pet peeves


I love it when one of those kind of punks get going. I have lots of fun with them. I make up nonsense stuff for them to hear, to run to the bosses with.
When I first started driving one of my fellow drivers was a close friend hung out together off the clock, our wives were friends also. Anyway, if one of the "tattle tale" guys were hanging around, I would start some weird story and my buddy would just play along. In a day or too, we would get called into the office and asked about it. LOL, we'd start laughing and tell the manager that we were testing so-in-so for loyalty. We wound up with the rep of being the 2nd best liars in the center. It was fun.
That is funny!
He would be in the office the next day spouting it to the sups. Infact more of the people I work with are anti-union and routinely in the office hanging out with the sups berating other union members. You really have to watch what you say and do because lord knows the hub is a different animal politically than the small centers.

Its not even worth the breathe of air trying to instill common sense or reality into the situation. In one of the small centers I would have probably said something.

/end rant. my pet peeve of the day are immature, infantile union rats.
I certainly understand.


I love it when one of those kind of punks get going. I have lots of fun with them. I make up nonsense stuff for them to hear, to run to the bosses with.
When I first started driving one of my fellow drivers was a close friend hung out together off the clock, our wives were friends also. Anyway, if one of the "tattle tale" guys were hanging around, I would start some weird story and my buddy would just play along. In a day or too, we would get called into the office and asked about it. LOL, we'd start laughing and tell the manager that we were testing so-in-so for loyalty. We wound up with the rep of being the 2nd best liars in the center. It was fun.

:happy-very: That is hilarious


He would be in the office the next day spouting it to the sups. Infact more of the people I work with are anti-union and routinely in the office hanging out with the sups berating other union members. You really have to watch what you say and do because lord knows the hub is a different animal politically than the small centers.

Its not even worth the breathe of air trying to instill common sense or reality into the situation. In one of the small centers I would have probably said something.

/end rant. my pet peeve of the day are immature, infantile union rats.
I have never had any experience with a hub, but I am not sure that a small center is any better. It would seem to me that a small center could be worse in that there is no 'room' to get away from other drivers that cause problems. You have to look at them daily, stand next to them every morning. Is this making any sense? LOL


I have never had any experience with a hub, but I am not sure that a small center is any better. It would seem to me that a small center could be worse in that there is no 'room' to get away from other drivers that cause problems. You have to look at them daily, stand next to them every morning. Is this making any sense? LOL

Yeah that does, but in essence it also validates what I am saying. In the smaller centers, everyone is more tight-knit and know one another. It's also just a smaller place, and lord knows most rats don't talk about someone in front of the person. In the hubs theres so much more breathing room that crap goes on 10x as much. Ive worked in 3 bldgs like 10 centers, two small ones and one huuuge hub. believe me its most likely much worse in most cases, and definitly worse in my exp. the hub UPS has the union by the balls because of the political pull and for this reason there are far more UPSers than UPS-Teamsters.


Well-Known Member
I hate when people park perpindicular to the curb in a cul de sac.

I hate when people dump a load of dirt or gravel in the street in a cul de sac.

I hate cul de sacs.

I hate it when you deliver a package to a business and when you go for a signiature everyone has either vanished or doesn't speak english anymore.

I hate it when people blow or sweep their cut grass and yard clippings into the street.

I hate it when people tell me their dog doesn't bite. That's what they all say.

I hate it when people tell me there's plenty of room to turn around in their driveway. True story, I met a man at the entrance to his driveway and gave him his package. He told me there's plenty of room to turn around at the house. Next time I drove up there with my p12. I had to make a 75 point turn to get out. He told me "I didn't know your truck was so big."

I hate it when I get an OCA and it's a package for the same town it's sent from.

I hate it when I making a mad dash to get an air off before commit time and it turns out to be a saver :knockedout:


Well-Known Member
Customers who get senile when a package arrives with their name on it.

If I may.

Knock on the front door and say to lady, "You have a package".

I did'nt order anything, "where is it coming from? she asks.
I say, "Texas".

Let me ask my husband. Honey did you order somehting? "Where is it coming from?", he asks.
"Texas" I say.

No. Let me ask my son. "son did you order something? "where is it coming from? the son asks.

Again I say, "Texas!"

I tell them, ok thank you very much. Sheet up as refused and start the engine. The son comes running to the truck and says, "oh yeah, now I remember. I did order somehting from Texas.":angry:


Staff member
I hate when I'm sittin' at the airport waiting for the plane and I can't sleep cuz the Chinese guy keeps yelling "CHEMAAAAA!!!!"


It irks me when someone parks in their circle drive, how dare they park in their own driveway, didn't they know I was coming by today....
I hate it when people park in the middle of their REALLY REALLY wide circle drive, making it impossible to go through on either side of the car.:dissapointed:


I hate having to try and explain the tire marks on the inside grass curve of a customers circle drive.
LOL Not usually a problem around here. Most of the 'lawns' around here are crab grass and they are used for parking. :happy-very:
There is one house that I have delivered to that is at a dead end. It is impossible to back into the driveway or back out into the road. So I pull into the driveway and back into the yard (grass). Works for me and they are ok with it.
LOL Not usually a problem around here. Most of the 'lawns' around here are crab grass and they are used for parking. :happy-very:
There is one house that I have delivered to that is at a dead end. It is impossible to back into the driveway or back out into the road. So I pull into the driveway and back into the yard (grass). Works for me and they are ok with it.
That works.
There was one place that I was going around the circle drive (it went all the way around the house) when I got on the blind side of the house next to the garage there was three cars parked side by side. The owner came out to get the package before I even stopped the truck and told me to just cut across the yard, "It won't hurt a damn thing".


That works.
There was one place that I was going around the circle drive (it went all the way around the house) when I got on the blind side of the house next to the garage there was three cars parked side by side. The owner came out to get the package before I even stopped the truck and told me to just cut across the yard, "It won't hurt a damn thing".

LMAO I like customers like that.

MD Dan

Well-Known Member
Lack of use of signals when changing lanes.
Ignorance of merging protocol ,ie; match speed with oncoming traffic, USE TURN SIGNALS to say 'please let me in'.(Maybe even a 'Thank You' wave after they let you in)
Lack of use of turn signals at red light.
Cruising in passing lane.
Slowing down and entering turning lane and THEN activating turn signal.


Well-Known Member
Lack of use of signals when changing lanes.
Ignorance of merging protocol ,ie; match speed with oncoming traffic, USE TURN SIGNALS to say 'please let me in'.(Maybe even a 'Thank You' wave after they let you in)
Lack of use of turn signals at red light.
Cruising in passing lane.
Slowing down and entering turning lane and THEN activating turn signal.

I have driven through DC several times--I always thought this was how they were taught to drive.


Customers who come to the door saying, "I saw you coming" and they know they have to sign for a pkg, and you have stand there and wait for them.

City Driver

Well-Known Member
cant believe i forgot this one

i dont think you all have to deal with this as package car drivers but im sure youve all had it happen at one time or another........

shrink wrap that bunches up when u are trying to wrap a skid


Staff member
cant believe i forgot this one

i dont think you all have to deal with this as package car drivers but im sure youve all had it happen at one time or another........

shrink wrap that bunches up when u are trying to wrap a skid

I hate when that happens.......

.......with saran wrap.