslims are all peace loving people. however if you point out that we had a muslim person doing the shooting then that will make these peaceful muslims angry at which point they will no longer be peace loving and want to hurt us. A few simple words like muslim or Islamic terrorist are turning peace loving people into killers :)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When was the last time you heard a Christian commit a mass murder and claim they did it in the name of God. Your full of crap, because it has not happened. Oh, and Charles Manson was not a Christian. No other religion commits mass murders in this country in the name of God, other than Muslims. They gotta go!!

Are you serious?

The "ARMYofGod" have committed murders, bombings and shootings in the name of christianity for years in this country.

But, if we use your logic, that since a couple of whack jobs use islam while committing crimes, and that indicts all muslims, then the same can be said for christians.

Christians are jsut as bad as the populist muslims, trying to force their belief system on the rest of the country.

Prayer in schools, religious crap on federal buildings, and trying to sell the concept that Christianity formed this country.

A single murder by christians in the name of god, is just as bad as a mass shooting.

The only difference is the tools of death used by each.

Abortion bombings were intended on blowing up entire buildings regardless of people being inside. The potential for death in mass numbers has always been probable.


Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Are you serious?

The "ARMYofGod" have committed murders, bombings and shootings in the name of christianity for years in this country.

But, if we use your logic, that since a couple of whack jobs use islam while committing crimes, and that indicts all muslims, then the same can be said for christians.

Christians are jsut as bad as the populist muslims, trying to force their belief system on the rest of the country.

Prayer in schools, religious crap on federal buildings, and trying to sell the concept that Christianity formed this country.

A single murder by christians in the name of god, is just as bad as a mass shooting.

The only difference is the tools of death used by each.

Abortion bombings were intended on blowing up entire buildings regardless of people being inside. The potential for death in mass numbers has always been probable.

Your a total loon. I am beginning to think you are a Muslim.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Your a total loon. I am beginning to think you are a Muslim.

Of course you would, youre a fanatic, you just dont understand that.

You would prefer to ignore crimes by christians or even better yet, crimes by white men in this country.

There is a meme floating around the internet about three syrian men raping a 5 year old girl and this was the result of Obama importing these syrian men into the country as refugees.

It furthers, that Obama was bringing the "muslim rape culture" to america and that americans would not tolerate it.

But thats laughable on many fronts.

First, lets look at just one of the memes.

The right wing has gone along way to blow this story up to the people that would believe such crap. People like you Jlemansk and realbrown, baba, OUT and the others.

Unfortunately for the right wing, this story is UNTRUE.

What is true, is that in twin falls idaho, three small boys, ages 7, 9 and 13 FONDLED a 5 year old girl, but there was no rape, and no knife used.

They were of muslim decent, but NONE of them were syrian and NONE of them were refugees and were BORN HERE.

But that doesnt stop the right wing bullcrap machine from putting out false information. They need to SCARE you people into believing that we need to go back to WAR.

This is the kind of propaganda that keeps people like you gun freaks scared to death and spending all your money on guns and ammo.

Three small american boys, FONDLED a small child, were arrested and only the 13 year old is going to be charged, as we dont charge 7 and 9 year olds.

But, this isnt anything different than what happens everyday in this country will all races, especially WHITES.


White men make up the majority of sex crimes in this country, White men rape more women and molest more children in this country than all the other races combined, but these right wing kooks think OBAMA is bringing a rape culture to the USA??

Its really time for a mental evaluation for people who accept these memes as truth.



Well-Known Member
Are you serious?

The "ARMYofGod" have committed murders, bombings and shootings in the name of christianity for years in this country.

But, if we use your logic, that since a couple of whack jobs use islam while committing crimes, and that indicts all muslims, then the same can be said for christians.

Christians are jsut as bad as the populist muslims, trying to force their belief system on the rest of the country.

Prayer in schools, religious crap on federal buildings, and trying to sell the concept that Christianity formed this country.

A single murder by christians in the name of god, is just as bad as a mass shooting.

The only difference is the tools of death used by each.

Abortion bombings were intended on blowing up entire buildings regardless of people being inside. The potential for death in mass numbers has always been probable.


Gee all murder is bad.


Well-Known Member
But thats laughable on many fronts.


possibly not as laughable if you are that five year old girl? So you deny that there is a culture issue going on here where many of these muslims believe its ok to abuse our "half dressed" women?
you deny that pedophilia is actually a common practice amongst many of these pigs as reported by our soldiers? All to defend the random unfiltered importing of these thugs into our culture?

its funny watching you libs try to defend these people and the random unfettered importing of these hoodlums who display many of the traits you have accused and bashed Christians of in the past.