I'm curious as to how much muscle some of you long-term package handlers have put on in comparison to when you first started. I wouldn't mind gaining 20, 30 pounds in the next year or two.
I'm going into my second week of loading trailers, (some 18 wheelers[?]) tomorrow. Last week, it wasn't too bad at 4 hours a day, though, on Friday, we worked 7 hours--damn near killed me. My muscles surpassed sore at day 3, with sharp pain (I'm 130 pounds, and out of shape, at that). Though, I've been trying to take around 100-130 grams of protein a day, and am starting to take creatine and protein shakes, this week.
Though, it's so long for a 'workout', and the weight isn't too heavy. So, some people say it's more like cardio than buffing up. I imagine your muscles get used to it after whatever amount of time, and they stop getting bigger but adjust and define. After mine stop getting too sore, I may have to start hitting the gym afterwards for a little more bulk. Though, it's kinda cool having a job that keeps you in shape (even though it's utterly exhausting right now)
(Awesomeness at one-and-a-half over 5 hours.
How has your body held up or changed due to working in a hub? How long have you worked there?