Peak 2017

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
250K in student loans? Better be some good paying jobs with those degrees.
My daughter is going to Pharmacy College. It's costing her $75K per year, IF they don't raise the tuition, etc. No scholarships or grants were available her first year. Pray to God she makes the $150K starting pay they touted when she signed up. Call me a coward, but I don't think I could/would do what she's taking on.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
My daughter is going to Pharmacy College. It's costing her $75K per year, IF they don't raise the tuition, etc. No scholarships or grants were available her first year. Pray to God she makes the $150K starting pay they touted when she signed up. Call me a coward, but I don't think I could/would do what she's taking on.
Pharmacy is a good field. She'll make plenty.

All of the big names pretty pay the same so it doesn't even matter where she gets a job at.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The question is "What is better for your situation?". Some people want to live like hermits, never setting foot in a town greater than 10k population, having to chop wood all day and bootstraps. Some people want experiences that can't be had in their country. Some people are OK with living in a 500sqft apartment in the middle of the city and not have to deal with worrying about their healthcare. Some people want diversity. Some people are totally OK with experiencing Epcot and thinking that's the world.

And the United States, to its credit, provides just about all of the above.

I'm trying really hard not to go political here. I'm sure I'm failing but whatever. The short and curly of it is that the people who have traveled the world, seen how others live, and ask them of their opinions of the USA and have an open mind most of the time see that that we aren't, in fact, the best in the world because we are the biggest. There are a ton of people here in the USA think that the USA is the world and aren't willing to think outside the box or care for their neighbor that they haven't met. Wanting to succeed is not a bad thing, but unbridled greed is a horrible thing but without people waking up... I don't see it changing.

I don't get this idea that we have to understand that foreigners don't think we're the best or concern ourselves with their opinions of our country or our culture. I don't care what the people in the next state over think of my state. Why would I care what someone on the other side of the world, who will never set foot on American soil, thinks?

I want healthcare for all and not tied to your employer so that people can have the choice to live their life and not have to be a slave to the 'man' who provides health insurance.

My idea of "live my life" is that I'm not on the hook for the healthcare expenses of every Tom, Dick, and Harry that doesn't take care of himself and is under no obligation to use healthcare resources wisely.

Code 82 Approved

Titanium Plus+ Level Member with benefits!
And the United States, to its credit, provides just about all of the above.

I don't get this idea that we have to understand that foreigners don't think we're the best or concern ourselves with their opinions of our country or our culture. I don't care what the people in the next state over think of my state. Why would I care what someone on the other side of the world, who will never set foot on American soil, thinks?

My idea of "live my life" is that I'm not on the hook for the healthcare expenses of every Tom, Dick, and Harry that doesn't take care of himself and is under no obligation to use healthcare resources wisely.
I live every day like it's my last. At some point it will be.

Star B

White Lightening
My idea of "live my life" is that I'm not on the hook for the healthcare expenses of every Tom, Dick, and Harry that doesn't take care of himself and is under no obligation to use healthcare resources wisely.

and I'm not a fan of paying Tom, Dicks, or Harrys kids education while the kids smoke it up. Or the fact that Toms kids are playing football and basketball... defund that! NOT MY MONEEY!!! (For the record, education is needed like healthcare so this really isn't my view but "zomg i disagree that means it shouldn't" is a poor reason for programs that can improve life)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys , isn't the topic of discussion the upcoming peak season? If so then something to keep an eye on comes up this week with release of X's Q1 operating results. Some talk on CNBC regarding the possible missing of Wall Street's estimates for the quarter. If so then the possible impact of the weather on the following quarters will no doubt have X looking even harder for economies in every area . If this turns out to be the case then prepare to be cuffed around and slapped around even more than usual .


Well-Known Member
Hey guys , isn't the topic of discussion the upcoming peak season? If so then something to keep an eye on comes up this week with release of X's Q1 operating results. Some talk on CNBC regarding the possible missing of Wall Street's estimates for the quarter. If so then the possible impact of the weather on the following quarters will no doubt have X looking even harder for economies in every area . If this turns out to be the case then prepare to be cuffed around and slapped around even more than usual .
I am sure nothing would make you happier if earnings were lower. Gives you more ammo and reason to complain.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Yeah, I'm trying to recruit supplemental drivers on my route, since having people that actually live on the route is ideal... but they already signed up with Amazon at one of the 4 fulfillment centers nearby.

The subcontractor can't compete with hourly pay with OT, and bennies from day one


Well-Known Member
Once again you're missing the entire point and that concerns me because you've been doing a lot of that lately.
I am sorry I don't watch CNBC and all the financial news. I do a lot of reading but I don't watch PROJECTIONS, I stick with facts. I can't spend my day worrying about anything I can't control. If they think the company might miss the estimates, that is their right. The company has done very well the last couple of years and the stock is doing well. If earnings are off, I am sure they will rebound. Who knows, earnings might beat Wall Street estimates.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Good luck, we're all counting on you. The Future of FedEx is in your hands and your hands alone. don't let us down.
Yeah, good luck with the hiring, be at least up front on your Craig's list posting of the service area as well as the terminal location.

A former subcontractor tried to get in touch with me, but his service area is too far away from my home.

2 hours of dead heading to the first stop, on top of preload time for up to 2 hours more... that's just ridiculous.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
and I'm not a fan of paying Tom, Dicks, or Harrys kids education while the kids smoke it up. Or the fact that Toms kids are playing football and basketball... defund that! NOT MY MONEEY!!! (For the record, education is needed like healthcare so this really isn't my view but "zomg i disagree that means it shouldn't" is a poor reason for programs that can improve life)

I'm not asking to defund much of anything (though I'm for it), just to stop adding to the pile. Though if you want to be honest about it, the shift toward a more nationalized education system has been a terrible disaster. Why do the same thing to healthcare?

The idea that a nationalized (or quasi-nationalized) service provides a greater benefit at a lower cost is highly dubious because it assumes perfect operating conditions. For example, all people are concerned with living healthy lives; they make proper use of preventive care options; they exercise regularly and maintain fairly clean diets; they make wise, informed choices about their health and wellbeing; their healthcare and lifestyle decisions are made with long-term benefits in mind.

Then you head out to the Kwik Pik and you're behind some fat hag in pajama pants who smells like an ashtray and she's buying 2 Monster energy drinks and some Twinkies as she yells at Junior to hurry up with her 64 oz Mountain Dew fountain drink.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Hey guys , isn't the topic of discussion the upcoming peak season? If so then something to keep an eye on comes up this week with release of X's Q1 operating results. Some talk on CNBC regarding the possible missing of Wall Street's estimates for the quarter. If so then the possible impact of the weather on the following quarters will no doubt have X looking even harder for economies in every area . If this turns out to be the case then prepare to be cuffed around and slapped around even more than usual .

Yeah, the rest of us have a conference call scheduled for those Q1 results and I KNOW I'M WORRIED TO DEATH about missing those estimates.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
2 hours of dead heading to the first stop, on top of preload time for up to 2 hours more... that's just ridiculous.

I don't know if this is true, but I trust the source.

An Express guy quit to take another job. It didn't work out and he went to Ground to wait until there was another opening at Express. Ground contractor told him he'd be on a route like the one you described for a week, then he'd be in town. Three weeks later the driver told him, "If you don't take me off that route next week I'll drive to the furthest point and just leave the truck and packages." The following Monday he was still on the route. Didn't say anything to the owner. Did exactly what he said he'd do. Came back to the building (his wife went and picked him up) and told the owner, "I keep my promises. The truck is on such-and-such road [nearly 2 hours away]. The keys are above the visor. And you know the bulkhead door doesn't lock. Good luck."

I would have paid $100 to have witnessed that.