pet peeves


Staff member
since i become a yard jockey, the jockey on the shift before me leaves me a snack atleast 4 days a week

chips, cheetos, cookies, pop......alot of times i just give them away cuz im not real into junk food but sometimes its an early lunch

Just wondering....

Do you wash your hands, or eat it with your gloves on?

(C'mon, someone was gonna ask!!!!)


STUG, I came very close to almost running over one of your cycling buddies. I was driving through our local college and was turning right in to the bookstore. I had seen the guy earlier but had lost track of him. Well, doesn't he end up in my blind spot and I almost ran him over. He was able to stop in time but for some reason he was riding along the side of the truck. No harm, no foul, but it could have had a much different ending.
The bike should have yielded to you as you were turning and it was behind you, though if I see a bike in the same situation I usually ease up and let it pass, clearing the sidewalk as I make my turn. You're a skilled driver, Upstate, not many people would have cared.

When I'm in heavy in town traffic it always seems that the people on bikes make better time than motor vehicles. They will pass the stopped traffic that's gridlocked and next thing you know you know they are 2 blocks ahead of you.

It is easy to lose track of them!
Very true. This is why they have so many "Bike's sharing the road" signs.

Thats because they weasel thier way through traffic and ignore traffic lights looking all aerodynanic and spandexy.There would be a lot less dead cyclists if they would stay off the road.Bikes are for parks,the tour de France,and Thailand.Get a motor,or get off the road.:wink2:
DS, you have issues!
Legal status of bicycles
(Sections 316.003(2), (10) and 316.2065(1), friend.S.)

A bicycle is classified as a vehicle. A person in control of a vehicle on a street or highway is a driver. As a driver, a cyclist must follow the traffic rules common to all drivers. As the driver of a bicycle, he must also obey regulations adopted specially for bicycles. A person riding a bicycle has all the rights applicable to any driver, except as to special regulations for bicycles.

Take it easy there buddy, we're not out to get you.:happy2:
As much as I want to agree with you Cement, I can't. Its not your truck either. Its the company's. The cover driver has every right to move things around when he covers because its as much his truck as it yours.

Your CRAP is probably in HIS way on HIS truck for the day. And no, he shouldn't have to put things back when done. He's not a house-keeper, lol.

If you don't want your belongings messed with, don't leave them in the truck.

When I cover your route food and drinks left in the package car are fair game as far as I'm concered. The pre-load eats my left-overs and it never makes it to the next driver or me, lol.

Cement, you wrote: "Cover drivers who feel the need to reorganize my truck. It's not your's, don't :censored2: with it!!!! Or put it back when your done. I have my stuff in certain places for a reason"

What is in there for anyone to friend with is the question I have? When I'm done for the day, I leave nothing behind that I would not want friend'ed with.

Now, I'm curious. What exactly are you ticked off about????

I had a similar experience. [-]My truck [/-] I mean, the company's truck got swapped for a larger one during peak. When I got it back in Jan. a USPS tote with all sorts of crap was in section 4000. I left it there out of lazyness.

I finally got around to tossing it and Feb. and what do you guess I found? A NDA saver envelope that was to make service on Nov. 17th:surprised:. You can tell by the pal label. In very small print is the time and date the package was SPA'd. OOOPS
Sounds like you're preaching a double standard, bh. The facts are, it is the company's truck/pkg car, but, since there is a bid driver on the route, he/she bears the burden of responsibility, as the cover driver just uses it once in awhile. If you want to get technical, is that car you "own" really "your" car, or the banks? How about your house? See what I'm saying? If a driver has a bid route and always drives the same pkg car he should be able to leave his personal stuff inside and not have to carry it back and forth daily.

As for the cover driver, it's their responsibility to remove trash that they caused throughout the day. Would it be alright for the cover driver to leave a urine filled bottle behind? C'mon, what's right is right. I can understand adjusting mirrors and seats, but leaving junk behind is just wrong. JMHO, as always.


Well-Known Member
As much as I want to agree with you Cement, I can't. Its not your truck either. Its the company's. The cover driver has every right to move things around when he covers because its as much his truck as it yours.

Your CRAP is probably in HIS way on HIS truck for the day. And no, he shouldn't have to put things back when done. He's not a house-keeper, lol.

If you don't want your belongings messed with, don't leave them in the truck.

When I cover your route food and drinks left in the package car are fair game as far as I'm concered. The pre-load eats my left-overs and it never makes it to the next driver or me, lol.

Cement, you wrote: "Cover drivers who feel the need to reorganize my truck. It's not your's, don't :censored2: with it!!!! Or put it back when your done. I have my stuff in certain places for a reason"

What is in there for anyone to friend with is the question I have? When I'm done for the day, I leave nothing behind that I would not want friend'ed with.

Now, I'm curious. What exactly are you ticked off about????

Yeah, but you gotta admit that it's a a bit of common courtesy. I also hate when I come back from a vacation or a day off and find my stuff (what little there is) moved around.
I don't mean shifted around, I am talking about everything seems to have been put in a different place.
It's quite annoying.


Well-Known Member
Drivers who take 6 hours to take the exceptions off of their car.

people who order furniture

people who begin Christmas shopping in March

men who dress like 12 year olds

"Cat ladies"

Fat flirty chicks

people who suck at golf yet give you pointers

anyone with children who spends more time at their own softball games than their kids' games.

anyone who special orders a softball bat

of course "What is it?"

Tennessee fans who think the Vols don't suck

The guys in the center who are in "The Country Club"

Arabs who say their name very quickly and act peeved when you ask them again


The French

"Hope and Change"

people who play "Mafia Wars" on Facebook

Mustard colored dress suits (on men)

people who get their first tattoo at the age of 45.

nose rings

eyebrow rings

supporters of partial birth abortion

Al Gore

Al Sharpton

Jesse Jackson

Al Franken

getting "double tapped" on union dues

That guy who smells like ass even though we haven't even left the building yet

driver follow-ups from the guy who covered while I was on vacation


black people who call white guys things like "Opie". What would happen if I called him "Buckwheat"? I bring this up because a driver in my center calls one of the red-head drivers "Opie". Pisses me off.

Well, that's just a few. I'll think of more.


Retired Senior Member
Drivers who take 6 hours to take the exceptions off of their car.

people who order furniture

people who begin Christmas shopping in March

men who dress like 12 year olds

"Cat ladies"

Fat flirty chicks

people who suck at golf yet give you pointers

anyone with children who spends more time at their own softball games than their kids' games.

anyone who special orders a softball bat

of course "What is it?"

Tennessee fans who think the Vols don't suck

The guys in the center who are in "The Country Club"

Arabs who say their name very quickly and act peeved when you ask them again


The French

"Hope and Change"

people who play "Mafia Wars" on Facebook

Mustard colored dress suits (on men)

people who get their first tattoo at the age of 45.

nose rings

eyebrow rings

supporters of partial birth abortion

Al Gore

Al Sharpton

Jesse Jackson

Al Franken

getting "double tapped" on union dues

That guy who smells like ass even though we haven't even left the building yet

driver follow-ups from the guy who covered while I was on vacation


black people who call white guys things like "Opie". What would happen if I called him "Buckwheat"? I bring this up because a driver in my center calls one of the red-head drivers "Opie". Pisses me off.

Well, that's just a few. I'll think of more.

I hope you write down those other things when you wake up in the middle of the night!

But I'd really like to see your list of favorite things!


Well-Known Member
Peoples intolerance of others really makes me mad!!!!!
To quote Nigel Powers, father of Austin Powers - International Man of Mystery..."There are two things I can't stand, the first are people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and....the Dutch."


People that refuse to say something like, coming!, be right there!, who is it?, or even acknowledge that someone has knocked on their door until you walk all the way down 3 flights of stairs on the way back to the pkg car, at which point they open the door and say, wait a minute!:sad-little:


Well-Known Member
one of the things that pisses me off is when after you make a residential delivery and are walking back to the pkg car.someone opens the door and says "do you need me to sign for it?????"do you really think I needed you to sign you maroon if I just walked AWAY from your house and Im getting back into my truck if I needed you to sign!!!!!!!!!!OHHH I im sorry I just wanted to know what it felt like to walk up your driveway without the 45 lb pkg in my hands!MORONS


Well-Known Member
one of the things that pisses me off is when after you make a residential delivery and are walking back to the pkg car.someone opens the door and says "do you need me to sign for it?????"do you really think I needed you to sign you maroon if I just walked AWAY from your house and Im getting back into my truck if I needed you to sign!!!!!!!!!!OHHH I im sorry I just wanted to know what it felt like to walk up your driveway without the 45 lb pkg in my hands!MORONS

I love that one...

and why is it that the handfull of times that someone happens to come out to meet you , and save you a few steps, which is rare, it happens to be the pkg. that isn't on your car and you have to tell them you can't find it...

never fails


Well-Known Member
People that refuse to say something like, coming!, be right there!, who is it?, or even acknowledge that someone has knocked on their door until you walk all the way down 3 flights of stairs on the way back to the pkg car, at which point they open the door and say, wait a minute!:sad-little:

Here's one you don't have to deal with near the equator...So it just stopped snowing and you are finally 2 and a half hours paid over instead of the 4 hours paid over since the plows came out. You have about 7-8 stops left and you just want to beat feet out of the door and get home so why, WHY, is that the time that you have a house call you rarely have, down a quarter mile long driveway, that is plowed, so you go in anyways only to get stuck.
I have been doing this job quite a long time and I still average about 3 tows a year in lovely New England.

Oh well, I'm on the clock...


Well-Known Member
People who don't mow grass or brush around their property. I had the pleasure of delivering a pkg that wasn't left the day before because it was so overgrown, the other driver thought they moved. Of course they called and said they were there and would meet us at the gate or just leave it by the gate. No problem, except now I am covered in mosquito and chigger bites. Wonderful!!

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Cats that think they can lay anywhere they want to:angry:
