Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Reading through the unemployment numbers labor department says we only lost 111,000 jobs in november.

The ADP survey out earlier this week reported 169000 private sector job losses.

Labor department also claiming some hefty revisions to september and octobers numbers yet the rate grew to 10.2 percent during that time?

The number of people looking for work decreased in november as a result the unemployment rate dropped to 10 percent?

whats a good number?

Meanwhile Obama was in allentown yesterday crowing that the results were the best since 2007. President the unemployment rate in 2007 averaged a 4.6.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think we did and it's my fault:knockedout:

I met Jesus about a week ago. He was edging, spreading pine straw and blowing the parking lot at work. But I never would guess he could walk on water just looking at him!


Oh, almost forgot



Strength through joy
So BaBa and Tooner, in response to your hot bed rt wing talking point of the week re-introduced by Beck, can you tell us why previous cabinet officials with such extensive business experience were capable of running this country into a super reccession and nearly into a deep depression ?
well comrade diesel you are following the party's line quite well.
Never answer any questions , especially those that can't be answered.
Turn the tables on others by attacking and attacking again. Confuse them into thinking that they have to answer your nonsense questions first. And then point out how useless they and their causes are.
For your excellent work we will double your daily ration of kool-aid.


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by Baba gounj
What will Obama say to Nathan Deal?

He'd say "2 with mustard & kraut please!"


Reading through the unemployment numbers labor department says we only lost 111,000 jobs in november.

The ADP survey out earlier this week reported 169000 private sector job losses.

Labor department also claiming some hefty revisions to september and octobers numbers yet the rate grew to 10.2 percent during that time?

The number of people looking for work decreased in november as a result the unemployment rate dropped to 10 percent?

whats a good number?

Meanwhile Obama was in allentown yesterday crowing that the results were the best since 2007. President the unemployment rate in 2007 averaged a 4.6.

it is hard to compare this unemployment rate with previous ones. With extended federal unemployment benefits administered through the states, some people in hard hit states can go for 99 weeks, people who would have been off the rolls in previous times and thus not even counted as unemployed then but counted as unemployed now.

This post is not meant to cheerlead for Obama but it is a statistical reality


it is hard to compare this unemployment rate with previous ones. With extended federal unemployment benefits administered through the states, some people in hard hit states can go for 99 weeks, people who would have been off the rolls in previous times and thus not even counted as unemployed then but counted as unemployed now.

This post is not meant to cheerlead for Obama but it is a statistical reality

The umemployment number in general has some error to it. They're getting better at including the discouraged into an overall number. Currently the total unemployed percentage is around 17.6 percent.

What's interesting is seeing the debate about job creation. To think a president thinks he can create jobs in this country short of adding to the government beaurocracy that will be created with the bloated pig called health reform.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about pelosi or Reid but Obama has very little business experience.

Oh thats right we're supposed to believe they weren't in congress during that time. :happy-very:

It is an idea that I'm sure Tie, Brett, BaBa and the (r)boys has subscribe to since the 1980s, since the Great Communicator cemented the idea of the president as CEO, legislators as Middle Management, and the citizens as stockholders. He convinced many that, with Government as Business, careful money management and profit would be the rule of the day. Government waste would be a thing of the past! Surely men who put money first would run our country efficiently -- and anyone who said otherwise was a stinky commie!
So a re-newed Republican fad is, the Cabinet, Congress and legislative houses around the country should be filled mainly with business leaders in place of Lawyers, Educators, Doctorates whose training had prepared them to draft and interpret laws in specified areas. So lets run Gov't as a profit driven business, and boot these lawmaking bodies replaced with business leaders who have little or no law study or experience. These elected MBAs and Chamber of Commerce geeks will worked to get "Government off our backs," deregulating everything they could, and managing the wealth of our country, for-profit corporation...:rofl:

I'm not sure McCain ever adopted any conservative concepts thus the conservatives stayed home.

Most of the country bought into the concept of change. At this point they are still waiting for the promised change and may have to reseek it in the next elections. In the interim we at least have Obama acting like a war hawk to amuse us.

He adopted Palin....that was

Why doesnt he just show it and have it over already.

It has been shown and approved Tooner, besides why should he have to re-show it. It's fun watching the "birthers" squirm over this and make it an issue in 2010 and 2012, instead of focusing on real issues we face today.


Well-Known Member
It is an idea that I'm sure Tie, Brett, BaBa and the (r)boys has subscribe to since the 1980s, since the Great Communicator cemented the idea of the president as CEO, legislators as Middle Management, and the citizens as janitors.

Sorry D, just felt your earlier word choice was to generous!


It has been shown and approved Tooner, besides why should he have to re-show it. It's fun watching the "birthers" squirm over this and make it an issue in 2010 and 2012, instead of focusing on real issues we face today.

I'm afraid you may have distracted yourself with the birther movement. The real fun here is watching the president of change adopt or exceed all of Bush's beliefs and policies. In fact if wecan get him to stop bowing to every tom,dick and harry I might petition the republican party to add him to their ticket.:rofl:


Well-Known Member
Sorry D, just felt your earlier word choice was to generous!

thank you for the attitude adjustment....:peaceful:

I'm afraid you may have distracted yourself with the birther movement. The real fun here is watching the president of change adopt or exceed all of Bush's beliefs and policies. In fact if wecan get him to stop bowing to every tom,dick and harry I might petition the republican party to add him to their ticket.:rofl:
Tie, Konichiwa; Ni hao
you know bowing is an Asian tradition. And ever since Dick and Bush started running up a tab on the yen to pay for their Military Ind Com, All of America including Obama, is in debt to bow, grab ankles and take it in the asset on command.


good news for all you Obama lovers Europe still loves Obama. He'll be going there soon to pick up his tarnished Nobel Peace Prize.


thank you for the attitude adjustment....:peaceful:

Tie, Konichiwa; Ni hao
you know bowing is an Asian tradition. And ever since Dick and Bush started running up a tab on the yen to pay for their Military Ind Com, All of America including Obama, is in debt to bow, grab ankles and take it in the asset on command.

Why yes Diesel it appears its a one president tradition to bow to Japans PM. ROFLMAO.


Strength through joy
AP- WASHINGTON D.C. - In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has Released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College . Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.


Staff member
How can it be argued that the Framers of the Constitution (always a week arguement since they were rarely of a single mindset) would not consider dual citizenship a "natural born citizen"?


Strength through joy
The Founders of the Republic feared parties of the people as much as they did a royal government. "Whenever there is an interest and power to do wrong," wrote Madison to Jefferson in 1788, "wrong will generally be done, and not less readily by a powerful and interested party than by a powerful and interested prince."


Staff member
The Founders of the Republic feared parties of the people as much as they did a royal government. "Whenever there is an interest and power to do wrong," wrote Madison to Jefferson in 1788, "wrong will generally be done, and not less readily by a powerful and interested party than by a powerful and interested prince."
So is Title 8 of the U.S. Code which defines natural born citizenship to be disregarded?


Strength through joy
§ 1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

First a US birth has to be proven.

Nothing shown to date positively has shown that.
That COLB from 2007 posted on the internet is highly questionable.
The double talk from the keepers of public records in Hi is also highly questionable.
The law firms hired to prevent anyone from seeing these records raises even more questions.

What has never been explained is just what national passport was used in 1980's for barry's international travels ?