Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
but the colb barry & company has shown is a fake.
It is the same document that his half-sister who was born outside of Hawaii has.
Hawaii issues 4 different forms of a "birth certificate ", why you might ask. Because the more "citizens" it has the more federal tax $$$ it can receive.

Why is it that there is little to none other evidence has come out concerning his past life ? All news accounts only quote his own book, where are the independent sources that all other stories are required ?

Why has he not released any other forms of a BC ? I understand it would only cost him $20, yet he has four different teams of lawyers costing him over $1,400,000 not to have the information made public.

If these items don't make you think "maybe something else is going on ", then consider this; Why did he order the courts to seal all of his educational records starting with kindergarten and all of his writing in college, laws school, and his records while he was a state senator ?
The birth certificate issue is only a starting point for the release of all his blocked records. Once the court opens up all those "sealed" records , we will finally be able to see his true self.


but the colb barry & company has shown is a fake.
It is the same document that his half-sister who was born outside of Hawaii has.
Hawaii issues 4 different forms of a "birth certificate ", why you might ask. Because the more "citizens" it has the more federal tax $$$ it can receive.

Why is it that there is little to none other evidence has come out concerning his past life ? All news accounts only quote his own book, where are the independent sources that all other stories are required ?

Why has he not released any other forms of a BC ? I understand it would only cost him $20, yet he has four different teams of lawyers costing him over $1,400,000 not to have the information made public.

If these items don't make you think "maybe something else is going on ", then consider this; Why did he order the courts to seal all of his educational records starting with kindergarten and all of his writing in college, laws school, and his records while he was a state senator ?
The birth certificate issue is only a starting point for the release of all his blocked records. Once the court opens up all those "sealed" records , we will finally be able to see his true self.

Any truth to the fact his paternal grandmother also says Obama was born outside the us and that she was there.


Strength through joy
There is a audio tape of his Kenyan grandmother in which she states that she was there at his birth in Kenya.
It has always bugged me that the Kenyan authorities are on record as having sealed his Kenyan Medical records, according to his book he did not go to Kenya until he was an adult, so why would they have any medical records on him ?


There is a audio tape of his Kenyan grandmother in which she states that she was there at his birth in Kenya.
It has always bugged me that the Kenyan authorities are on record as having sealed his Kenyan Medical records, according to his book he did not go to Kenya until he was an adult, so why would they have any medical records on him ?



Well-Known Member
COLUMBUS, Ga. — U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land today tossed out a complaint by an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq by questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama.

Land also put attorney Orly Taitz, who represents Capt. Connie Rhodes and is a leader in the national "birther" movement, on notice by stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar "frivolous" lawsuit in his court.
"(Rhodes) has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture that President Obama is ineligible to serve as president of the United States," Land states in his order. "Instead, she uses her complaint as a platform for spouting political rhetoric, such as her claims that the president is 'an illegal usurper, an unlawful pretender, (and) an unqualified imposter.' "
Rhodes, who filed her complaint Sept. 4 in the Columbus Division of U.S. District Court, argued that some facts point to Obama not being naturalized or possibly an illegal immigrant.
"This plaintiff cannot in good conscience obey orders originating from a chain of command from this merely de facto president," Rhodes' complaint states. "This plaintiff cannot be lawfully compelled to obey this de facto president's orders."
In his order, Land states in a footnote that Obama defeated seven opponents in a "grueling" primary campaign that cost the contenders more than $300 million. Obama then moved on to the general election, where he faced Sen. John McCain, who Land states got $84 million to wage his campaign.
"It would appear that ample opportunity existed for discovery of evidence that would support any contention that the president was not eligible for the office he sought," Land says. The judge adds that Congress hasn't started impeachment proceedings against Obama and appears satisfied that he can hold the office.


Staff member
COLUMBUS, Ga. — U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land today tossed out a complaint by an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq by questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama.

Land also put attorney Orly Taitz, who represents Capt. Connie Rhodes and is a leader in the national "birther" movement, on notice by stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar "frivolous" lawsuit in his court.
"(Rhodes) has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture that President Obama is ineligible to serve as president of the United States," Land states in his order. "Instead, she uses her complaint as a platform for spouting political rhetoric, such as her claims that the president is 'an illegal usurper, an unlawful pretender, (and) an unqualified imposter.' "
Rhodes, who filed her complaint Sept. 4 in the Columbus Division of U.S. District Court, argued that some facts point to Obama not being naturalized or possibly an illegal immigrant.
"This plaintiff cannot in good conscience obey orders originating from a chain of command from this merely de facto president," Rhodes' complaint states. "This plaintiff cannot be lawfully compelled to obey this de facto president's orders."
In his order, Land states in a footnote that Obama defeated seven opponents in a "grueling" primary campaign that cost the contenders more than $300 million. Obama then moved on to the general election, where he faced Sen. John McCain, who Land states got $84 million to wage his campaign.
"It would appear that ample opportunity existed for discovery of evidence that would support any contention that the president was not eligible for the office he sought," Land says. The judge adds that Congress hasn't started impeachment proceedings against Obama and appears satisfied that he can hold the office.
A noble effort, but you should probably move on to people you can help. The Force is strong with these ones :wink2:


perhaps the president can dedicate one of his many townhall meetings to explaining why he had all his records sealed.

Or perhaps he can hold a debate with his grandmother as to the location of his birth?


Staff member


Active Member
perhaps the president can dedicate one of his many townhall meetings to explaining why he had all his records sealed.

Or perhaps he can hold a debate with his grandmother as to the location of his birth?

Or perhaps we can look up Hawaii public records and corroborate his COLB with two separate journalistic entities that pronounced the birth of a baby boy to his parents???


golden ticket member
Let's ask his grandma again...she said she was at his birth in Kenya.

Why is Michelle's college dissertation (?) sealed also ????????


Strength through joy
Or perhaps we can look up Hawaii public records and corroborate his COLB with two separate journalistic entities that pronounced the birth of a baby boy to his parents???
So sorry all the public records concerning this have been sealed, thus no public access is allowed. As for those 2 newspaper articles, they were submitted by relatives and these relatives listed the house that they were renting at the time as his birth home. While his listed birth father lived miles away in his apartment.
As I have noted before the State of Hawaii will issue a COLB to anyone { including his half sister who was born in Indonesia } { actually they have 4 different types of this document } in order to increase their offical count of citizens to get more Federal Tax Dollars.


Strength through joy
It's not sealed. There is a thing called 'The Google', try it.You will find it.

Really, get over it.

Answer question please;
How come ever sealed court record that helped barry's campaign that was magically opened and its contents made public { Jack Ryan's divorce, Joe the Plumber's records }, yet his own remain personal records have not been magically opened ?
What is so good about everyone else's dirty laundry yet not good for the man of change ?


Active Member
So sorry all the public records concerning this have been sealed, thus no public access is allowed. As for those 2 newspaper articles, they were submitted by relatives and these relatives listed the house that they were renting at the time as his birth home. While his listed birth father lived miles away in his apartment.
As I have noted before the State of Hawaii will issue a COLB to anyone { including his half sister who was born in Indonesia } { actually they have 4 different types of this document } in order to increase their offical count of citizens to get more Federal Tax Dollars.

Except your statement makes no sense. Obama's half-sister is a resident of Hawaii. And last I checked, states have the power to issue COLBs to anyone, including foreign-born citizens. It would simply read Born in: foreign city, country.

Please, fail harder next time. This **** makes my day.


Strength through joy
Except your statement makes no sense. Obama's half-sister is a resident of Hawaii. And last I checked, states have the power to issue COLBs to anyone, including foreign-born citizens. It would simply read Born in: foreign city, country.

Please, fail harder next time. This **** makes my day.
So what part makes no sense; the part where someone who claims to have a long form BC yet can only produce a COLB ?
Ok please post his half-sister's COLB . So we all can check it.


Active Member
So what part makes no sense; the part where someone who claims to have a long form BC yet can only produce a COLB ?
Ok please post his half-sister's COLB . So we all can check it.

The burden of proof is on you. You claimed that Obama's half-sister holds a COLB from Hawaii (to boost their federal dollars).

I don't understand the fascination with long form birth certificates. When I went to my local DSHS the clerk pulled a digital copy (made from the original in the capital), embossed, and signed the certificate of live birth. It's not the cutesy long form the attending physician might make for the parents, but it functions as proof of my citizenship and place of birth.

I don't have my long form certificate. But I'm still a natural citizen.

Do you have anymore cognitive dissonance or are you getting a headache?


Strength through joy
Well let's see a long form would have the actual name of the name of the doctor on it , thus we all could finally know which sibling { barry or his sister } has been telling the truth because both have stated different hospitals.

I find it interesting that no one outside of barry's clan has come forward and stated that they have proof of a USA birth. And don't be fooled by Hawaii's Health Directors claim, while she stated her facts, she never admitted that a long form exists.


Strength through joy
Anyone care to make a quick $100,000 ?

All you have to do, and this would be real easy for all you BHO fans since you are always telling everyone that this BC challenge is crap.
Here we have someone willing to give you $100,000 reward for proof of BHO's "natural born citizen" status.
Quickly contact this guy, before someone else steals your big payoff.

Last time I checked no one has claimed this prize.