If they could now find an Obama, Hillary and just name your poison porn star look-a-likes, the movies they could do may not arouse sexual desires but I'd surely LMAO at them just for the humor value!
Wishing death to others that are not a threat to you and Chev is practised by the enemy. I see you two have evolved like them.
The more you hate the less joy you will find in your own life. Unless your life has in it JOY you can not love. JOY is the state of a human heart at peace with its surroundings, others and itself. Hate is inconsistent with the Joyful Heart. My recommendations, get your heart checked, have a Stress Test.
New Sarah Palin site
Could this mean a run in 2012 ?
also Mitt Romney........Free and Strong America PAC.com
and Mike Huckabee........HuckPAC.com
New Sarah Palin site
Could this mean a run in 2012 ?
also Mitt Romney........Free and Strong America PAC.com
and Mike Huckabee........HuckPAC.com