Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You don't know how hard it is for me to type this----I agree with moreluck.

TOS, you are way off base on this. If anything, I would think the fact that the boyfriend was an illegal alien would have been a bigger deal.

A person's sexual orientation has absolutely no bearing on their job performance.

I have seen this in a couple of posts now and the facts do not substantiate it. I understand the reason why a left wing zealot would post this. But this story broke on our news here in Arizona. These left wing zealots get there info from the left wing zealot blog-o-sphere. As we know, the internet spews hate and malcontent. Comments are changed or manipulated or taken out of context to fit the circumstance.

I saw the interview on local AZ news where the question was asked to the sheriff. He said that he had no reason to believe his ex-boyfriend from 8 months ago was an illegal alien. Here is his exact quote "
I never believed he was less legal than I or you are.” Any thing about the boyfriend being illegal is an outright lie engineered by the left to bash the sheriff.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm under his Commie spell. You know,when he was a child in Kenya, his father was a witch doctor and the young Obama learned a powerful spell he could cast upon Liberals. Once the spell wears off, we will immediately convert to Islam and begin taking your guns away. Actually, the Tea Party defines ignorance. You are being taken on the Dupe Roller Coaster ride of the century, yet you still get back in-line to ride again. Your GOP handlers have you just where they want you, and you'll never figure it out. You are "tools", plain and simple.
Commie spell, witch doctor...Wow you have more problems than I even imagined. --- The Tea Party is maligned by your type because of its success, you're jealous, OWS...LMFAO!!!---------Your DMC cronies have you right where we want you= oblivious and clueless to what America is really about...Keep on talking because you just makeyour case weaker with every word that comes out of your pie hole...!


Well-Known Member
You will repeat and believe anything that supports your hate of a black president.



Color has nothing to do with it and I'm pretty sure you know that, but that seems to be your crutch for justification.
Everyone you agree with is a "genius"; everyone with an opposing view is "idiotic"- is that a Democratic thing or a California thing?


Staff member
Commie spell, witch doctor...Wow you have more problems than I even imagined. --- The Tea Party is maligned by your type because of its success, you're jealous, OWS...LMFAO!!!---------Your DMC cronies have you right where we want you= oblivious and clueless to what America is really about...Keep on talking because you just makeyour case weaker with every word that comes out of your pie hole...!
Success? The Tea Party is about to hand the 2012 election to Obama and let the democrats keep the senate. Very soon you are going to wake up and 2010 will seem a very, very, long time ago.


golden ticket member
Success? The Tea Party is about to hand the 2012 election to Obama and let the democrats keep the senate. Very soon you are going to wake up and 2010 will seem a very, very, long time ago.

You know, everybody in a race needs to know there's a chance (no matter how small) that they could lose. Even Obama is talking about the next 4 years like it's a sure thing.


Engorged Member
Commie spell, witch doctor...Wow you have more problems than I even imagined. --- The Tea Party is maligned by your type because of its success, you're jealous, OWS...LMFAO!!!---------Your DMC cronies have you right where we want you= oblivious and clueless to what America is really about...Keep on talking because you just makeyour case weaker with every word that comes out of your pie hole...!

With every passing day, the Tea Party/GOP Clown Circus gains voters...for Barack Obama. Your views are so outlandish and backward that most reasonable people reject you immediately. All you've got is a small core group of solid crazies, and that isn't enough to win a general election. So sorry. FAIL!!!


golden ticket member
So, where's the papers/pictures that Breitbart wanted to release??
Andrew wasn't lying when he claimed to have "Weiner" pics.


Engorged Member
That's why Obama had him killed.

More conspiracy theories...jeez. From what I've read about Breitbart, he really liked the booze. Perhaps he pickled himself. Obama concentrates on killing valid targets, like terrorists, not nuts like Breitbart. Nobody assassnated him. It's sad that ge died so young, but he was eventually going to implode anyway as his credibility diminished.


Well-Known Member

MFE may have a point. Now had Breitbart been an Afghani or Pakistani child, the killing and bombing them to death, you'd have a very valid argument!

"only killing valid terrorists"

What a knee slapper that is but then only someone who blindly follows a psychopath would ever say something so stupid to begin with!


Engorged Member

MFE may have a point. Now had Breitbart been an Afghani or Pakistani child, the killing and bombing them to death, you'd have a very valid argument!

"only killing valid terrorists"

What a knee slapper that is but then only someone who blindly follows a psychopath would ever say something so stupid to begin with!

While I disagree with what is happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Hoaxter's insinuation was that Breitbart was targeted specifically. Drone strikes specifically target terrorists, but also sometimes kill innocent civilians, who have NOT been specifically targeted. I find it really hard to even think about Breitbart being assassinated. That's just crackpot nonsense.


Strength through joy
More conspiracy theories...jeez. From what I've read about Breitbart, he really liked the booze. Perhaps he pickled himself. Obama concentrates on killing valid targets, like terrorists, not nuts like Breitbart. Nobody assassnated him. It's sad that ge died so young, but he was eventually going to implode anyway as his credibility diminished.
Care to explain all those sudden deaths involving Rev. Wrights Choir group just as bhos was announcing his campaign back in 2007 ?


Well-Known Member
While I disagree with what is happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Hoaxter's insinuation was that Breitbart was targeted specifically. Drone strikes specifically target terrorists, but also sometimes kill innocent civilians, who have NOT been specifically targeted. I find it really hard to even think about Breitbart being assassinated. That's just crackpot nonsense.

I always wondered which class Hoax flunked in college and now I know. It was elemental sarcasm!

Oh wait, I got it so what does that mean?


Staff member
Care to explain all those sudden deaths involving Rev. Wrights Choir group just as bhos was announcing his campaign back in 2007 ?
No. Do you care to explain them without baseless accusations, wild speculation, and flat out lying? No. I didn't think so.