Overweights or Incompatibles

How do you drivers handle these BY YOURSELVES on a day to day basis?

How many do you usually have in your car on a day to day basis?

I'm asking this question because for the time being, I'm an unloader and unload the Incompatibles with ease but can't imagine delivering them stop after stop or up flights of stairs.



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
For overweights I just roll them out the back or down the side steps and onto the cart. Rarely if ever actually pick them up unless it's small. Not sure what you mean by incompatibles though.

I've yet to have to deliver anything real big up a flight of stairs though. If I did I'd see if I can get the customer to help me bring it up. Otherwise it's getting left at the bottom.


Got the T-Shirt
How do you drivers handle these BY YOURSELVES on a day to day basis?

How many do you usually have in your car on a day to day basis?

I'm asking this question because for the time being, I'm an unloader and unload the Incompatibles with ease but can't imagine delivering them stop after stop or up flights of stairs.

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The issue is addressed in the contract.



The parties agree that the health and safety of the employees are of the utmost importance. The Employer agrees that UPS management will not insist that any unsafe action be undertaken and the Union agrees to encourage its members to cooperate in effectuating the handling, pick-up and delivery of parcels without exposing themselves to safety hazards.

Section 1. On Area Package Handling

No employee shall be required to handle any over 70 pound packages alone if it is the employee’s good faith belief that such handling would be a safety hazard to herself or himself.


I've yet to have to deliver anything real big up a flight of stairs though. If I did I'd see if I can get the customer to help me bring it up. Otherwise it's getting left at the bottom.

Call for help.

Unless, the customer can regurgitate all of the safe work methods. :biggrin:

If they get injured while helping you....

Well, you get the picture.



Retired 23 years
I use to "kindly" ask for help with the real heavy stuff. If the customer said no way or was too busy I would tell him I would be back with it the following day. 99 times out of a 100 they would "find a way".


Box Monkey
I can usually get close enough to the house to drop it out the back door next to the garage. Then it's their problem. Or I can get it on my cart and wheel it to them. Just don't ask me to take it up stairs. The answer is no.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
As far as incompatibles go: Look, these managers/sups are fools, we all know this. It's just something we have to tolerate.


Well-Known Member
Most of the routes I cover have multiple over 70s every day. Most of the time it's to a buisness front door or dock, sometimes though it's to 2nd or 3rd floor apartment. If I can lift it, I will carry it up the stairs, btw I'm still young.

Rack em

Made the Podium
Yeah if it's an apt. not on the first floor then I knock on their door before lugging the package in. If they aren't home NI1, and if they are home they get to help me carry it :)


Gone Fish'n
Had a 123lb rug I had to deliver up here today, was almost ready to call for help. Only had to call one time in the 15 years I've been driving but made it up there with it on my shoulder. Just so happens the only other time was to a house on this same route, different area though. When I tell folks I don't drive up driveways I mean it. Not that I could in either example anyways.

Looking down


Gone Fish'n
That's a freakin hike lol, you must have been feeling like you were in one of those iron man competitions
If I wasn't in decent shape, I don't think I could handle this route. The old driver had a 700 with a high back tail that could go up some driveways but on these even it's transmission wouldn't pull it up there. I drive an 800 now and walk all driveways on the route.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Had a 123lb rug I had to deliver up here today, was almost ready to call for help. Only had to call one time in the 15 years I've been driving but made it up there with it on my shoulder. Just so happens the only other time was to a house on this same route, different area though. When I tell folks I don't drive up driveways I mean it. Not that I could in either example anyways.
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Looking down
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Sorry dude. That would have been a back up the driveway. For that one. Is there low wires at the end or something. Atleast a hand truck


Had a 123lb rug I had to deliver up here today, was almost ready to call for help. Only had to call one time in the 15 years I've been driving but made it up there with it on my shoulder. Just so happens the only other time was to a house on this same route, different area though. When I tell folks I don't drive up driveways I mean it. Not that I could in either example anyways.
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Looking down
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How long was it? I had one the other day that was the same weight, but was over the length restriction (9' 10"). I tried to get it off my PC in the morning at the center, but the supe said, "well, it's made it this far." I tried to get the customer to help me, but they weren't home, so I messaged the center & said I'd be taking my break & would need a heavyweight assist in 30 minutes please. Nice of the supe to show up & help, I guess.


Resident Suit
Had a 123lb rug I had to deliver up here today, was almost ready to call for help. Only had to call one time in the 15 years I've been driving but made it up there with it on my shoulder. Just so happens the only other time was to a house on this same route, different area though. When I tell folks I don't drive up driveways I mean it. Not that I could in either example anyways.


Gone Fish'n
How long was it? I had one the other day that was the same weight, but was over the length restriction (9' 10"). I tried to get it off my PC in the morning at the center, but the supe said, "well, it's made it this far." I tried to get the customer to help me, but they weren't home, so I messaged the center & said I'd be taking my break & would need a heavyweight assist in 30 minutes please. Nice of the supe to show up & help, I guess.
About 8', was one of those tightly curled up PB ones with the thick plastic. The one I had needed help on was at a house I've posted pics of before. It was a TV cabinet weighing about 130ish I think, I'll post a pic of that house in a sec.


Didn't have any from winter, pulled these up from when I first got on the route.