pet peeves


Cats that think they can lay anywhere they want to:angry:

Funny, look at that, another post by that UpstateNYUpser guy.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Amusement park peeves.

The overly participant person, who sings during the sing-alongs before a show starts. For instance, before the dolphin show starts at Sea World, they have a guy come out and sing while playing the guitar. A guy sitting next to me was singing like he was auditioning for American Idol, very annoying.

I, don't have a problem with strollers, but can we please move them to the side, so that the masses can move freely on the sidewalk. You must not leave a two child stroller in the middle as the two parents stand on each side of it, very annoying.

This one is the most annoying. When people arrive early for a popular show, they do this to get a good seat, especially if you have to sit down on the lawn. The late arrivals come and think it's ok, for them and the kids to sit next to you in a space meant for maybe one person. Why do you think we arrived early?


Along those same lines:

People that don't move to the right to let you pass while trying to walk around them, or toward them.

People that, walking in a group, spread out and don't squeeze back in to let you pass in the opposite direction, or the same direction for that matter.

Parking rules in NYC.




Bicyclists that pay no attention to road rules.

Last week I was about 1/2 mile from home.
I had the green light in a huge intersection
and saw a cyclist waiting to cross the intersection perpendicular
and across the street from me. He proceeds to try and
cross against the red light almost causing me to collide with him,
as with all the rest of the cars on the Boulevard as well.


Well-Known Member
What is the fascination with bumper stickers. A guy on my route has the whole rear end of his truck plastered with them. It's an older model, but every imaginable one is displayed. Madonna's 1985 World tour, Clinton Lied But Nobody Died, No MSG's(like in chinesse food), No Plastic, Where's the beef?......


Pet Peeve:

Idiots at who place the 5x7 label directly in the middle of the box over the seal so the label collapses and you cannot get a scan. Yes there are times you cannot place it anywhere else, and if it's done by machine then I understand, but I wish they would fix that ****.


Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
What is the fascination with bumper stickers. A guy on my route has the whole rear end of his truck plastered with them. It's an older model, but every imaginable one is displayed. Madonna's 1985 World tour, Clinton Lied But Nobody Died, No MSG's(like in chinesse food), No Plastic, Where's the beef?......
What do you think is holding the truck together?


Bringin Teh_Lulz
Had a coworker bitching to me today about another coworker not putting tape ups on the underslide...So he said he wasnt gonna tale em up and told me that "I better not tape them up either" :whiteflag:


Active Member
Yes the whats in it kills me. And the people whos dog is ready to tear open the door, so you drop and run but they open the door and let the dog out saying how he doesnt bite... Iv been bite 3 times to bleed . Love animals but now I put off the holly **** sent and they go right for me .
If you are a preloader and nor wearing brown you are completely invisible to the drivers. In my building a pleasant good morning will barely get a grunt in reply from most drivers.

I have to admit when I was a Preloader it's funny how Drivers seem to think that we were all lazy and not worth anything. I laugh because man UPS must have been a smooth running machine when they Preloaded!! They talk as if they never loaded a missort or everyone of their trucks was packed perfect and always ready to go when the driver got there :) I'm always nice to the preloaders now. I hated waking up for that job and doing my best and not getting any respect from the drivers (Especially the old ones. You know who you are)


Well-Known Member
I have to admit when I was a Preloader it's funny how Drivers seem to think that we were all lazy and not worth anything. I laugh because man UPS must have been a smooth running machine when they Preloaded!! They talk as if they never loaded a missort or everyone of their trucks was packed perfect and always ready to go when the driver got there :) I'm always nice to the preloaders now. I hated waking up for that job and doing my best and not getting any respect from the drivers (Especially the old ones. You know who you are)
I used to load 4 trucks and a split truck and my drivers would check with me and not the sup to see how the load was. They knew it was hard and I think they appreciated the work I did.