pet peeves




A no longer self propelled mower.

People that think they are funny when they drive within inches of you on your bicycle.

The same people, when they pull up next to you and holler at you on your bicycle.


People not knowing the right of ways at stop signs.

IE You get there first but because of traffic you're waiting awhile to get across the intersection and numb nuts decides it's his right of way because he's making a left hand turn :\'re a maroon!


Coffee drinking cell phone chatting managers that block my egress. Although I have considered kickin back in the center manager's office after the sort with a mocha latte and cream cheese bagel. I hope my feet on his desk don't get in his way...


Coffee drinking cell phone chatting managers that block my egress. Although I have considered kickin back in the center manager's office after the sort with a mocha latte and cream cheese bagel. I hope my feet on his desk don't get in his way...
The same people driving in front of me, or worse, in another pkg car.


Well-Known Member
People not knowing the right of ways at stop signs.

IE You get there first but because of traffic you're waiting awhile to get across the intersection and numb nuts decides it's his right of way because he's making a left hand turn :\'re a maroon!

People have died insisting they have the right of way.


Bicycle riders that yell at me for blocking the bike lane but its ok for them to blow through every red light.


Bicycle riders that yell at me for blocking the bike lane but its ok for them to blow through every red light.
*Note to DS* STUG stops at red lights most of the time, except for early in the morning when there are no cars that will trigger the left turn arrows to change.

Those deisel trucks with huge exhaust pipes and some sort of turbo, that gun the engine as they pass bicycle riders, leaving them in a black cloud of pollution.



Well-Known Member
STUG, he is just overcompensating. You must threaten his manliness...
I bet that truck will never haul anything but a big (fill in the blank) in the drivers seat..


Just watch how a person conducts himself when he drives a vehicle, that is how he conducts himself in the rest of his affairs.


Nine Lives
Bicycle riders that yell at me for blocking the bike lane but its ok for them to blow through every red light.

I don't quite get your point here DS.

The truck is blocking a lane that is dedicated for cyclist and is affecting the cyclist ability to exercise his/her rights.
The cyclist blowing through the red light is not affecting your rights in any way.

It may affect you emotionally because you think that someone else is getting preferential treatment or that there is "double standards" ... a psychiatrist can help you with that. :wink2:

Let me ask you a question; Do you find yourself feeling that you are a victim? jk :peaceful:


I don't quite get your point here DS.

The truck is blocking a lane that is dedicated for cyclist and is affecting the cyclist ability to exercise his/her rights.
The cyclist blowing through the red light is not affecting your rights in any way.
I don't care about his rights.I am going to stop wherever I have to to get the job done.When they yell at me,I tell them to call the police.James Bond has a licence to kill,and as far as I'm concerned they are lucky I only have a licence to park anywhere I like.I don't go out of my way to piss off cyclists,but it could be said that if they are going to break the law,they have no right to tell me where to park.

It may affect you emotionally because you think that someone else is getting preferential treatment or that there is "double standards" ... a psychiatrist can help you with that. :wink2:
I doubt that,everything ups does is based on double standards,I am just an extention of that .

Let me ask you a question; Do you find yourself feeling that you are a victim? jk :peaceful:
No ,I sleep quite well at night knowing in my heart that bicycles belong in the park,not on major roadways.
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The cyclists around here seem to have gotten it in their heads that they own the roads. It irritates the hell out of me when they are in the middle of my lane and not using the bike lane that is right next to them.:happy-very:


Retired 23 years
The cyclists around here seem to have gotten it in their heads that they own the roads. It irritates the hell out of me when they are in the middle of my lane and not using the bike lane that is right next to them.:happy-very:

It always amazes me how the cyclists want to be respected on the road but think nothing of running stop signs and cutting in and out of trafic.


STUG, he is just overcompensating. You must threaten his manliness...
I bet that truck will never haul anything but a big (fill in the blank) in the drivers seat..

Just watch how a person conducts himself when he drives a vehicle, that is how he conducts himself in the rest of his affairs.
These are 2 very good points.

I don't quite get your point here DS.

The truck is blocking a lane that is dedicated for cyclist and is affecting the cyclist ability to exercise his/her rights.
The cyclist blowing through the red light is not affecting your rights in any way.

It may affect you emotionally because you think that someone else is getting preferential treatment or that there is "double standards" ... a psychiatrist can help you with that. :wink2:

Let me ask you a question; Do you find yourself feeling that you are a victim? jk :peaceful:
Ha Ha Ha, Very good, Hoax.

No ,I sleep quite well at night knowing in my heart that bicycles belong in the park,not on major roadways.
This from a guy that thinks I'm wasting heartbeats by exercising. Tell you what, ride a bike for a week. You'll quit smoking, notice an increase in your bank acct. and notice your blood pressure and heartrate come way down.

The cyclists around here seem to have gotten it in their heads that they own the roads. It irritates the hell out of me when they are in the middle of my lane and not using the bike lane that is right next to them.:happy-very:
Here's why "we" do this. If you take a look at any bike lane, you'll notice that this is where all of the road debris builds up. I'm not kidding, really, take a look. Kind of hard to ride over all of that without getting a flat. Solution? Call your county commission, council, state rep and tell them that they need to get the bike lanes clean as the dirt is making the riders stay in the main part of the road.


Pal stickers over the bar code. When someone says i would look great if I dyed my hair(Beeeotch, you would look great if you lost eighty pounds) . Replacement drivers that leave a soda bottle full of piss in my truck. When i get 50 text messages everytime Raiders screw up a draft. when customer says" boy, your late today" and its 3:30 and i know ill be out till 8:00. When the fine girl in apt 141 isnt home that day. When wearing shorts and piss bounces off urinal on to my leg. New pick ups. People who order 10 drinks at starbucks. Drivers who are late 100 times a year,mis deliver stuff, get in accidents, then say ups is out to get them once they finally get in trouble.


Well-Known Member
1) Restaurant workers who leave their entire menu on your stylus and diad board after signing. I tell them to keep the stylus compliments of ups. or the residential delivery that come to the door with wet hands at which point I ask them is that just water on your hands?
2) Supervisors that think they can call you on your personal cell phone or send messages on diad to call center now! and when you finally stop somewhere to use a phone they ask you something like do you have a package for so&so. aggh use the diad :censored2:.
3) Still cant understand why center cant notify you when another driver notifies center they have a misload for your area???? Yeah I love driving 5 miles to BFE only not to find package. Here is a typical supervisor mentality when asking him that same question "it cost UPS 35 cents everytime we send messages to drivers" I just had to turn around and walk away. haha
4)When UPS promotes the worst drivers into supervision just to get them off-road(see above) and then they proceed to tell you how good they were. Hello Stupidvisor you were just promoted 6 months ago. WE Remember!!
5)People who buy brand new ATVs and then proceed to change tires (that I have to freaking deliver)before it leaves the showroom. wouldnt do this with a new automobile would you?
6)Tax refund time when the autoparts store starts getting an increased influx of Rims in and then seeing the customers pick up their BLING with their kids just in a diaper! Buy some shoes and clothes for your kids parents! your 8 illegitment kids are the only reason you getting the refund in the first place.
7)A family of 6 walking shoulder to shoulder in the center of the parking isles at walmart. when you tap your horn they yell out "I's be's walking here's" lol
I have alot more but I'm starting to get angry and my doctor said they can't up my medication any higher!!!!
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