PEE-WEE Buttigieg?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What happened to your last post..the one about entry level something?
You know ...entry level facts is all your leftard mind can process.
Do you understand circular logic? I’m guessing you don’t. It’s all that you post. You can’t point to any actual harm of homosexual relationships beyond your dislike for them.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Do you understand circular logic? I’m guessing you don’t. It’s all that you post. You can’t point to any actual harm of homosexual relationships beyond your dislike for them.

I'll point to them again

Society has been harmed because America caved.
Children are harmed because they are being forced to accept that homosexuality is normal behavior.
Parents that know better have to address why two men kiss like mommy and daddy do and why that is wrong. If the guy running for president is queer, then it must be ok, Dad. These questions were laughable just a generation ago.
Military? You kidding? Since accepting queers and being forced to accept the behavior, it has caused nothing but problems.

Actual harm.
Homosexuality and the push to accept homosexuality as normal behavior has negatively impacted society, families , and the military.
If by circular logic you mean anything that you hear that makes your leftard pea brain spin in circles because it makes sense...yeah..I understand circular logic.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I'll point to them again

Actual harm.
Homosexuality and the push to accept homosexuality has negatively impacted society, families , and the military.
If by circular logic you mean anything that you hear that makes your leftard pea brain spin in circles because it makes sense...yeah..I understand circular logic.
You haven’t shown any harm, just your belief that it’s bad. Where are you getting lost?

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
View attachment 283225
These did.View attachment 283226 So did these.View attachment 283227 Maybe a few more.View attachment 283228 View attachment 283229
Scum.View attachment 283230
We were happy to return the favor.

Peaceful Muslims. Oxymoron.
Get out of here with this nonsense. So called Christianity as it is practiced in the West has a brutal history that spans centuries. Millions enslaved, robbed, raped, and subjugated around the world in the name of some peverted version of Christianity. Don't even compare body counts.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You haven’t shown any harm, just your belief that it’s bad. Where are you getting lost?
I don't know..lost in your denial?
You don't want me to "show" you any harm.
After the list , you would do a creative dance or a smiley face. What a waste.

You see homosexuality as beautiful and healthy. A normal behavior. A plus for societies and families.
I don't.

Live it up.


Well-Known Member
Get out of here with this nonsense. So called Christianity as it is practiced in the West has a brutal history that spans centuries. Millions enslaved, robbed, raped, and subjugated around the world in the name of some peverted version of Christianity. Don't even compare body counts.

there you go , hate the christian murderer love the islamic murderer. You are most definitely a lefty


Well-Known Member
Get out of here with this nonsense. So called Christianity as it is practiced in the West has a brutal history that spans centuries. Millions enslaved, robbed, raped, and subjugated around the world in the name of some peverted version of Christianity. Don't even compare body counts.
The problem that you guys never seen to grasp is while yes terrible things were done in the past by people claiming to be Christians overall Western society has moved past that. But a significant percentage of the Muslim population still believes in a strict adherence to Islam and that belief system states that Islam must be preeminent in the world, must subjugate nonbelievers. And thus we have constant terror attacks around the world. Apologists will point to one offs in the Christian world like an attack on an abortion clinic as somehow the moral equivalent of all the Islamic terror attacks but it's not even close. Something to consider. During times when there was a level playing field, armies were on horseback, battles fought with bows and swords, Muslims came close to capturing Europe and spread their beliefs all the way to the Pacific. It was the need to protect themselves that drove the Europeans to develop weapons that ultimately allowed them to project power and institute colonialism. Beyond that research and development in the West has created modern technologies such as the internet we are communicating on in this forum. The Muslim world by and large has stagnated because much of their advancement was based on conquering others and taking their wealth. When that got stymied they languished except for those countries who were fortunate enough to discover oil. So really it's not just a matter of one is just as bad as another but the clash of civilizations from which ultimately one came out on top. And from which we have a liberal element that attacks the foundations of Western society and sides with it's enemies because, as the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don't know..lost in your denial?
You don't want me to "show" you any harm.
After the list , you would do a creative dance or a smiley face. What a waste.

You see homosexuality as beautiful and healthy. A normal behavior. A plus for societies and families.
I don't.

Live it up.
All you did was list things that homosexuality harms. You didn’t explain how it harms those things.


The truth never changes.
Get out of here with this nonsense. So called Christianity as it is practiced in the West has a brutal history that spans centuries. Millions enslaved, robbed, raped, and subjugated around the world in the name of some peverted version of Christianity. Don't even compare body counts.
There's your problem and the fallacy of such statements.



Your history is not current events. These peaceful muslims are still making history in massive proportions. The so called Christians are not.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
All you did was list things that homosexuality harms. You didn’t explain how it harms those things.
Yeah I did.
You can't / won't see because you can't/won't get passed the no homo sign.

Society has been harmed because America caved.
Once we decided homosexuality was normal behavior, what happened? All behavior (sexual) is normal.We are doing battle with trans, men in women's bathroom, I have a penis but I'm a girl. Pedophiles are now pushing for acceptance.(Oh..that will never happen! that what society said in 1950 about homosexualiy?) Lawsuits for special restrooms.. The media is obsessed with reporting these things as crimes against "normal" people...Once society opened the door, why be surprised at the flood that is pouring in. To think now, we live in a society that alleges nobility in this ...pitiful

Children are harmed because they are being forced to accept that homosexuality is normal behavior..
As a parent,(I know you have no clue) if society is in agreement with what you want to instill in your kid, raising them is a lot easier... When Reagan ran for Pres. there were rumblings of would he have a problem because he was the first divorced guy to run.. MY OH MY! How awful!...Now your kid looks at PeterMan Butt on TV swapping spit with a dude and half the other kids in his 2nd grade class, their parents could care's tougher instilling what you believe is right.

Sexual assaults, 3 times more likely to involve a homo vs hetero... Fights because homo guy having the queer eye for hetero guy when its shower time...Just look it up..lot of problems
."Homosexuality is incompatible with military service. The presence in the military environment of persons who engage in homosexual conduct or who, by their statements, demonstrate a propensity to engage in homosexual conduct, seriously impairs the accomplishment of the military mission. The presence of such members adversely affects the ability of the armed forces to maintain discipline, good order, and morale; to foster mutual trust and confidence among service members; to ensure the integrity of the system of rank and command; to facilitate assignment and worldwide deployment of service members who frequently must live and work in close conditions affording minimal privacy; to recruit and retain members of the armed forces; to maintain the public acceptability of military service; and to prevent breaches of security."- DOD 1981
Clintons "dont ask don't tell" opened the door

Live it up.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Yeah I did.
You can't / won't see because you can't/won't get passed the no homo sign.

Once we decided homosexuality was normal behavior, what happened? All behavior (sexual) is normal.We are doing battle with trans, men in women's bathroom, I have a penis but I'm a girl. Pedophiles are now pushing for acceptance.(Oh..that will never happen! that what society said in 1950 about homosexualiy?) Lawsuits for special restrooms.. The media is obsessed with reporting these things as crimes against "normal" people...Once society opened the door, why be surprised at the flood that is pouring in. To think now, we live in a society that alleges nobility in this ...pitiful

As a parent,(I know you have no clue) if society is in agreement with what you want to instill in your kid, raising them is a lot easier... When Reagan ran for Pres. there were rumblings of would he have a problem because he was the first divorced guy to run.. MY OH MY! How awful!...Now your kid looks at PeterMan Butt on TV swapping spit with a dude and half the other kids in his 2nd grade class, their parents could care's tougher instilling what you believe is right.

Sexual assaults, 3 times more likely to involve a homo vs hetero... Fights because homo guy having the queer eye for hetero guy when its shower time...Just look it up..lot of problems
."Homosexuality is incompatible with military service. The presence in the military environment of persons who engage in homosexual conduct or who, by their statements, demonstrate a propensity to engage in homosexual conduct, seriously impairs the accomplishment of the military mission. The presence of such members adversely affects the ability of the armed forces to maintain discipline, good order, and morale; to foster mutual trust and confidence among service members; to ensure the integrity of the system of rank and command; to facilitate assignment and worldwide deployment of service members who frequently must live and work in close conditions affording minimal privacy; to recruit and retain members of the armed forces; to maintain the public acceptability of military service; and to prevent breaches of security."- DOD 1981
Clintons "dont ask don't tell" opened the door

Live it up.
Circular logic. It’s bad so society accepting it is bad so it’s bad. Pathetic.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Circular logic. It’s bad so society accepting it is bad so it’s bad. Pathetic.
Societies acceptance or rejection of something is not the standard of what is good or bad.

Go full circle now.
It's good so society accepting it is good so it's good. You agree with that?
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