Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
March on Washington to tell president to quit

'It is time to motivate the citizens of U.S. to expose 'hoax' of Obama'

Posted: February 20, 2010
12:15 am Eastern

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.
The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."
While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.
"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
Berg, who publicizes his cases through his ObamaCrimes website, said the planned "Birth Certificate March on Washington" will demand Obama resign.


Strength through joy
Berg is requesting all citizens of the United States to email, fax or mail a “copy” of their Birth Certificate that will be presented to Obama demanding that Obama resign because he has failed to produce his long form [vault] Birth Certificate and other citizenship documents [Obama, an Indonesian Citizen ?] to show he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President. Please redact any personal information that you wish.
Berg wants people to email, fax or mail a copy of their Birth Certificate to:
Email = [email protected]
Fax = (610) 834-7659
Mail = Obamacrimes
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Berg said, “Then, we will be preparing them to deliver to Obama demanding that he resign from the Office of President as he has not proven that he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President and that Obama has not produced legal documents to show he legally changed his name from his ‘adopted’ name of ‘Barry Soetoro’ from Indonesia.


Staff member
Berg is requesting all citizens of the United States to email, fax or mail a “copy” of their Birth Certificate that will be presented to Obama demanding that Obama resign because he has failed to produce his long form [vault] Birth Certificate and other citizenship documents [Obama, an Indonesian Citizen ?] to show he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President. Please redact any personal information that you wish.
Berg wants people to email, fax or mail a copy of their Birth Certificate to:
Email = [email protected]
Fax = (610) 834-7659
Mail = Obamacrimes
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Berg said, “Then, we will be preparing them to deliver to Obama demanding that he resign from the Office of President as he has not proven that he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President and that Obama has not produced legal documents to show he legally changed his name from his ‘adopted’ name of ‘Barry Soetoro’ from Indonesia.
Will he then demand the resignation of the Chief Justice for swearing him in as well as every member of congress who has ever refered to him as the "President" rather than that "fraud"? I love it when kids stamp their feet and demand what they want. It grows tiring by the time they hit 15 and unbearable by 21...maybe some never grow out of it.


Strength through joy
Will he then demand the resignation of the Chief Justice for swearing him in as well as every member of congress who has ever refered to him as the "President" rather than that "fraud"? I love it when kids stamp their feet and demand what they want. It grows tiring by the time they hit 15 and unbearable by 21...maybe some never grow out of it.

remember when the common phrase was " IMPEACH BUSH " ?


Well-Known Member

remember when the common phrase was " IMPEACH BUSH " ?

NO ! Now watch me hit this golf ball.....

BTW....Since BaBa and his Extreme Right Wing websites feels the need to prolong his "birther" agony, I'm going to start a thread claiming that ain't Sarah Palin's baby...Why all the secretcy, why all the eyewitness accounts of Palin lacking a belly, why was Bristol taken out of school for four/five months on the claim of mono, how does ones water break in Texas and flys to Alaska for a delivery. I demand a DNA check...

Lue C Fur

Evil member
NO ! Now watch me hit this golf ball.....

BTW....Since BaBa and his Extreme Right Wing websites feels the need to prolong his "birther" agony, I'm going to start a thread claiming that ain't Sarah Palin's baby...Why all the secretcy, why all the eyewitness accounts of Palin lacking a belly, why was Bristol taken out of school for four/five months on the claim of mono, how does ones water break in Texas and flys to Alaska for a delivery. I demand a DNA check...

Do it...i think you might be on to something.


Strength through joy
NO ! Now watch me hit this golf ball.....

BTW....Since BaBa and his Extreme Right Wing websites feels the need to prolong his "birther" agony, I'm going to start a thread claiming that ain't Sarah Palin's baby...Why all the secretcy, why all the eyewitness accounts of Palin lacking a belly, why was Bristol taken out of school for four/five months on the claim of mono, how does ones water break in Texas and flys to Alaska for a delivery. I demand a DNA check...

ok feel free to submit your DNA.
We will compare it with many unsolved cases .


Hey Baba:

Did you ever investigate the social security number angle of this story. I have but I found too many stories that seem to be derivatives of each other and no particular link that I could provide seems to provide all the aspects. Basically, a social security number (by virtue of the first three digits) tells you what state issued it so that provides clues as to where he was at one point or where they want you to think he was at one point. Apparently, it is believed his social security number comes from the state of conn. However there are conflicting stories. I figured if anyone knows about this , it might be you


Strength through joy
is the ss# that he uses.
It was issued in the state of Conn. , to a man who today would be over 120 yrs old.
Since barry never resided in Conn, and ss# to my knowledge are not re-issued, then one has to wonder just where did get it.
You have to remember that his "white" grandmother did work in a public office in Hi., where she would have access to others personal info.


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Join Today!

The most full-featured SSDI search engine on the internet

Field Value Records Results
SSN 042-68-4425
Last Name OBAMA 1 0
First Name BARACK Scanned

Obama never lived in CT

A person was born in 1890 & settled into the state of Connecticut (CT). the USA Social Security legally began in 1935 IN the USA. A man was born in 1890 & lived in CT. He applied after 1935 for a CT. Social Security card and he died in CT & his Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number 042-68-4425 was of course legally retired.


Strength through joy

A side-by-side comparison of the two images reveals the similarities. Jan Krogh says the sign proclaiming Kenya to be the birthplaces of Barack Obama has obviously been based on a photograph welcoming visitors to Madha, Oman, that is posted on his own website.

Caleb Payne, a former Arabic linguist for the National Security Agency, saw the billboard allegedly from Kenya and tells WND: "I can assure you that the sign is a fake, not because of the picture, but because the Arabic text is completely incorrect. First, it is written left-to-right (Arabic is actually written from right to left) and second: the characters are not connected. Still funny, though! If you are curious, the Arabic reads as follows: Under Kenya is the Arabic for 'Hawaii.' The text at the bottom reads: 'Not Barack Obama's birthplace.'"


Strength through joy
(Real-deal research) Obamaunism 101: The Stanley Ann and Madelyn Dunham factor (v 2.3)

by DefendUSx February 28, 2010 13:48 * new content in version 2.3 is marked with (V 2.3)
By Scrump

Who died and when?
Ann Dunham's father seemingly never died and married another woman. Ann seemingly never died and is alive and well to this day. Did Obama's grandmother really die recently?
Keep in mind there were no funerals, just memorial services for each person. Also, there is no record of a Stanley Ann Dunham having been treated and dying in a Cancer Institute in Hawaii that Obama has made claim to. They have no record of her having died or even being there at all.
A death certificate was discovered for a Madelyn Dunham of Kansas in 2005 (Did Madelyn move back to Kansas at some point and time?)
What we're told
- November 7, 1995, Stanley Ann (Dunham-Obama) Soetoro allegedly died of “ovarian cancer” at age “56.” Her body was cremated; there was no funeral. Memorial service held in her honor at the University of Hawaii. No info on BHO attending; But “helped scatter her ashes over the Pacific Ocean.”
No death certificate was discovered for Stanely A. up until just one month before election day. Blogsphere was buzzing with no finding or record of Ann's death, but on magically appeared in one database, then within the next few days, a couple of others with a death record. The database indicated that the "government" of or through California submitted the information (Nancy Pelosi's home state and where her district is/was)
Problems with the story
- An alias for Stanley Ann Dunham was found as a “relative/associate” of Madelyn L. Dunham, Honolulu, HI: “Kelly A. Dunham.”
- Dunhams had only one daughter, Stanley Ann. Therefore, Kelly Ann, who does not seem to have any other history, is likely an alias for Stanley Ann.
An alias search for Stanley Ann at shows the following information:

* Kelly A. Dunham, associate/relative of Madelyn L. Dunham, Honolulu, HI; * Kelly A. Shippleck (Kelly A. Dunham), Phoenix, AZ [is this a third marriage or an alias for real estate/money laundering?]. * Sandra Dunham (Sandra Lee Dunham), OH, FL * Susan N. Dunham, HI, CA. Ste (Stephen) Dunham, Honolulu, HI (Stanley Ann chooses another male name?) * Stephen O. Dunham, Honolulu, HI * Scott A. Dunham, (Stanley Ann chooses a second male name?), HI, WA, OR, TN, VA, IN. Each of the aforementioned aliases contains one or more references to the above examples. In cases where the trail seemingly ends, one needs only to cross-reference the “relatives/associates” and the trail continues. Some entries show as many as “99 addresses” in one city and “160 relatives/associates
ACTIVE social security check on Stanley Ann Dunham
Her SSN is 535-40-8522 from
A search at using that SS# returns 2 addresses in Honolulu, HI and one address for NY,New York.
Stanley Ann's age for this record is shown to be age 66.

Other interesting notes, including information from an undisclosed source claiming to know the real Obama
“There is no evidence Ann Dunham had even met Obama Senior in or around November 1960, the alleged time of conception, indeed it is not even clear Obama was in Honolulu at that time, although he may have been. Ann Dunham was only 17 and although she might have been in Honolulu the timing is tight. More to the point, she was in neither of the medical centers put forward by the Obama campaign (question: why do they not know in which hospital he was born?) on August 4th, nor are there medical records to back up the claimed birth, nor has an attending physician been named. I’ve heard of births with the father absent, births with the mother absent a bit trickier.”
“There are said to be photos of Ann Dunham on Waikiki Beach taken in or about July 1961, when she is supposed to have been in her third trimester, in a bikini, taken by a fellow female student. AD is clearly not pregnant. Media have not yet talked to fellow students, but it can’t be long. There are bound to be other photos of AD in existence taken during the alleged 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Obama campaign are terrified some one will press for her medical records, which have been accessed by CIA.”
"No birth certificate for Stanley Ann Dunham or her parents, or her maternal grandparents. No marriage certificate for Ann's parents and no record of Ann's fathers service in the military. This would be a point Obama made to throw everyone off that no one in his family is a natural born citizen including him.


Strength through joy
“My name is Chanise Foxx. I work at a office supply store in Kenwood, IL. After nearly 3 years of silence and death threats to me and my family to stay quiet, I am compelled to come forward and tell the world my secret.
“I helped Obama campaign staffer Divorah Adler create a fake birth certificate for use in the famous Fact Check story to prove the world of Obama’s birth in the 2008 election. Divorah approached me in early 2007 and held onto the birth certificate until she released it in August 2008.
“As I’ve been making fake IDs part-time for local college students for about eight years now, faking a birth certificate was actually quite easy. Our first step was to get our hands on someone else’s birth certificate from Hawaii. We then created the stationary to match."
Chanise Foxx, free republic,, March7, 2010


Strength through joy
Vote for Orly Taitz for Secretary of State of California in June 8 Repub. Primary
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ is well known around the country as a Constitutional attorney who pursued the cases of massive elections fraud during 2008 Presidential elections, illegitimacy of upcoming Health Bill, and is representing over 200 high ranked members of the military, State Representatives from all over the country and former candidates on the ballot, including Dr. Alan Keyes, former Ambassador to the UN.
Dr. Taitz has two doctor’s degrees. She is a doctor of Jurisprudence and a Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dr. Taitz is the President of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation and Editor of the blog, where she writes prolifically on the issues of Constitutional law, politics, economy, constitutional education of our youth. Dr. Taitz is married to her husband of 23 years and a mother to 3 sons, ages 20, 18 and 16. Her oldest son is graduating from an Ivy league university pre-med program next year, her younger sons are in the last years of High School.

Taitz told the Orange County Register she is running “to clean up the fraud we all have seen in the 2008 election. It is important to bring legitimacy to elections.”

Secretary of State Bowen was involved in one of Taitz’s civil proceedings when she was asked to investigate Obama’s qualifications for placement on the 2008 California presidential ballot. Taitz has remained critical of Bowen’s refusal to challenge Obama’s eligibility.


Strength through joy
Army Lt. Col. Risks Court Martial Questioning Whether Obama is a Natural Born Citizen
In a news release today, Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin said he is willing to risk a court-martial in order if that’s what it takes to determine whether or not President Barack Obama is eligible to serve as president of the United States. Not your average officer, Colonel Lakin is the lead flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey’s pilots and air crew.
