

Staff member
She had to re-read her notes a lot.
Innocent people speak from the heart and do not need notes.
She's a liability to the Democrats now.


Well-Known Member
There's an ancient saying in warfare that you have to "beat the grass to startle the snake(s)" and in a sense, Pelosi is the mechanism to "beat the grass!" Politicians are not principled individuals in general and thus they exist by dancing back and forth across the edges in the belief they'll never get caught. Pelosi IMO just a most recent example.

At the same time, once about to be exposed, our said politician will resort to any and all means to save themselves and therefore will expose others and even greater sins in order to remove the light of day from themselves. As the heat has ramped up on Pelosi and in other quarters, the snakes are starting to move. I believe one reason Cheney has poked out of his hole recently in among other things because of Pelosi and in an effort to attempt damage control.

Pressure across the international community is building to look a lot closer at torture and even the whole Iraq affair. I'm sure the "screaming demons" among us will yell aloud but the sad truth is, many of the past politicians they supported entangled us in international treaty law (which I myself oppose/opposed on a variety of grounds, see link) which bound us to a "rule of law" external of our own system. These treaties in effect because of Constitutional language become the law of the land and it will be interesting to watch people who go around uttering
"law of the land " now that's rather interesting. can't keep myself from laughing.
when the international law of the land which were championed by the Redmen crew come back home to roost!

In the effort to make Pelosi look bad for political gain, there is the risk that truth comes out that in turn twists the knife back upon it's possessor. The beauty is everyone gets cut badly and the real hope is they all are cut so badly that we wake up and realize they aren't man-gods afterall.


If Pelosi is a liar, and she is, then it's fair to say she's in a very crowded room IMO and it's aisle has vanished.


I think you totally missed the point on this issue. The democrats revealed this information in an effort to try to grab the moral high ground on this issue. We then find they had thier hand in the cookie jar all along. For a libertarian you seem to spend a lot of time trying to defend the dems.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
One almost down, if she has any pride, she will just disappear.
A few to go.
Pelosi lied, people could die.
Ring any bells?


typical liberal BS going on.

When we went into Iraq the dems tried to say the bush administration gave them bogus intelligence even though the dems had thier own sources of unfettered intelligence to access.

Now that Obamas we are better then you game has backfired on the dems they again try to say the CIA lied to them.


Strength through joy
typical liberal BS going on.

When we went into Iraq the dems tried to say the bush administration gave them bogus intelligence even though the dems had thier own sources of unfettered intelligence to access.

Now that Obamas we are better then you game has backfired on the dems they again try to say the CIA lied to them.

Change you can believe in.
First it was I didn't know, then they lied to me, then its Bush's fault.
You know one has to love these democrats , for they are always entertaining ; showing the world just how dumb they really are.


Nine Lives
I think you totally missed the point on this issue. The democrats revealed this information in an effort to try to grab the moral high ground on this issue. We then find they had thier hand in the cookie jar all along.
You got something against Socialists?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
You would think. Her constant drone of "They have been lying to us, they lied about WMD", Its nice to finally see her go down with so little respect. Her own party is a runnin as fast as they can from this one.
Just another case of disrespecting our military, our cia and our fbi. Hope she rots in hell. And 50000 yrs from now when some archeologist finds her face, they will say, Hey this was what they called an ******* in 2009ad.


Well-Known Member
Posted by Steve Benen, Washington Monthly

John Boehner said today he finds it " imagine that our intelligence area would ever mislead a member of Congress." This, of course, is the same John Boehner who, as recently as 2007, said that he didn't trust U.S. intelligence agencies that gave him news he didn't want to hear


The CIA never lies, if you think so than your unAmerican.<---sarcasam
The U.S. Justice Department issued documents showing that the CIA has destroyed a 100 or so interrogation videos recorded during the former Bush administration.
The agency engaged in a systematic attempt to hide evidence of its illegal interrogations, enhanced technics or whatever you call it.
I realize Republicans see some value in trying to exploit this for partisan gain and deflect from the real issues by focusing all eyes on Speaker Pelosi, but is what Pelosi said really all that hard to believe?
I don't want to alarm anyone, but once in a while, the CIA is less than forthcoming with those who might try to limit their activities.
This is especially true when the agency is engaged in conduct that might not be legal.
The Bush administration was not only lying about Iraq, but administration officials had already begun committing acts of torture. It's outrageous to think that maybe, just maybe, the same Bush administration might not tell members of Congress the whole truth? C'mon.


The CIA never lies, if you think so than your unAmerican.<---sarcasam

perhaps the problem here is the term CIA. it makes it sound like the briefing was done by some dark mystical group of individuals.

I'm sure the person or persons that does the briefing for members of congress is someone fairly high up in the Organization. I'm sure that person keeps detailed notes.

Even Leon Panetta backs the CIA's assertion that Pelosi was breifed.


Well-Known Member
SOH, Pelosi, is backpedalling faster than Deion Sanders. We should expect a new speaker here soon.

I wonder how people in her district are feeling right now as the CIA allegations keep rolling out? Frisco area is not known as being friendly to this type of thing so it'll be interesting. Another reason to keep "beating the grass to startle the snakes!"

I'm looking for all out war to explode between the war party and it's closet members. If this happens, lots of blood, wrecked political careers and plenty of dead bodies and all neatly confined to Washington DC!

Perfect WAR!



Well-Known Member
perhaps the problem here is the term CIA. it makes it sound like the briefing was done by some dark mystical group of individuals.

I'm sure the person or persons that does the briefing for members of congress is someone fairly high up in the Organization. I'm sure that person keeps detailed notes.

Even Leon Panetta backs the CIA's assertion that Pelosi was breifed.

Funny how many here who don't trust Gov't in their lives, and say Gov't can't run anything right, suddenly have an epiphany when it comes to trusting the Gov't run CIA as the end all-be all

Leon Panetta was assigned the CIA Director in 2009, the closest he's been to CIA inteligence breifings was in his Chief of Staff days with Clinton era in the 90's.....Not sure how Panetta's backing helps, briefings that happened 6-7 yrs ago....


Funny how many here who don't trust Gov't in their lives, and say Gov't can't run anything right, suddenly have an epiphany when it comes to trusting the Gov't run CIA as the end all-be all

its really not all that funny. I judge them by thier results. Thier results have kept me safe since 9/11. That carries a lot of wieght.