Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Almost 40% of William Howard Taft’s cabinet officials were from the private sector. Ike had nearly 60% of his appointees sporting private sector experience. Reagan had about 55% and George W. Bush about 53%. Even FDR and Truman saw half their cabinet officials coming to government with private sector experience.
And Obama?
Less than 10%.
That means that only about 7% of Barack Obama’s cabinet appointees ever worked in the private sector.
TOS I guess you'll have a very long wait.


I see you watched BECK today and stole his chart.

Too bad its meaningless, but not to those who believe everything they see and hear on FAUX news.

Dont look now, but I can see your "strings"....!




I see you watched BECK today and stole his chart.

Too bad its meaningless, but not to those who believe everything they see and hear on FAUX news.

Dont look now, but I can see your "strings"....!


Backside I have concerns. It sounds like you're watching too much faux news. I really think you should expose yourself to a variety of sources. I do appreciate the indirect beck update.:happy-very:


Strength through joy
TOS you expect your messiah & his hand picked crew to be this country's salvation, but you neglect the most basic facts; that most people now realize their plans are not the same as yours.
How can his crew who this chart shows has no real world experiences be any good at growing businesses ? You know real jobs that pay wages from profits.
Honestly how can they create any jobs other than government ones ?
Which currently is this country's #1 growing sector.
I suppose you would like to see 1 person actually working a job and 99 others in government overseeing every aspect of that person's life, comrade.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS you expect your messiah & his hand picked crew to be this country's salvation, but you neglect the most basic facts; that most people now realize their plans are not the same as yours.
How can his crew who this chart shows has no real world experiences be any good at growing businesses ? You know real jobs that pay wages from profits.
Honestly how can they create any jobs other than government ones ?
Which currently is this country's #1 growing sector.
I suppose you would like to see 1 person actually working a job and 99 others in government overseeing every aspect of that person's life, comrade.


I guess Warren Buffet as an adviser would be bad choice, your right, he's only a multi billionaire. I guess you would think he wouldnt know anything about business or the direction of business.

GEE, BECK is a genious!




I guess Warren Buffet as an adviser would be bad choice, your right, he's only a multi billionaire. I guess you would think he wouldnt know anything about business or the direction of business.

GEE, BECK is a genious!


I'm not claiming Beck as a financial advisor but I appreciate you diligently keeping us informed of his show.

I've heard a few people throw Buffets name out there as a guru. Buffet knows his stuff but he really does not make any serious money off of predictions. He does and has been positioning himself to buy up the many bargains that this economic downturn has produced. His interests as an investor will take precedence over his reputation as a prognasticaing guru. Buffets reputation will continue to feed him success. Its simple. Buy shares in a company on the down lo. Then tell everyone he is buying shares in that company. The herd will then drive the value of his original shares into the stratosphere. You might make some money as long as you're not the last guy in the herd to buy.



Cute cartoon, Jonesy, with just a slight change in the last panel, we could have them putting the brain of Hitler of a boy being born in Germany in the same time period that Obama was born. I am talking about Klein. He seems to want universal healthcare in the U.S.A. .


Well-Known Member

Almost 40% of William Howard Taft’s cabinet officials were from the private sector. Ike had nearly 60% of his appointees sporting private sector experience. Reagan had about 55% and George W. Bush about 53%. Even FDR and Truman saw half their cabinet officials coming to government with private sector experience.
And Obama?
Less than 10%.
That means that only about 7% of Barack Obama’s cabinet appointees ever worked in the private sector.
TOS I guess you'll have a very long wait.

BaBa, once again your little chart spreading around the right wing blogsphere and picked up by Glen Beck is full of excrement...

Backside I have concerns. It sounds like you're watching too much faux news. I really think you should expose yourself to a variety of sources. I do appreciate the indirect beck update.:happy-very:

I'm not claiming Beck as a financial advisor but I appreciate you diligently keeping us informed of his show.

Tie, it's insanely humorous, how BC's hardcore right wing kopy kats, repeat word for word (without fact checking), the attack verbage of the week by Conservative talk radio and Fox that gets hammered and embedded into thick gullible skulls, thus, they become talking points and copy and paste material for the rt wing talking heads. Progressives can simply moniter or scan these wayward outlets of mis-information and know what to expect, and counter the next wave of dis-information....



Tie, it's insanely humorous, how BC's hardcore right wing kopy kats, repeat word for word (without fact checking), the attack verbage of the week by Conservative talk radio and Fox that gets hammered and embedded into thick gullible skulls, thus, they become talking points and copy and paste material for the rt wing talking heads. Progressives can simply moniter or scan these wayward outlets of mis-information and know what to expect, and counter the next wave of dis-information....

Diesel my friend what is insanely hilarious is the fact that you and backside clearly do not know what we watch or read but yet you keep trying to use the faux news tactic in an effort to put us back on our heels. Its clearly a tactic that is mandated by whatever liberal god you worship.

See the sad thing is I can't debate you on whether I'm following the party line because I'm not watching the party enough to know what the line is supposed to be. :happy-very:

What's also insanely hilarious is the fact that we are supposed to believe you and backside actually watch all these conservative talk shows and actually know what they are saying. You're a little more subtle where backside just blatantly makes things up.


Well-Known Member
Thank you but you're so consumed with your arrogance and the arrogance of your misguided ruling party that you're not paying attention.:happy-very:


Welcome to the Club of Arrogance and Elitism! You've been nominated and accepted into the brotherhood. We meet every other Tuesday night with drinks and appetizers @ 6 and dinner @ 7:30. Our guest speaker this week is Mr. Know-It-All who's topic is entitled, "How Great One's Survive a World Surrounded by Idiots" with a subtitle of "Maintaining A Positive Work Attitude While Seeing the Morons Your Company Gives a TIE Too!"

I've no doubt the information will have a familar feel to it and I'm sure you'll be TIEd to the riveting subject matter!

Look forward to fellowshipping with a fellow arrogant and elite!

Club Thought of the Week: Rome wasn't built in a day but I wasn't on that job!




Welcome to the Club of Arrogance and Elitism! You've been nominated and accepted into the brotherhood. We meet every other Tuesday night with drinks and appetizers @ 6 and dinner @ 7:30. Our guest speaker this week is Mr. Know-It-All who's topic is entitled, "How Great One's Survive a World Surrounded by Idiots" with a subtitle of "Maintaining A Positive Work Attitude While Seeing the Morons Your Company Gives a TIE Too!"

I've no doubt the information will have a familar feel to it and I'm sure you'll be TIEd to the riveting subject matter!

Look forward to fellowshipping with a fellow arrogant and elite!

Club Thought of the Week: Rome wasn't built in a day but I wasn't on that job!


I've created a blog for all those who wish to get together for their pity party. :happy-very:

I must say I enjoy watching you indulge yourself in the occasional tantrum.


Staff member
Thank you but you're so consumed with your arrogance and the arrogance of your misguided ruling party that you're not paying attention.:happy-very:
In other words you have no suitable answer or you hope that everyone simply forgets the question. In case you have forgotten the question is regarding President Obama's birth certificate. Is it your position that since you have asked for it, you are entitled to it? Kinda showin' yer own elitism there don't ya think? That the President of the United States must prove something to the 481,000 fringe dwellers? Really, just who do you think you are? Ah, yes. The same crowd that had to have the blue stained dress.

Yes, I am honored to be named with the arrogant and the elite. By the way; when did "elite" become a bad thing? I'd rather have "elite" special forces in the military than "somewhat qualified" special forces, wouldn't you?:happy2:


Staff member

welcome to the club of arrogance and elitism! You've been nominated and accepted into the brotherhood. We meet every other tuesday night with drinks and appetizers @ 6 and dinner @ 7:30. Our guest speaker this week is mr. Know-it-all who's topic is entitled, "how great one's survive a world surrounded by idiots" with a subtitle of "maintaining a positive work attitude while seeing the morons your company gives a tie too!"

i've no doubt the information will have a familar feel to it and i'm sure you'll be tied to the riveting subject matter!

look forward to fellowshipping with a fellow arrogant and elite!

club thought of the week: Rome wasn't built in a day but i wasn't on that job!

woooo hoooo!!! I have arrived!!!


In other words you have no suitable answer or you hope that everyone simply forgets the question.

Sigh in other words the answer has been given many times and I should not be required to give again simply because you're too lazy to read it.

In case you have forgotten the question is regarding President Obama's birth certificate. Is it your position that since you have asked for it, you are entitled to it?

Are you little dense or just plain stupid? There is a group of taxpaying citizens already asking the question. I simply support their cause. Elitism has nothing to do with requiring a presidential candidate to engage in full disclosure.

Yes, I am honored to be named with the arrogant and the elite. By the way; when did "elite" become a bad thing? I'd rather have "elite" special forces in the military than "somewhat qualified" special forces, wouldn't you?:happy2:

All soldiers who have dodged bullets are elite. When I get together with my vietnam veteran buddies we make no special distinctions for the special forces and they in turn do not ask for nor expect any special consdiration. Those who do get enamored by the green beenie were the ones we called REMF's or the marines called barracks marines. :happy-very:


I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by expecting my president to fully disclose the information asked for.

I'm still asking Jesus to account for those years when he was 13 through 30, still no response.