Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
400K birthers vs. 52 million american voters for OBAMA...

Yeah, the scales of balance are close...good luck wasting your time!


you forgot to include the 48 million who did not vote for your messiah.

So the amount would be 48,446,079 and it keeps growing.:happy-very:


Strength through joy
You know you’re a Birther when:
Green is your least favorite color.
You know more about Millard Fillmore than Barack Obama
You see an ad for a butcher shop in Chicago that sells, “natural-born chickens.”
You think that “Out of Africa” is a film about Obama’s birthplace.
A cop asks to see your driver’s license, and you tell him to visit
You found Obama’s name in the “Guinness Book of No Records.”
You wonder if Obama gave his grandmother, “end-of-life counseling.”
“Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” was a job announcement for Obama’s attorney.
For the first time in your adult life, you feel really punked by the President.
You give a gold plaque to Kapiolani that says, Obama was NOT born here.”
While vacationing in Hawaii , you dialed, “411,” and got Janice Okubo.
The three major networks are trash-talking about you during Sweeps Week.


Strength through joy
From Obama own website:............
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor
sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship
automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
How could it expire, if he never had it?

And how come Kenya now has a national holiday in his honor ?


Space Cadet
Oh Ok so you're saying we should discount the interests of the minority?

If thats the case lets forget about the health care needs of 40 million since 460 million have it?:peaceful:

uh, US population is estimated at around 305 million in 2009. Just saying....


Strength through joy
Booked hospital tour
Progress Now founder and Chief Executive Officer Michael Huttner is throwing in a sassy grand prize for the winner of a contest to promote his new book, "50 Ways You Can Help Obama Change America."
He's asking people to submit ideas how to help President Obama to his Web site to supplement the ideas proposed his book. A winner chosen Nov. 4 will receive a trip for two to Honolulu for a private tour of the hospital where President Obama was born and the opportunity to participate in a community service project there for the Martin Luther King Day of Service on Jan. 19.
If there were any doubts that this was a shot at the "birthers" who continue to demand Mr. Obama's birth certificate as evidence of his U.S. citizenship, Mr. Huttner quickly dispelled them.
"Not only are we challenging the entire birther theory, we invite them to enter the contest so we can personally show them the truth," he said in an e-mail.



I was reading on the American Psychological Association's website and it said that at least 1.5-2.0% of the population suffers from "Paranoid Personality Disorder". If that's true, then at 450,000 signatures you are at least 5.5 million short. Maybe you can help reach the nutballer's goal by 2012?


I am a proud nutballer .

I realize that there is a good chance that Obama might have been born in Hawaii.

I also know that the Obama people have not quickly and completely provided the required proof. I realize that the Obama people have not only been less then forth coming but have at times acted evasively. For that reason I am a proud and loyal "nutballer" with a clean mental health record.

When I see someone from the left attack those who simply ask for a complete accounting by calling them nutballers then I know we must press on. If you on the left had nothing to worry about then you would join us in calling for a complete accounting. Your attacks clearly show that somewhere in the back of your mind you are worried that there may be something to Obama being foriegn born.


Well-Known Member
I am a proud nutballer .

I realize that there is a good chance that Obama might have been born in Hawaii.

I also know that the Obama people have not quickly and completely provided the required proof. I realize that the Obama people have not only been less then forth coming but have at times acted evasively. For that reason I am a proud and loyal "nutballer" with a clean mental health record.

When I see someone from the left attack those who simply ask for a complete accounting by calling them nutballers then I know we must press on. If you on the left had nothing to worry about then you would join us in calling for a complete accounting. Your attacks clearly show that somewhere in the back of your mind you are worried that there may be something to Obama being foriegn born.

That's the beauty of the birth certificate facter. We love watching your side squirm over it. It's like danglinging a carrot over a rabbit hole. Why end a good thing before it's


That's the beauty of the birth certificate facter. We love watching your side squirm over it. It's like danglinging a carrot over a rabbit hole. Why end a good thing before it's

We'll talk some more when you're paying 80 percent of your check towards taxes and getting your boils treated in a cuban style hospital.:happy-very:


Let us know again when it get's to 40 Million.

baba gounj , as his post said ..when it gets to 40 million, not 570, 000. :wink2: Although the number has grown impressively, is it possible that some or many are signing the petition multiple times?


Strength through joy
baba gounj , as his post said ..when it gets to 40 million, not 570, 000. :wink2: Although the number has grown impressively, is it possible that some or many are signing the petition multiple times?

And I thank you, pickup for doing just that.


Strength through joy
This is a note of great concern to all of barry's supporters;
It has come to my attention that ever time some newspaper reporter does a story on this issue they all tend to make the same errors.
When writing their "story" why is it that when they say " Hawaii's Health Director, Dr Chiyone Fukino " did stated that ..... the pronoun "he " is used ?
A simple Google images check shows that Dr. Chiyone Fukino is a woman.

That makes every reporter look like a totally jackass. Very sloppy .


Strength through joy
As for all the lawsuits concerning the Kenyan Birth Certificate, once the Kenyan version is submitted as evidence in a court case, it is then up to barry's lawyers to disprove it.
How ?
Hopefully by providing their own copy.


I don't know if you have seen or posted this before. It certainly generates some questions.

Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate


Well-Known Member
By Lee Cataluna
Advertiser Columnist

You have to start out any discussion on this topic with the acknowledgment that the conspiracy theorists will never be satisfied. That is the nature of the game. Any explanation is turned into further evidence of the conspiracy. That's what makes it fun for them and annoying for everyone else. There is no proving them wrong no matter how wrong they are.
That being said, there's this argument: if Barack Obama's Hawai'i birth certificate, the one that looks just like the birth certificates of every baby born in Hawai'i from 1961 through today, is not enough to prove his citizenship, how come the same form has worked for the rest of us?
OK, no one else born in Hawai'i has ever been president before, but that same type of birth certificate has been used by, what, over a million people born here in Hawai'i to apply for employment, Social Security benefits, driver's licenses and passports. It is legal documentation used to get veterans' benefits, welfare benefits, marriage licenses and school applications. It is widely accepted proof of our citizenship.
Birth certificates, or "certificates of live birth" differ from state to state. There is no standard nationwide form because keeping track of such things is a local issue, not a federal responsibility. Hawai'i, like some other Mainland states, doesn't issue a "long form" birth certificate with the attending doctor's signature. Go check yours if you were born here after Hawaii became a state. Maybe you got a fancy certificate with the baby footprint and a cartoon stork in the corner that bears the signature of a physician, but that didn't come from the state Department of Health. The piece of paper signed by the attending physician doesn't get photocopied and handed out at the vital statistics records window at the Health Department ... and it sure doesn't get handed out to non-relatives. In other states, you can go to the records department and get birth certificates for people you don't even know, which is a little mind-blowing and fraught with peril. But not here.
Which could be how this whole Obama birth certificate craziness got so big. Secrecy and unobtainable documents are the lifeblood of a good conspiracy theory. Throw in the fact that people don't believe Hawai'i counts as part of America (this month, Public Policy Polling reported 8 percent of voters polled in North Carolina don't believe Hawai'i is a state ... the question got so much attention they're trying it out in other states) and you've got fertile media in which to grow a virulent conspiracy.
No matter what, the "birthers" will never accept Obama's Hawai'i birth certificate as proof of his natural born American citizenship. Luckily, it hasn't been a problem for the rest of Hawai'i-born Americans with that same green state-issued form.

Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" had fun with the topic of Obama's birth certificate, suggesting that it's part of a much larger conspiracy.
"Not only is Barack Obama our first black president," Stewart said. "But he's our first non-American president."