pet peeves


What the hell is YOUPS??
Workers that COMPLAIN!!!!! especially when they are like 20 years old!!
People who use the word "like" in every sentance, especially when they use it more than once.


also, i hate billy mays and i have a strong hate for the shamwow guy

I love how he claims "we can't do this all day" but I see the commercial 43 times a week. The Shamwow guy has a new commercial now. Some sort of miracle chopper of excellence.


Well-Known Member
what are some work related things that really piss you off?

i gotta say my number one thing is people who give you advice on things when you didnt want the advice or need it or ask for it

theres 1 dockworker in particular who does it to EVERYBODY......he thinks his shhh dont stink and that he knows everything about everything.....and hes only been in the freight business for 6 months

and we have a driver named JR who gives everybody advice when they dont want it.......if i dont ask for help or tell you i need help why are you trying to help me? im talking about little things, they give advice on the most petty of things.....even after i tell them both very stern i dont need your advice i know what the friend* im doing they still do everybody

another thing that really gets me is drivers who wont let you over or cut right in front of you.........60,000 lbs dont stop on a dime!:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

I didn't read through the entire thread to see if this was mentioned yet(probably was) but here is my huge pet peeve...

DO NOT use me as a training aid for your damn dog. I am not impressed that you can make your dog 'stay' or 'sit' when was going ape ****** just a moment ago. I love animals but I am not impressed by how you talk to your dog or how your mutt responds when you 'command' him/ner to do something. To paraphrase Jack Nickolson...

"Son, we live in a world that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and curse the Marines; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives and that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use then as the backbone of a life trying to defend something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest that you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."


Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
  • DR bags that seem to be sealed shut at the opening. You need a crowbar to open the darn things:angry:
  • DR bags where the bottom rips out when you put a package in them:angry:
  • DR bags in general:angry:


Well-Known Member
I had a sig. req. yesterday and I could smell the cologne from on the deck. About 15 min later I am itching my chin and the cologne is on my hand.

...I swear I never touched him

How much do you have to put on to actually change the scent of society??

City Driver

Well-Known Member
I had a sig. req. yesterday and I could smell the cologne from on the deck. About 15 min later I am itching my chin and the cologne is on my hand.

...I swear I never touched him

How much do you have to put on to actually change the scent of society??

we got a driver who does this, i swear you can smell him when he first walks on to the dock

its a nice smelling colone but i just wonder how much he actually uses


It drives me crazy when I go to do a ODS (oncall) pickup and the person says....(WHAT?) you're here already? They said you'd be here between 5 and 8 PM....Hmmm since I'm in Toronto and the call centre is almost 3000 miles away in Moncton New Brunswick,how could they possibly know when I'd be there???GRRRR


People who do not control their dogs. I don't mean the dogs that are waiting to take a bite out of us as we approach the walkway. I mean the dogs that are inside, (all sizes mind you), that start going absolutely crazy when they see/hear us. They claw at the door and tear down the window blinds/curtains. They even leave the dog to roam free in the house when they are not home. I don't know about you people, but I wouldn't have an animal do that to my house. I mean, what's the deal here? Can't they just put them in a dog kennel?


Well-Known Member
People who buy scratch off lottery tickets and then stand at the register and scratch them while people are waiting in line.

People who scrape change together to buy lottery tickets.


Well-Known Member
At my center they are cutting out routes like crazy and splitting up the work onto surrounding routes. I hate it when this is happening and you get to every stop and get asked why I'm not here when the normal guy is... I used to feel the need to try to explain, but most people give me a blank stare or act like I'm telling them a lie! Route cutting, I guess that is what really gets to me now..


People who buy scratch off lottery tickets and then stand at the register and scratch them while people are waiting in line.

People who scrape change together to buy lottery tickets.
Sound like something that just happened today. Still fresh on your mind. Don't tell me, they drove away in a mid 80's station wagon as well?


Well-Known Member
STUG, I came very close to almost running over one of your cycling buddies. I was driving through our local college and was turning right in to the bookstore. I had seen the guy earlier but had lost track of him. Well, doesn't he end up in my blind spot and I almost ran him over. He was able to stop in time but for some reason he was riding along the side of the truck. No harm, no foul, but it could have had a much different ending.


Retired Senior Member
STUG, I came very close to almost running over one of your cycling buddies. I was driving through our local college and was turning right in to the bookstore. I had seen the guy earlier but had lost track of him. Well, doesn't he end up in my blind spot and I almost ran him over. He was able to stop in time but for some reason he was riding along the side of the truck. No harm, no foul, but it could have had a much different ending.

When I'm in heavy in town traffic it always seems that the people on bikes make better time than motor vehicles. They will pass the stopped traffic that's gridlocked and next thing you know you know they are 2 blocks ahead of you.

It is easy to lose track of them!


Not sure if it was mentioned yet but it happens to me all the time at ONE mall. You're pulling your dolly a long with it overflowing with packages and you're heading to the lovely automatic doors when suddenly...some bonehead sees you and races you to the autodoors because apparently their arms are broken and they can't use the doors beside the autodoor.


When I'm in heavy in town traffic it always seems that the people on bikes make better time than motor vehicles. They will pass the stopped traffic that's gridlocked and next thing you know you know they are 2 blocks ahead of you.

It is easy to lose track of them!
Thats because they weasel thier way through traffic and ignore traffic lights looking all aerodynanic and spandexy.There would be a lot less dead cyclists if they would stay off the road.Bikes are for parks,the tour de France,and Thailand.Get a motor,or get off the road.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Cover drivers who feel the need to reorganize my truck. It's not your's, don't :censored2: with it!!!! Or put it back when your done. I have my stuff in certain places for a reason.

As much as I want to agree with you Cement, I can't. Its not your truck either. Its the company's. The cover driver has every right to move things around when he covers because its as much his truck as it yours.

Your CRAP is probably in HIS way on HIS truck for the day. And no, he shouldn't have to put things back when done. He's not a house-keeper, lol.

If you don't want your belongings messed with, don't leave them in the truck.

When I cover your route food and drinks left in the package car are fair game as far as I'm concered. The pre-load eats my left-overs and it never makes it to the next driver or me, lol.

Cement, you wrote: "Cover drivers who feel the need to reorganize my truck. It's not your's, don't :censored2: with it!!!! Or put it back when your done. I have my stuff in certain places for a reason"

What is in there for anyone to friend with is the question I have? When I'm done for the day, I leave nothing behind that I would not want friend'ed with.

Now, I'm curious. What exactly are you ticked off about????

City Driver

Well-Known Member
When I cover your route food and drinks left in the package car are fair game as far as I'm concered. The pre-load eats my left-overs and it never makes it to the next driver or me, lol.

since i become a yard jockey, the jockey on the shift before me leaves me a snack atleast 4 days a week

chips, cheetos, cookies, pop......alot of times i just give them away cuz im not real into junk food but sometimes its an early lunch


As much as I want to agree with you Cement, I can't. Its not your truck either. Its the company's. The cover driver has every right to move things around when he covers because its as much his truck as it yours.

Your CRAP is probably in HIS way on HIS truck for the day. And no, he shouldn't have to put things back when done. He's not a house-keeper, lol.

If you don't want your belongings messed with, don't leave them in the truck.

When I cover your route food and drinks left in the package car are fair game as far as I'm concered. The pre-load eats my left-overs and it never makes it to the next driver or me, lol.

Cement, you wrote: "Cover drivers who feel the need to reorganize my truck. It's not your's, don't :censored2: with it!!!! Or put it back when your done. I have my stuff in certain places for a reason"

What is in there for anyone to friend with is the question I have? When I'm done for the day, I leave nothing behind that I would not want friend'ed with.

Now, I'm curious. What exactly are you ticked off about????

We have a few drivers that use milk crates to store there stuff in. Water cups/jugs, extra ASD's/GSD's, kleenex, etc. I think it's a great idea. It keeps the shelf organized and contained. Works well and I never worry about or bother with anything that is there. If the driver leaves their cup up front I put it in the box.
We also have one driver in particular that does not use anything to contain his crap. Half of shelf 4 is a freaking disaster. Garbage, dr bags, lunch box/ice chest (usually with water in it), anything and everything. Preload just loads on top of everything. It is such a mess that a NDA got lost in it. The bid driver did the rte, lost the air and the next day I did the rte and found the air. The only reason I found it was because I couldn't stand the mess and I was organizing (hehe Cement) it. The envelope was upside down under all the crap. Some people are just pigs!:happy2:


Well-Known Member
. It is such a mess that a NDA got lost in it. The bid driver did the rte, lost the air and the next day I did the rte and found the air. The only reason I found it was because I couldn't stand the mess and I was organizing (hehe Cement) it. The envelope was upside down under all the crap. Some people are just pigs!:happy2:

I had a similar experience. My truck got swapped for a larger one during peak. When I got it back in Jan. a USPS tote with all sorts of crap was in section 4000. I left it there out of lazyness.

I finally got around to tossing it and Feb. and what do you guess I found? A NDA saver envelope that was to make service on Nov. 17th:surprised:. You can tell by the pal label. In very small print is the time and date the package was SPA'd. OOOPS


I had a similar experience. My truck got swapped for a larger one during peak. When I got it back in Jan. a USPS tote with all sorts of crap was in section 4000. I left it there out of lazyness.

I finally got around to tossing it and Feb. and what do you guess I found? A NDA saver envelope that was to make service on Nov. 17th:surprised:. You can tell by the pal label. In very small print is the time and date the package was SPA'd. OOOPS
That is how I knew the one I found was a day late. It pissed me off that the service failure went on my record.