Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Well-Known Member
you can't hack into files that don't exist

Prove it!

Thus your circular delemma!



golden ticket member
That's the infinity symbol......Ben Casey always started with these symbols.....Man, woman, birth, death, infinity....can't you just picture old Sam Jaffe ???

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Chris Matthews MSNBC pinhead is now calling on Obama to release the long form birth certificate to put all the rumors to bed. This guy called for the most transparent White House ever and has proven his white house is the least transparent. How can you trust this pinhead?

He was asked a question about who his favorite Chicago White Sox player is and he danced around the question .... why? Because he doesn't know any names of anyone on the team! Why not just be honest. How can our nation trust ANYTHING this jamoke says! He absolutely beats out Jimmy Carter for worst president ever (in my lifetime).

Just watch what he actually does... because you can't trust anything he says.

As far as I am concerned, unless he shows his long form birth certificate ... I won't believe he was born here.


Staff member
LOL. See now, the entire issue is becoming a joke even to the "Birthers" who brought it up in the first place.
"Crazy" knows no political affiliation.
That's not totally accurate either, there are crazies on both sides of the isle and then there are those that have no interest in politics at thing that does hold true. Crazy is as crazy does.


Staff member
That's not totally accurate either, there are crazies on both sides of the isle and then there are those that have no interest in politics at thing that does hold true. Crazy is as crazy does.

That's whay I mean. Crazy is not affiliated with a party. It just is...seemingly everywhere.


Strength through joy
Kevin Dujan. At has written an article explaining what this birth certificate controversy is all about. It is not about where the president was born. It is very much well worth ten minutes of your time to read his analysis. It is very well written and researched. As we have said, this whole birth certificate issue has nothing to do with whether Obama was born in the US or not. It has to do with the fact that he is not “natural born” a fundamental requirement for being a US president. There is no doubt about that. It also has to do with the idea that Barrack Obama’s legal name may be Barry Soetoro and that he used that name possibly for special financial advantages. It also has to do with the idea that he never did the necessary paperwork to legally use the name Barrack Hussein Obama. If Barrack Hussein Obama is not his legal name then what implication does that have for all the documents he has signed as president?
As Dujan tells us:
I honestly and truly believe this solves the entire mystery.
It is seriously this straightforward.
* Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in 1961
* Obama was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s
* Obama’s name was indeed changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s
* Obama’s birth certificate was altered per Hawaiian law to reflect his new name in the 1970s
* Obama never changed his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” — most likely because he used “Barry Soetoro” on all of his student aid applications for college, and probably received foreign student grants and admissions assistance playing off his years living in Indonesia
* All the records, transcripts, documents, and paperwork Obama continues to hide from the public is all hidden because it lists his name as “Barry Soetoro” on all of it.
* Obama will not allow his birth certificate to be released because it lists the “wrong” name on it: Barry Soetoro


Strength through joy
A plan in Arizona to require presidential candidates to prove their eligibility to occupy the Oval Office is approaching critical mass, even though it has just been introduced.
The proposal from state Rep. Judy Burges, who carried a similar plan that fell short last year only because of political maneuvering, was introduced yesterday with 16 members of the state Senate as co-sponsors.
It needs only 16 votes in the Senate to pass.
In the House, there are 25 co-sponsors, with the need for only 31 votes for passage
Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate's citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate's age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States.

Read more: Game-changer! Arizona to pass 2012 eligibility law