Peak 2017


Well-Known Member
My family in the states evolved.
Not sure I read you loud and clear. By evolved do you mean came to USA and get taxed and charged into creeping death? Able to afford the same useless crap that they peddle at Target?
University and Mortgage is nearly free or such low % it's basically free. Life in Northern Spain is akin to a Hemmingway Novel.
Paella could just be a bonus.
Not sure I read you loud and clear. By evolved do you mean came to USA and get taxed and charged into creeping death? Able to afford the same useless crap that they peddle at Target?
University and Mortgage is nearly free or such low % it's basically free. Life in Northern Spain is akin to a Hemmingway Novel.
Paella could just be a bonus.
I'm sure northern Spain is great, but give me Andalucia any day of the week and twice on Sundays.


Well-Known Member
Are the real contractors in here actually concerned about Peak? I mean, maybe if I was an HD contractor. But, Ground side is all pick up volume related and it's pretty standard. The only reason I worked last peak was because of groupons and pallets. Filled up and emptied my truck multiple times a day. I probably could have paid someone to do my job throughout peak but the work was never stressful and I made a boat load. I just wish I could negotiate my peak rates for packs instead of stops.

Based on the projections they have given me, we have had 4 days in the last 3 weeks which would be considered within the range of Peak Volume. My routes are sustaining the volume just fine, and I just opened another route recently that took pressure off a handful of vulnerable routes. I no longer need to run a dedicated overflow truck and staff is pretty happy while others in the terminal are crying and complaining. To be honest, If I was more cutthroat I could probably hire some of the higher quality drivers from the other contractors in the terminal that are failing and strengthen my staff, but I am not that way. Did the math with my managers we are only going to need 2 more helpers to fill out staff for peak. Anyone with more than 3 years in this business should have a pretty good understanding of what they need to do and have already started their preparations.

The Youngin' Of It All

Well-Known Member
Are the real contractors in here actually concerned about Peak? I mean, maybe if I was an HD contractor. But, Ground side is all pick up volume related and it's pretty standard. The only reason I worked last peak was because of groupons and pallets. Filled up and emptied my truck multiple times a day. I probably could have paid someone to do my job throughout peak but the work was never stressful and I made a boat load. I just wish I could negotiate my peak rates for packs instead of stops.

Based on the projections they have given me, we have had 4 days in the last 3 weeks which would be considered within the range of Peak Volume. My routes are sustaining the volume just fine, and I just opened another route recently that took pressure off a handful of vulnerable routes. I no longer need to run a dedicated overflow truck and staff is pretty happy while others in the terminal are crying and complaining. To be honest, If I was more cutthroat I could probably hire some of the higher quality drivers from the other contractors in the terminal that are failing and strengthen my staff, but I am not that way. Did the math with my managers we are only going to need 2 more helpers to fill out staff for peak. Anyone with more than 3 years in this business should have a pretty good understanding of what they need to do and have already started their preparations.

You and I must be along the same lines with how we operate. Currently facing the same exact scenario in my hub right now and I think the contractor is on the verge of losing some of his routes, if not his whole agreement and keeping quiet. Every single day he is calling for help, but made the unintelligent decision of burning all his bridges with everyone. Most won't help him now and the other's don't want to get involved. I've tried to step up to the plate and volunteer to bail him out out of sympathy, but with the way he's gotten himself stuck in the mud, he's too far gone beyond repair. Not to mention, he's tried to bring me down with him. I'm all for operating in good faith like you NYCFXG, paying an honest buck for a route or area, and taking care of my guys with holidays, vacations, sick, bonus, etc. but certain people in this business like the contractor I just mentioned make it even questionable if you can acquire even some of their assets (trucks, drivers, etc.). I don't see how this guy is going to survive peak season because he is barely making it day by day right now and completely getting overhauled by his drivers dictating the terms. Not to mention he has had multiple complaints, accidents, integrity issues, and service failures, including one today. Hell CPC is calling me to bail him out, but I told them no thank you. As far as peak goes, I typically add 2 routes myself and drive 1. I have my on call guy who steps in so it's a very strong 8 that we run. Only have to keep the trucks up to par, which is typically every ISP's fear year round, especially during peak.


Well-Known Member
HD is brutal and finding drivers is a nightmare. My volume triples on HD and my Ground routes barely spike at all. One extra truck for Ground bulk and 4-6 drivers for HD. Fun stuff.


Well-Known Member
I fully intend to do nothing this peak.

Question on the right to decline, since this is my first peak under the ISP agreement..

In the contract, FedEx has the "right to ensure" if a contractor declines stops above their negotiated threshold and it specifies that fedex can take away those areas from your CSA. Do they not actually do that? Or is it dependent on other factors?


Staff member
Question on the right to decline, since this is my first peak under the ISP agreement..

In the contract, FedEx has the "right to ensure" if a contractor declines stops above their negotiated threshold and it specifies that fedex can take away those areas from your CSA. Do they not actually do that? Or is it dependent on other factors?
I have never seen that happen and would have to see the exact wording.

Panic is beginning to set in around here.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Question on the right to decline, since this is my first peak under the ISP agreement..

In the contract, FedEx has the "right to ensure" if a contractor declines stops above their negotiated threshold and it specifies that fedex can take away those areas from your CSA. Do they not actually do that? Or is it dependent on other factors?
If you accepted your schedule K you won't get near your decline threshold during peak. You shouldn't get near it normally throughout the year. They set it too high for it to be useful to you. CSA definition changes are rare and apparently a bit of a pain for management to actually execute since they hardly ever do it outside of a sale.


Well-Known Member
If you accepted your schedule K you won't get near your decline threshold during peak. You shouldn't get near it normally throughout the year. They set it too high for it to be useful to you. CSA definition changes are rare and apparently a bit of a pain for management to actually execute since they hardly ever do it outside of a sale.

I've reached it every tues since Sept 1. I have also reached it 2 wednesdays in the same span. I also negotiated mine higher for more per stop. You shouldn't be getting near it during peak though.

I've executed my right to decline a handful of times. They hate me everytime and try to weasel out of it. The temp takes the work on a ride and 07's every stop so I get it back the next day anyway.


Staff member
I've reached it every tues since Sept 1. I have also reached it 2 wednesdays in the same span. I also negotiated mine higher for more per stop. You shouldn't be getting near it during peak though.
I think this year could be different. Fedex has some extremely aggressive pricing going on compared to UPS this peak.