Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Staff member
§ 1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

First a US birth has to be proven.

Nothing shown to date positively has shown that.
That COLB from 2007 posted on the internet is highly questionable.
The double talk from the keepers of public records in Hi is also highly questionable.
The law firms hired to prevent anyone from seeing these records raises even more questions.

What has never been explained is just what national passport was used in 1980's for barry's international travels ?
If you want the original birth certificate, it's down the rabbit hole at area 51 next to the set where they filmed the "moon landing".:happy-very::peaceful:


Strength through joy
Hawaiian? Or lyin'?Posted: January 09, 2010
1:00 am Eastern
© 2010
I read with bemusement this week about Hawaii's many plans for honoring the first American president to claim the island state as his birthplace.
All in all, Hawaiian officials seem eager to claim Barack Obama as a native son even while failing to provide a modicum of proof that he was actually born there.
Amazingly, given the secretive status of the birth hospital, at least one legislator is even proposing an Obama birthplace state park.
State park?
Why not at least a plaque at the actual birthplace?
How is it that state officials are neglecting the hospital?
Why is the medical establishment he was born in still a better kept secret than who ghost-wrote his autobiography?
With all the hoopla over Obama in Hawaii, why is no institution willing to come forward and proclaim, with pride, that Obama was born there – and provide some evidence while it's at it?

More than five months ago now, around Obama's alleged Aug. 4 birthday, I stepped out publicly and offered a $10,000 charitable gift to the hospital found on his long-form birth certificate. All he or the hospital or the state of Hawaii would have to do to claim the prize is show the American public the document that should have been produced long ago to claim the presidency as a natural born citizen.
As I said back then, "We've tried the stick. Today, as Barack Obama celebrates what he claims to be his birthday, I want to try the carrot approach. Obama has said he was born in Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu. He participated in a fundraiser for the medical center in January. WND will send a check to whatever birth hospital is listed on his long-form birth certificate. All Obama has to do to see that donation made is to release it publicly."
Today I will amend that challenge.
Since politicians in Hawaii are so interested in honoring Obama, why not use their influence on him to produce the proof that will lead to a cash contribution – no strings attached – to a worthy charity. In fact, I'll make it $15,000! And you can help me raise that amount even higher by donating to a kitty that will either go directly to the charity or to raising the visibility of this all-important eligibility issue.
By the way, this offer does not does not supplant or replace a previous offer I put on the table to provide a minimum of $10,000 to anyone providing proof he or she was present at Obama's birth – wherever that might have been.

Makes one wonder in today's economy why someone would not have collected on this yet.


Strength through joy
According to his "book " , he found his BC folded inside some other book, so that paper would have creases . Unlike that colb that he posted on the net which was issued by Hi in 2007, and many think is real proof.

Several rewards are still out there amounting to over $165,000.
How is it that many state of Ohio employees accessed and released sealed info on Joe the Plumber , yet no one wants to collect this easy money ?


Strength through joy
Moral indictment filed against Columbia University in quest for Obama’s records


Dr. James David Manning, PhD, who has charged Columbia University with selling a Political Science degree to Obama

by Sharon Rondeau
(Jan. 24, 2010) — Dr. James David Manning, founder and pastor of ATLAH World Ministries in Harlem and outspoken Obama critic, contends that Barack Hussein Obama never attended Columbia University as he claims, that Columbia “sold” Obama a degree in Political Science, and that these allegations will be proven in a court of law in New York State. He also believes that Obama is ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States due to his failure to meet the “natural born citizen” requirement set forth in the U.S. Constitution.
Dr. Manning grew up in Red Springs, NC, and is chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City. In 1992, Pastor Manning began a Christian radio program which expanded to a weekly television broadcast on several networks. He has sponsored numerous educational programs intended to “denounce racism as the catalyst for the problems facing the Black population” and to encourage “young people to become the leaders who will bring restoration to the broken and disshelved African- American population.”
He currently can be heard on “The Manning Report” Monday through Friday here from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. ET or by podcast on demand. For more information, please visit
Today, I interviewed Dr. Manning regarding his plans and strategy to uncover the truth about Obama’s Columbia University degree and other information that has been hidden from the American people.
MRS. RONDEAU: You have stated on video that Obama never attended Columbia University. When did you first become convinced of that?
DR. MANNING: Through Fox News, back in the primary of 2008; they did an in-depth intensive investigation and interviewed more than 400 people at Columbia. We’re talking about students, professors, custodial staff, librarians and shopkeepers and merchants in the environs of Columbia University where Fox News did this interview, and they were not able to find one person who remembered Obama ever being at Columbia or in any of the classes that would have led him to a Political Science degree. This happened back in 2008.
DR. MANNING: No, but I have several letters that have gone out to the New York State Board of Accreditation that has accredited Columbia requesting information about their procedure in issuing degrees. I’ve sent letters to Columbia asking them for the roster of criteria to receive a Political Science degree during the years in which Obama allegedly received his degree and all of the professors and teachers that would have been a part of that program, and we’re waiting for that response.
MRS. RONDEAU: I see. So no response as of yet?
DR. MANNING: No; we expect one, though.
DR. MANNING: That’s a question I really can’t answer. I suspect that Columbia is not going to fold and simply start confessing and asking for a plea-bargain deal. They’re going to fight this as vigorously as they possibly can. We simply want to demonstrate that they’re hiding information and that they will not be forthcoming, and the information that we want to demonstrate that they’re hiding – we don’t want them to ask about Obama’s presence – which I don’t believe they will do, not on their own. We simply want to know who the professors were who taught him, or who would have been the professors, and how was he graded, and how they allowed him to receive a degree, and what the requirements were for receiving the degree. That’s all we want to know from them


Strength through joy
55,000 Indonesians sign petition against Obama statue

by DefendUSx January 26, 2010 02:19
About 55,000 Indonesians have signed a petition to have a statue of US President Barack Obama removed.

The statue of the US president as a young boy is located in a park in the capital Jakarta and was unveiled last month. Barack Obama lived in Jakarta from ages six to ten.
Note: Obama living in Indonesia from ages 6 to 10 is the "official" story. However, there is more than one source that claim Obama lived in Indonesia all through his teens. The truth is, no one really knows and information supporting this has been scrubbed otherwise. If scrubbing is any indication of erasing the truth, then one has to question what was scrubbed even more.​
Critics say Mr Obama has done nothing for Indonesia and does not deserve a statue. They have opened a petition on the network site Facebook and submitted the results to the Indonesian authorities who have said they will consider the issue.

Dwi Bintarto, the official responsible for Jakarta's city parks, says the statue does not represent Obama as president of the United States, but rather as a young boy. He said the statue is intended to motivate young people to study hard and set themselves ambitious objectives.


Well-Known Member
55,000 Indonesians sign petition against Obama statue

by DefendUSx January 26, 2010 02:19
About 55,000 Indonesians have signed a petition to have a statue of US President Barack Obama removed.

The statue of the US president as a young boy is located in a park in the capital Jakarta and was unveiled last month. Barack Obama lived in Jakarta from ages six to ten.
Note: Obama living in Indonesia from ages 6 to 10 is the "official" story. However, there is more than one source that claim Obama lived in Indonesia all through his teens. The truth is, no one really knows and information supporting this has been scrubbed otherwise. If scrubbing is any indication of erasing the truth, then one has to question what was scrubbed even more.
Critics say Mr Obama has done nothing for Indonesia and does not deserve a statue. They have opened a petition on the network site Facebook and submitted the results to the Indonesian authorities who have said they will consider the issue.

Dwi Bintarto, the official responsible for Jakarta's city parks, says the statue does not represent Obama as president of the United States, but rather as a young boy. He said the statue is intended to motivate young people to study hard and set themselves ambitious objectives.

So if Obama is Indonesian, does this mean we've been conquered by the Indonesians? Hell, I'd sign the stupid petition too if I were them!

Memo to Indonesia: Before you get to far, if your plan works, you'll also assume our unpayable national debt so you might be screwing yourself in the end!


golden ticket member
I'm sure Indonesians have other national heroes ....... they could just say the statue is of a different hero. Metal or marble statues can be non specific looking, so it might work.


Strength through joy
Barack Hussein Obama II, Is his name is Steve Dunham?

News Type: Opinion — Seeded on Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:03 PM EST
Article Source:

by John Charlton
(Jan. 12, 2010) — An intrepid citizen-researcher has confirmed that the man who goes by the name "Barack Hussein Obama II," has an original vital record kept by the Hawaii Department of Health, which bears the name "Steve Dunham."
The citizen researcher began her quest, following two lines of research: 1) the fact that the name "Steve Dunham" appears in records associated with Obama's alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham; and 2) the fact that Obama himself is said to have quipped that his middle name was "Steve" (as some of his followers know cf. YYouhan's comment).


Well-Known Member
If it were , it would be appropriate. Bush screwed America and we got an S.T.D. as a result.


Have you heard about this? In England, this issue has been building to the point of an official inquiry and in talking with friends over there, this thing is really farther along towards the boiling point than it is over here. Glenn Greenwald made this issue from the British perspective and point of focus in his yesterday's Salon column. And I don't expect some version of this in America with Bush being called to answer because Obama and the democrats are now fully complicit in not only Iraq but in actually expanding the war and the war state. Sad in the Bush years they were so right to now jettison those principles to turn and be so wrong. One is only left to determine the issue was a convenient tool to use for the moment and nothing more.

Obama's promise is fast approaching that August 2010' deadline and there's good reason to question the odds of fulfillment on this one too. Not that he's given us any reason to "HOPE" he's good on his word.

I just can't see where someone whose further esculated the so-called "war on terror" is about to retract and re-consider one of the major lynchpins for ever going to war in the region to begin with. His committment to the old status quo should now be completely obvious to all whether they admit it or not.


Strength through joy

'Impeach Obama' billboard along Hwy. 41

Updated: Saturday, 13 Feb 2010, 10:37 AM CST
Published : Friday, 12 Feb 2010, 11:23 PM CST

OSHKOSH - A controversial billboard along Highway 41 is catching people's attention. It calls for President Obama to be removed from office.
The spot, near the Oshkosh Correctional Institute, is also becoming a popular spot for motorists to pull over and snap a picture.
"The sign kind of struck me as being very forceful. I was driving up to Green Bay this morning and saw it. It just surprised me that a sign like that would be out there, that blatant," said Gary Fox, of Waukesha.
Fox said he agrees with the 'Impeach Obama' billboard. The tagline is: 'America's small businesses are failing, help us spread the message.'
"I just think what Obama is doing and the whole administration and the Democratic Congress is just bad for business when you look at the deficits and everything they're doing," said Fox.


Strength through joy

Posted on | February 15, 2010 |
I have always wondered why NO ONE ever came forward from Obama’s past saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc. NO ONE, not one person has ever come forward from his past. VERY VERY STRANGE. This should really be a cause for great concern. MA

To those who voted for him, YOU HAVE ELECTED THE BIGGEST UNQUALIFIED FRAUD that America has ever known!

This is very interesting stuff. Sort of adds credence to the idea of The
Manchurian Candidate thing having happened here!

Stephanopoulos of ABC news said the same thing during the 08′ campaign. He
too was a classmate of BO’s At Columbia class of 1984. He said he never had
one class with him.

Was he there?

While he is such a great orator, why doesn’t anyone in Obama’s college
class remember him? Maybe he never attended class! Maybe he never
attended Columbia ? He won’t allow Colombia to release his records
either. Suspicious isn’t it???


Looking for evidence of Obama’s past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia
University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there,
but none remembered him.

Wayne Allyn Root was, like Obama, a political science major at Columbia
who also graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root says of Obama, “I don’t know a
single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I don’t
have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia . Ever! Nobody
recalls him. I’m not exaggerating, I’m not kidding. “Root adds that he
was also, like Obama, “Class of ‘83 political science, pre-law” and says,
“You don’t get more exact or closer than that. Never met him in my life,
don’t know anyone who ever met him. At the class reunion, our 20th reunion
five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker of the class? Me. No one
ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was.
The guy who writes the class notes, who’s kind of the, as we say in New
York , the macha who knows everybody, has yet to find a person, a human who
ever met him. Is that not strange? It’s very strange. “Obama’s
photograph does not appear in the school’s yearbook and Obama consistently
declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia , provide school
records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends while at
Columbia .

NOTE: Root graduated as Valedictorian from his high school, Thornton-Donovan
School, then graduated from Columbia University in 1983 as a Political
Science major (in the same class as President Barack Obama WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN IN).

Can it be that BHO is a complete fraud?? More intrigue concerning “The Man
who wasn’t there.”