its really not all that funny. I judge them by thier results. Thier results have kept me safe since 9/11. That carries a lot of wieght.
I think Pelosi is a nut job, but she does come from a political family, so she's a product of her environment.
I have always taken the position that all politicians are liars, unless they prove otherwise. Sad state of affairs to have to feel this way.
No matter how much president pelosi pushes the envelope .... it will still be stationary!
Best Surgeon In California!
Three Californian surgeons were playing golf together and discussing surgeries they had performed.
One of them said, "I'm the best surgeon in California. In my favorite case, a concert pianist lost several fingers in an accident, I reattached them, and 8 months later he performed a private concert for the Queen of England.
The second surgeon said, "That's nothing. A young man lost an arm and both legs in an accident, I reattached them and two years later he won a gold medal in track and field events at the Olympics."
The third surgeon said, "You guys are amateurs. Several years ago a woman was high on cocaine and marijuana and she rode a horse head-on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the woman's hair and the horse's ass. I was able to put them together and now she's Speaker of the House."
Ahh, remember the good ole days when you got lividat anybody trashing your pin-up girl
Sarah Look at ya now you devil
, kicking up sand with your new flip-flops on....
What........ no love for Homeland Security, FBI, Military Inteligence, TSA, State and Local agencies for keeping you safe also ?
Last time I checked they were part of the big bad government you expected me to totally mistrust.
Those damn San Fransico Liberals and their immoral values......You know, that Nutjob dare she....married 46 years to the same man, a successful businessman, 5 productive children and grandchildren, working her way up to the third highest post in gov't....who does she think she is...![]()
Marital longevity in this case is a bigger accomplishment for her husband then her.
Otherwise the issue here I think is twofold.
1) its clear the democratic leadership knew about waterboarding well before this year and did not make a public issue of it until this year when it was politically expedient to do so.
2) Despite thier knowing about it well before now they were willing and hell bent on crucifying the previous administration until it was revealed they knew about it.
So while its nice that Pelosi has been a good citizen I guess we should ask why we should now ignore her actions in this case when they were ready to shoot the previous administration.
Remember the prison issue in Bagdad? Your side didn't want to prosecute the perps responsible. they wanted to prove the bush administration knew and approved.
Well Pelosie knew. And if she ain't out in the streets and out in congress objecting for the whole world to hear then she's giving her approval. Silent or otherwise.
What we have here is partisan accountability standards at its best.
Sarah Palin was fair game, McCain's daughter is fair game, but Palin's daughter wasn't.
Politicians.Class assignment:
Define Pelosi & Biden in 500 words or less. (I need material for my comedy act)![]()
diesel96;535371 If your old enough to have unprotected sex said:You can't control what a teenager does...My kids have had sex, and have done drugs. In the end they make their own decisions. Not even a dictator can stop them...Why do you put more importance on what a 17 yo girl does than what your president has done...At least Clinton didn't inhale.
Funny how many here who don't trust Gov't in their lives, and say Gov't can't run anything right, suddenly have an epiphany when it comes to trusting the Gov't run CIA as the end all-be all
Leon Panetta was assigned the CIA Director in 2009, the closest he's been to CIA inteligence breifings was in his Chief of Staff days with Clinton era in the 90's.....Not sure how Panetta's backing helps, briefings that happened 6-7 yrs ago....
The next time you hear a conservative blaming the government for something, tell them, “oh, so you’re part of the ‘blame America first’ crowd?”
Did you ever stop and wonder why the Bush/Cheney Adm stopped waterboarding early in their second term ?????
Funny how I am supposed to believe the dems early knowledge was fabricated but I'm supposed to believe this point. Are we applying selective believability here?
The Cheney Adm/CIA may, or may not, have told Congressional Inteligence Commitee members that their lawyers had enhanced interrogations (in the real world, torture) approved, but were they upfront as far as admitting they were applying and engaging in it....We won't know all the facts unless a truth comm is formed and some classified doc's are released.
Oh we know the facts they knew in 2002/
If your old enough to have unprotected sex, get yourself knocked-up, become another pregnant unwed teenage statistic, all this as your Mom is running to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, who championed moral conservative values thru out her political career....then I say yes...she's fair game to....
I think you're gonna love this.
From a libertarian in Roderick Long, associate philosophy professor at Auburn University.
I think you're gonna love this.
From a libertarian in Roderick Long, associate philosophy professor at Auburn University.
austro-athenian empire blog
What's also ironic is the big gov't under a republican is Okey Dokey but now that it's a democrat, it's the spawn of Satan. At least I'm consistent in saying it's always the "spawn of satan!"
Hope you got a laugh out of the quote because when I read it and LMAO I also thought of you and figured you'd enjoy it as well!
Originally Posted by diesel96
Did you ever stop and wonder why the Bush/Cheney Adm stopped waterboarding early in their second term ?????
Funny how I am supposed to believe the dems early knowledge was fabricated but I'm supposed to believe this point. Are we applying selective believability here?
Once the Abu Ghraib photographs were made public in the Spring of 2004, the CIA, its contractors, and everyone else involved in "Cheney-ing" methods of enhanced interrogation(aka torture) , simply shut down. Nada. Nothing. No torture or harsh techniques were employed by any U.S. interrogator. Period. People were too frightened by what might happen to them if they continued.
What I am saying is that no torture or harsh interrogation techniques were employed by any U.S. interrogator for the entire second term of Cheney-Bush, 2005-2009. So, if we are to believe the Dick Cheney's "World, America is less safe tour", preaching Obama's shutting down the "Cheney interrogation methods" will endanger the nation, what are we to say to Dick Cheney for having endangered the nation for the last four years of his vice presidency?
The Cheney Adm/CIA may, or may not, have told Congressional Inteligence Commitee members that their lawyers had enhanced interrogations (in the real world, torture) approved, but were they upfront as far as admitting they were applying and engaging in it....We won't know all the facts unless a truth comm is formed and some classified doc's are released.
Oh we know the facts they knew in 2002/
If we know all the facts, lets have a truth commission and the release of classified documents, which apparently Cheney uses as his defense, but clearly knows won't be released.
Fact is, there a more parties such as Sen Bob Graham who documents everyday he's spent in Congress that has forced the CIA to backtrack some claims...
If your old enough to have unprotected sex, get yourself knocked-up, become another pregnant unwed teenage statistic, all this as your Mom is running to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, who championed moral conservative values thru out her political career....then I say yes...she's fair game to....
The family members should never be fair game. If it had been chelsey clinton you would have agreed.
Chelsea was cruely ridiculed by Republicans as being an ugly kid, growing up in the Whitehouse, simply out of the hatred of her father. Even McCain made a boneheaded cruel joke about Janet Reno being her father. Well, the jokes on Rep's and all who participating in trashing Chelsea. Not only did she not end up barefoot and pregnant, but she got an education and grew into a decent looking young lady...Go figure beauty and brains....