Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
So comrade TOS will you kindly answer my question ?
How are the 93% of barry's cabinet officials who have never held a real business job going to bring about all this prosperity that you are waiting for ?
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Well-Known Member


Staff member
So comrade TOS will you kindly answer my question ?
How are the 93% of barry's cabinet officials who have never held a real business job going to bring about all this prosperity that you are waiting for ?
Maybe he could hire UPS mangement. They've accomplished something. The time study would probably eliminate another 2.5 million jobs, but hey it would be an accomplishment.


Well-Known Member
So comrade TOS will you kindly answer my question ?
How are the 93% of barry's cabinet officials who have never held a real business job going to bring about all this prosperity that you are waiting for ?

Baba so amazing, people who have never done a damn thing telling us how to prosper, just great aint it.

So BaBa and Tooner, in response to your hot bed rt wing talking point of the week re-introduced by Beck, can you tell us why previous cabinet officials with such extensive business experience were capable of running this country into a super reccession and nearly into a deep depression ?


So BaBa and Tooner, in response to your hot bed rt wing talking point of the week re-introduced by Beck, can you tell us why previous cabinet officials with such extensive business experience were capable of running this country into a super reccession and nearly into a deep depression ?

I'm not sure about pelosi or Reid but Obama has very little business experience.

Oh thats right we're supposed to believe they weren't in congress during that time. :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
So BaBa and Tooner, in response to your hot bed rt wing talking point of the week re-introduced by Beck, can you tell us why previous cabinet officials with such extensive business experience were capable of running this country into a super reccession and nearly into a deep depression ?

I love your logic. You really believe the economy can be "corrected" by the same people and leftist political ideals that caused it to drop in the first place.


Well-Known Member
I love your logic. You really believe the economy can be "corrected" by the same people and leftist political ideals that caused it to drop in the first place.

Besides your off base comment on "leftist policies" sunk the economy, if memory serves me correctly, Brett, you were one that subscribed to conservative economist's claim that McCain campaigned on, "the fundamentals of the economy were strong". Look where that got McCain, and look where that got the Left's Canidate. So I guess what your saying is, most of the country is illogical...


Besides your off base comment on "leftist policies" sunk the economy, if memory serves me correctly, Brett, you were one that subscribed to conservative economist's claim that McCain campaigned on, "the fundamentals of the economy were strong". Look where that got McCain, and look where that got the Left's Canidate. So I guess what your saying is, most of the country is illogical...

I'm not sure McCain ever adopted any conservative concepts thus the conservatives stayed home.

Most of the country bought into the concept of change. At this point they are still waiting for the promised change and may have to reseek it in the next elections. In the interim we at least have Obama acting like a war hawk to amuse us.


I don't see it. Perhaps you could give me some examples.

"Dear Jesus, please smite the enemies of our country"

"Dear Jesus, please help us continue our standard of living (and don't bother about the rest of the world)"

"Dear Jesus , please help the victims of Hurricane Katrina, (and if you have any spare time, please remove those annoying videos from my sight of that much larger catastrophe that was the tsunami that hit asia)

"Dear Jesus, please bless our country and our troops, (and withhold your support from other countries (unless they are in line with our country) and the other soldiers who happen to fight for other countries"

... that sort of thing.

ahh, you got me out on a limb that I can't get off of because as my signature says, "I am a broken man"


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Besides your off base comment on "leftist policies" sunk the economy, if memory serves me correctly, Brett, you were one that subscribed to conservative economist's claim that McCain campaigned on, "the fundamentals of the economy were strong". Look where that got McCain, and look where that got the Left's Canidate. So I guess what your saying is, most of the country is illogical...
Why doesnt he just show it and have it over already.


Strength through joy
Why doesnt he just show it and have it over already.
(Dec. 4, 2009) — Georgia’s representative in the U.S. House, Nathan Deal announced in early November that he and 10 House colleagues were going to sign a joint letter, asking Obama to publicly reveal his birth certificate,.
The simple enough question was rebuffed and ridiculed by the Main Stream Media, and even the Savannah Morning News, as if a birth certificate was some sort of private journal or diary of past affairs.
The mere fact that the liberals and progressives ridiculed Nathan Deal — whose only interest is to quiet the nation — shows that they have no substantive reason to oppose the request. It further shows that they know that Obama cannot oblige Deal and his co-signatories, for in Democratic circles nothing is a secret.
What will Obama say to Nathan Deal?

The answer must come soon. Deal said that he was to send his letter after Thanksgiving. Any delay on the part of Barack Hussein Obama to oblige Deal, will only further erode his political influence in Washington, D.C..
Obama has been effectively checkmated by the concerted effort of public support, publicized lawsuits on the eligibility question, publicity campaigns such as those of World Net Daily and Charles Kerchner to put the issue in the face of liberals on a constant basis, and blogs and bloggers the world over.
If Obama obliges him, then the online image of a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) provided by his campaign will be proven a forgery, according to the consensus of opinion of citizens who have studied the images posted on the net and found some images of the allegedly same document, contain a HI State seal and some do not.
If Obama does refuses, however, it will only further confirm that he has something to hide.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
(Dec. 4, 2009) — Georgia’s representative in the U.S. House, Nathan Deal announced in early November that he and 10 House colleagues were going to sign a joint letter, asking Obama to publicly reveal his birth certificate,.
The simple enough question was rebuffed and ridiculed by the Main Stream Media, and even the Savannah Morning News, as if a birth certificate was some sort of private journal or diary of past affairs.
The mere fact that the liberals and progressives ridiculed Nathan Deal — whose only interest is to quiet the nation — shows that they have no substantive reason to oppose the request. It further shows that they know that Obama cannot oblige Deal and his co-signatories, for in Democratic circles nothing is a secret.
What will Obama say to Nathan Deal?

The answer must come soon. Deal said that he was to send his letter after Thanksgiving. Any delay on the part of Barack Hussein Obama to oblige Deal, will only further erode his political influence in Washington, D.C..
Obama has been effectively checkmated by the concerted effort of public support, publicized lawsuits on the eligibility question, publicity campaigns such as those of World Net Daily and Charles Kerchner to put the issue in the face of liberals on a constant basis, and blogs and bloggers the world over.
If Obama obliges him, then the online image of a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) provided by his campaign will be proven a forgery, according to the consensus of opinion of citizens who have studied the images posted on the net and found some images of the allegedly same document, contain a HI State seal and some do not.
If Obama does refuses, however, it will only further confirm that he has something to hide.


there is only response to this post.....



Well-Known Member
Besides your off base comment on "leftist policies" sunk the economy, if memory serves me correctly, Brett, you were one that subscribed to conservative economist's claim that McCain campaigned on, "the fundamentals of the economy were strong". Look where that got McCain, and look where that got the Left's Canidate. So I guess what your saying is, most of the country is illogical...

What do you think the fundamentals of the economy are? If is is something like employment, GDP, durable goods, construction starts, etc. how does it make you feel about Obama since things are much worse under his leadership than they were under Bush?

If you think the fundamentals of the economy are things like increased government regulation and the expansion of the federal government you have to admit they are both about equal.