they put up a load of bulletin boards in the Atlanta Hub ... I agree the Op. Reports
should NOT be put up for everyone to see.... It is SINGLING out and is NOT Allowed !!!! Names of employees SHOULD be blanked out if said report is posted !!! The OR is a tool for MANAGEMENT not hourly employees !!! I agree with a prior poste that said to get your BA involved in this..... These practices by management can not be tolerated or allowed !!!!..... I think good ole Tie Guy could possibly share a little more info with us, if he has not been swore to secrecy...... BC (not Breakfast of Champions)
I agree with you on this one bc/705, back when I was a shop stewart They started posting the op report(under/over report) so the whole world could see your job performance scores daily. I filed on it, and they took it down. I dont have a problem with them showing the report,but lets do it in the office(with a shop stewart), respect the drivers privacy. Before they took it down, the" burn up the route drivers"(skip your lunch type,drive like maniacs,you know who you are) would harass the ones that were over/ standards(sidenote,all drivers abilities are different,God made some better atheletes than others). They would even go as far as writing rude comments on the report. Tie, I ask you this, Would you want your Job evaluation posted for the whole world to see(Why not start now and post it on the bc site,(not being considerate),sorry BC fan I couldnt past that up,LOL)? And dont tell me, Yes(because your evaluation i guess would be the best in the whole company ( ; I myself, dont look at the standards report, I do my best to my ability. My motto, I give them no less nor I give them no more. steady pace. Again, I believe a driver who wants too, can look at his or her performance report and their performance report only. Maybe the sups can cut out each individual report(strips) and give them personally to the drivers. Is that not to much to ask. ps. they started posting it again, Im no longer a shop stewart, getting tired I guess, not fighting it . Not to blow my own horn, but no one(drivers) has approached me about my work. If they are, the pusillanimous's are doing it behind my back. Posting the performance report, really does promote teamwork(sarcaism). ) : osi