Package never scanned or delivered when dropped in drop box

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Well-Known Member
Thanks 542thrunthru. Clearly I had too much faith in a company to do its job. It was being sent in to get sized. Literally on the shipping label it said to drop it off at a store, in a drop box or schedule a pick up. Really did not see this happening, I do not ship a lot of packages. I have definitely learned my lesson.

The company sent it to me via UPS, I sent it back in the same box with the new label they provided and placed in a UPS drop box that is outside a UPS store that is on the same property as a major distribution center that I see tons of trucks pull out of every morning. Clear?!?!
Okay... Have a nice night


Well-Known Member
So what does an investigation consist of? Is anyone actually actively looking for the box? They made the company that doesn’t know the details of the drop off start the investigation and when I tried to give them additional info they did not seem to care.

Are you reading any of the responses? You've received the answers but you don't like the replies.
  1. This is not a UPS site. You will get a lot of opinions here but no one on here is actively going to do anything in terms of looking for the package
  2. You did not pay for the shipping. UPS only deals with the company/person that paid for the shipping for any claims.
  3. You said the company sent you the ring so they know everything about it in terms of a description so if it is actually in UPS over goods and the company gives a good description, it will be found
  4. You need to deal with the company that sent you the prepaid label
Once again, if the company that sent you the label inquires with UPS to report a missing package, the first thing UPS will ask for is a tracking #. If the tracking # shows never being scanned, that's going to be a major hurdle to overcome in terms of a claim. For a claim to be paid, there has to be proof of UPS actually picking up the package. Overgoods can always be searched based on a description of the goods but again, that is for the company that paid for your return label to initiate and pursue.

My advice to you - if you think this was stolen, file a police report. Do you have homeowners or renters insurance? If so, file a claim with them.

Frankie's Friend

I think you wanted to keep the engagement ring but didn't want to pay for it. So you put a empty unlabeled box in the letter box so you could claim you sent it. That's why you didn't get a receipt at a UPS Store.

Just being honest like you. I mean seriously what kind of absolute idiot puts a very expensive ring in a letter box with out having any proof?
Someone who used to trust us.


I have a tracking number for UPS and an investigation has been started, clearly a UPS label. Yes I am returning it to the company I bought it from which is why they sent me the shipping label. I dropped it off at a main UPS hub drop box.

I will never use a drop box again, have defiantly learned my lesson. I just don’t understand how it disappers. And shouldn’t they have cameras?

How do I contact an overgoods department?


Frankie's Friend

Are you reading any of the responses? You've received the answers but you don't like the replies.
  1. This is not a UPS site. You will get a lot of opinions here but no one on here is actively going to do anything in terms of looking for the package
  2. You did not pay for the shipping. UPS only deals with the company/person that paid for the shipping for any claims.
  3. You said the company sent you the ring so they know everything about it in terms of a description so if it is actually in UPS over goods and the company gives a good description, it will be found
  4. You need to deal with the company that sent you the prepaid label
Once again, if the company that sent you the label inquires with UPS to report a missing package, the first thing UPS will ask for is a tracking #. If the tracking # shows never being scanned, that's going to be a major hurdle to overcome in terms of a claim. For a claim to be paid, there has to be proof of UPS actually picking up the package. Overgoods can always be searched based on a description of the goods but again, that is for the company that paid for your return label to initiate and pursue.

My advice to you - if you think this was stolen, file a police report. Do you have homeowners or renters insurance? If so, file a claim with them.
Yep. Camera footage, police report, ck homeowner's insurance.


Retired 23 years
So we have came to the conclusion:

She swiped it
A driver swiped it
UPS store swiped it
Its hung up in the top of the letterbox
Label fell of
Its sitting in Over goods
It was never shipped
She shipped an empty box with no label on it
She put it in a FedEx letter box
She's right

I'm glad we could help

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
In all honesty there is nothing anyone can do but wait. Your package may have got lost in the hub. Ive seen packages found under or wedged in a conveyor belt that didn't get found for a few months.

Other then that there is no one you can call to really help you.
You forgot to tell her that she’s right, clearly no one here cares.

Frankie's Friend

Clearly very few of you care or are willing to give me any advise. I lost something very precious. I also feel like and idiot for putting it in a drop box and will NEVER use one again. But I can’t turn back time. Just looking for a solution to find it, I’m not asking UPS for money. I want MY ring.
If there are cameras ups loss prevention can check them if they have a time and date when you were there.
If it was a small pkg it can get stuck in the top of the box. Seen it happen many times.
I apologize for your loss.


I'm a star
So what does an investigation consist of? Is anyone actually actively looking for the box? They made the company that doesn’t know the details of the drop off start the investigation and when I tried to give them additional info they did not seem to care.

You have to understand what you are asking for. Without any confirmation that your package ever entered the system, there is very little to go on. You could file a police report and see if they will investigate, but they will probably only fill out a report for you to file with an insurance claim.

We are required to scan packages we pick up from drop boxes, so there really ought to only be a few possible reasons why your package never made it in to the system. Either you never dropped it there, there was a malfunction and it's stuck in the box, someone managed to access the box prior to the driver retrieving the packages, the driver swiped it, or never scanned it and it also somehow managed to get lost between the pick up and the point at which it should have been scanned again.

You can hire a private investigator if the ring is that important to you, but they may not be able to get anywhere. You can do some of your own sleuthing and ask at any nearby locations to see if they might have footage of the drop box, but that will only give you any new information if an unauthorized person accessed the drop box.

Forget getting a drop off receipt, next time ask if the company has a local jeweler who is authorized to clean and resize their rings and take it directly to them.


Staff member
So we have came to the conclusion:

She swiped it
A driver swiped it
UPS store swiped it
Its hung up in the top of the letterbox
Label fell of
Its sitting in Over goods
It was never shipped
She shipped an empty box with no label on it
She put it in a FedEx letter box
She's right

I'm glad we could help

I am so glad I don't have to deal with crap like this anymore.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
First " I left it in a drop box at a ups store"
Second " I left it at a drop box on ups property"
Third " i left it at a drop box at a ups store on ups property" As far as I know, there are not any ups stores on ups property.
So, which version of this story is correct, or do we get a 4th version of what you say happened?
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