Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

Lue C Fur

Evil member

LOL. That, my dear Lue, is called a "fishing expedition". Don't let your hatred of "liberals" mask itself as concern for the country. Historically speaking, Obama like most of the last several presidents has been very "middle of the road". Don't worry though. Trump's investigators are on the scene.

And you my dear BB dont let your hatred for Conservitives and blind love for Obama cloud your judgement. Obama is far from Middle of the road...he is just forced to go there sometimes.


Squeaky Wheel
Hating is the sincerest form of flattery.

Haters only hate the things that they can't get and the people they can't be.

If you don't like me remember it's mind over matter; I don't mind and you don't matter.

Love me or hate me. Either way I'm on your mind.

Keep looking my way. My head is held high. You wanna bring me down? I dare you to try.

Be a lover not a hater.


All we need is some whirled peas.

I respect all ppl I meet, even here. Even when I forget to demonstrate it.

Not sayin' I'm right. It just works well for me.



Engorged Member
What proof do you have that he is an American citizen? You dont. :wink2:

Yeah, he made it to the U.S. Senate after attending law school and being a college professor. But "nobody" remembers him. Yet he still becomes POTUS despite being inserted here by forces unknown. Makes perfect sense to me. *
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Lue C Fur

Evil member
Yeah, he made it to the U.S. Senate after attending law school and being a college professor. But "nobody" remembers him. Yet he still becomes POTUS despite being inserted here by forces unknown. Makes perfect sense to me. *

Can you respond without insults or is it to hard for you to understand the TOS?
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Strength through joy
for klein.........
KUWAIT (Reuters) — Saudi Arabia’s oil minister said on Sunday the kingdom had slashed output by 800,000 barrels per day in March due to oversupply, sending the strongest signal yet that OPEC will not act to quell soaring prices.
Consumers have urged the exporters’ group to pump more crude to put a cap on oil, which surged to more than $127 a barrel this month, its highest level in 2 ½ years amid unrest in North Africa and the Middle East.
Oil Ministers from Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates echoed Saudi Arabia’s Ali al-Naimi’s concerns about oversupply and said rocketing crude prices were out of the hands of OPEC, which next meets in June.
“The market is overbalanced. . . Our production in February was 9.125 million barrels per day (bpd), in March it was 8.292 million bpd. In April we don’t know yet, probably a little higher than March. The reason I gave you these numbers is to show you that the market is oversupplied,” Naimi told reporters.
Two Saudi-based industry sources told Reuters last week the kingdom had cut output due to poor demand, prompting selling by traders who saw it as a sign of a well-supplied market.
But crude rebounded later in the week on optimism about the state of the U.S. economy.
Naimi’s words are the clearest indication yet that OPEC is unconvinced there is a need for more oil despite the civil war that has slashed Libyan output and expectations Japanese demand will rise as it scrambles to rebuild its earthquake-shattered electricity grid.


Strength through joy
Yeah, he made it to the U.S. Senate after attending law school and being a visiting lecturer. But "nobody" remembers him. Yet he still becomes POTUS despite being inserted here by forces unknown. Makes perfect sense to me. *
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Engorged Member
Can you respond without insults or is it to hard for you to understand the TOS?

You're one to speak about TOS. Go crying to the mods if you want, but so far you've called Obama a bunch of names, including "gay", posted a political cartoon showing him circled with crap, and posted links to videos with offensive language. You make crazy accusations, and then when someone calls you on it, you go running to Mommy. You folks call me stuff all the time, and I just take it. Can't you?


Engorged Member
but he is gay.

Proof please. Most gay guys I know don't have a wife and two kids. Also, instead of calling this Forum "Current Events", why not just call it "Right Wing World"? Anyone who disagrees with you gets slammed with a bunch of manufactured garbage and then when we dare question said garbage, you get upset and start whining like little kids.

If you want a debate of ideas, bring it on. But this is just a place to dump on Obama and anyone else who isn't Far Right. Man-up, and take the shots that come back at you. You don't see me running to the mods every time you or the other two say something insulting.


Für Meno :)
Baba, I like that oil news !
So what would Trump now say ? Put out more or else...... hmm or else what ?

From 2001: (outdated since Canada ships much more now) :

“The US is becoming increasingly dependent on foreign oil, but the
biggest source is not the Middle East. In 2001, however, imports
accounted for 57 percent of US consumption.(..) Saudi Arabia is the
third-largest individual supplier of oil to the US, with sales of
$12.5 billion last year. The Middle East supplies less than one
quarter of all imports.”

You may also want to go to this link : (from 2010)
Top 7 suppliers of oil to the US

The US doesn't get much from the middle east as you may think it does.

If OPEC controls the price of oil ? - Yes, somewhat, but more so Wall Street and all other market players.

Alberta is more then willing to send you more oil, but Americans don't seem to like our oil. (click below):
Canada looks to China to exploit oil sands rejected by US

No big deal, eh ?


I started this.
Staff member
Hi guys :)

I would appreciate it if you could reinforce your arguments rather than attack one another. Debates work better that way.

Thank you.


Für Meno :)
Hi guys :)

I would appreciate it if you could reinforce your arguments rather than attack one another. Debates work better that way.

Thank you.

Cheryl, you need to get rid of those Flying Porn Monkees, somehow. Those suckers only let you edit for 1 minute ! Please, please ! :)
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