pet peeves


Well-Known Member
When a person, ends a statement with "end of discussion" after making a point. So now we can all rest and not talk about a topic because you say so.


New Member
I hate when people hand you the express envelope without any writing and expect you to fill out the waybill everytime. Do you hand the Mailman an envelope and ask him to write the address too??

Or how about the over weight women who buy the tony little gazelles or the bowflexes and expect me a 135 pound woman to carry it up the stairs into the living room, "Oh I was expecting you to set it up"?!?! Knowing that I'm the only one that is actually going to get the workout outta the damn thing!!

The best one was this past spring when I was 7 months pregnant. I was delivering to a hair salon and the lady told me to carry everything to the back door not to use my cart because it would muck up the floor (which was covered in hair anyway). I asked if I could use the backdoor but they had it buried with boxes. Then she tells me she can't lift anything because she's 3 weeks pregnant and stressed and it's not safe to lift during pregnancy. I just put the boxes down and said "I do door to door delivery, if you have a concern call the 800 #" One of my other customers who's a shipper receiver was getting her hair done and piped up "You know that UPS driver is 7 months pregnant herself" and I just walked out the door.:biting:

City Driver

Well-Known Member
this one PISSES me off.....

driving down a busy street, people on side streets perpendicular to you who think its cool to fly to the stop sign, and your in the right lane, and it dont look like there gonna stop, and they slam on the brakes and stop either right at the edge or hanging into your lane

did i mention i love my air horn?


Well-Known Member
The DFU's on your clip, upon returning from vacation. The clip looks like a phone book with paperwork, mostly from Driver Fouled Up tracers.:angry:


Well-Known Member
1) When people ask "Well what's in it??"
2) When people ignore me when I need a signature.
3) People that don't speak friggen English.
4) The smell of curry. (Edison, NJ full of Indians.)
5) Being called "yezz my friend."
6) When they send me into Iselin to do commercial stops every Monday.
7) Loaders who load packages with the adress label facing toward the wall.
8) When the shop steward tells me not to look at my DIAD till my start time.
9) Stops at the end of a long narrow dead end.
10) Landscapers parking anywhere they please.
11) Basket ball hoops that hang over the street.

That's all I can think of for now...


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
1) When people ask "Well what's in it??"
2) When people ignore me when I need a signature.
3) People that don't speak friggen English.
4) The smell of curry. (Edison, NJ full of Indians.)
5) Being called "yezz my friend."
6) When they send me into Iselin to do commercial stops every Monday.
7) Loaders who load packages with the adress label facing toward the wall.
8) When the shop steward tells me not to look at my DIAD till my start time.
9) Stops at the end of a long narrow dead end.
10) Landscapers parking anywhere they please.
11) Basket ball hoops that hang over the street.

That's all I can think of for now...

That one irritates me also. Since when does owning a lawnmower and a pick-up truck give you the right to block any street you want? :dissapointed:


I have to admit when I was a Preloader it's funny how Drivers seem to think that we were all lazy and not worth anything. I laugh because man UPS must have been a smooth running machine when they Preloaded!! They talk as if they never loaded a missort or everyone of their trucks was packed perfect and always ready to go when the driver got there :) I'm always nice to the preloaders now. I hated waking up for that job and doing my best and not getting any respect from the drivers (Especially the old ones. You know who you are)
Not all driver's have preloaded/reloaded before. We have a bunch that just walked in off the street. It's hard to appreciate someone's hard work when you've never done it yourself.

Here's one for the people that hate cars parked in cul de sacs. I practically had to make a 12 point turn to get out of this mess.:dissapointed:


Why didn't you just back in to the driveway by the white pickup truck?:wink2:
Honestly, I haven't backed into a driveway for almost 5 months now. I just won't do it, even if the house is just a few houses into a street. I'll never get a driveway concern again, not that I have in the past, but just covering my butt.


Neighbors who think they can help you complete your delivery. As you are walking up the driveway they ask what house are you looking for. I like to make up a house number to confuse them, or I tell them I am not looking for one, I am going to this one.


Well-Known Member
When making a delivery to an office, with packages that obviously belong to a worker not the buss. The person signing for them will ask the recipient of the goods, do you want him(me) to take them to your car?
What? Did you hear me asking this person this? Why would they assume I'm ok with this? Cannot stand it.:angry:


Well-Known Member
When making a delivery to an office, with packages that obviously belong to a worker not the buss. The person signing for them will ask the recipient of the goods, do you want him(me) to take them to your car?
What? Did you hear me asking this person this? Why would they assume I'm ok with this? Cannot stand it.:angry:

I'm confused--are these pkgs addressed there but are personal pkgs or are you indirecting pkgs to this address because you know that this person works there and are trying to save yourself some time? I do this whenever possible and if the consignee is OK with it and, yes, will offer to put larger items in their car.
Neighbors who think they can help you complete your delivery. As you are walking up the driveway they ask what house are you looking for. I like to make up a house number to confuse them, or I tell them I am not looking for one, I am going to this one.
A variation of this is, as you are walking up to the correct house the neighbor out in his/her yard ask you," is that for me?". yep it's for you I just thought I would leave it over here so you can get it from's your sign.
Getting 3 pages of add/cuts 30 minutes before the drivers are supposed to leave (The past 2 hours of working have just been negated).

I'm supposed to load at 240 packages an hour, yet I'm getting enough boxes to load 290 an hour while other loaders are only getting enough to load 100/hour. Why don't they just give them one of my trucks so they don't have to come help me?

Drivers who sit in their trucks while you load it and eat their breakfast all while you smell it and are starving because you have been working hard the past 3.5 hours.

Drivers who complain how many stops they have. I don't give a #$%# how many stops you have! Go complain to someone else. I'm not your crying shoulder.

Sups telling us that we can't sit on the slide. What, is my butt going to slip on the slide?

Seeing the sup the first 30 minutes of working then disappears for next 3.25 hours, then coming back the last 15 minutes to tell us to hurry up and put your packages away. #$#$ you!

The first thing drivers say is "I had a misload yesterday". Uh, first of all, hello and good morning, and your welcome for the perfect load you had yesterday. Okay, now what were you saying about the misload? Was the package small, big, what shelf, let me know the specifics so maybe I won't misload next time?

Sups who insist on telling me what I already do even though I have been loading longer than they have been suping. No you are not important! Leave me the #%$* alone! Do your job first then you can help me with mine.

Having to help other loaders after busting my butt to get clean. Now I just work slow and have other loaders help me.

The sups stupidity. How the hell these guys have authority over me? Can I itch slap you?


Well-Known Member
I'm confused--are these pkgs addressed there but are personal pkgs or are you indirecting pkgs to this address because you know that this person works there and are trying to save yourself some time? I do this whenever possible and if the consignee is OK with it and, yes, will offer to put larger items in their car.
Sorry for not clarifying the issue. These packages are not indirected ones, but belong to employees who use the buss. address for deliveries. I can see if their vehicle was parked just outside the buss. but when it's parked half a block away, forget it.


Prblm found,part on order
Shop steward who deflects when asked questions about getting me out of a jam!!! Who won't do his damn job well and I end up defending myself.
All because he doesn't want to make a wave for himself and fears the fleet manager may come down on him!! :angry::angry::biting::biting:

Next time I need representation, I'll do it myself!!:angry::angry: