Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
Proof please. Most gay guys I know don't have a wife and two kids. Also, instead of calling this Forum "Current Events", why not just call it "Right Wing World"? Anyone who disagrees with you gets slammed with a bunch of manufactured garbage and then when we dare question said garbage, you get upset and start whining like little kids.

If you want a debate of ideas, bring it on. But this is just a place to dump on Obama and anyone else who isn't Far Right. Man-up, and take the shots that come back at you. You don't see me running to the mods every time you or the other two say something insulting.
John Travolta is gay with a wife and 2's the perfect cover up.


golden ticket member
Probably because he filmed with Olivia Newton John at the time. She was and is still a hottie !
Would turn even gay men on :)
John is more into the gay spas and hooking up with strangers.........he wants a 'john' allright, but not Olivia Newton.....


Squeaky Wheel


Squeaky Wheel
FYI - Bi Pride:


The deep pink or rose stripe at the top of the flag represents the possibility of same gender attraction; the royal blue stripe at the bottom of the flag represents the possibility of different gender attraction and the stripes overlap in the central fifth of the flag to form a deep shade of lavender or purple, which represents the possibility of attraction anywhere along the entire gender spectrum. The flag's aspect ratio is not fixed but 2:3 and 3:5 are often used, in common with many other flags.


golden ticket member
I'm confused, what does JT's sexual preferences have to do with 0's BC?
We got side tracked.... someone said gay men aren't usually with wife & kids and I used J.T. as an example and suggest that maybe Barack is in a "cover up" marriage too. But, none of that has to do with the birth back to the Kenya grandma witnessing his birth in Kenya.....go on....
I can't speak for 0's Grandma, but I do know that mine would often mix up what happened to which one of her Gkids and when it happened. There are too many unanswered questions other than that one that need answering.


Strength through joy
Donald can, Miki can, why can’t Obama

Posted on April 7, 2011 by nobarack08
Donald Trump posted his long form Birth Certificate, Miki Booth just posted a long form Birth Certificate issued from the State of Hawaii Department of Health issued on Mar 15th, 2011. Proof that you still can request a long form Birth Certificate from the State of Hawaii.

Another Obot lie exposed and proven wrong that you can’t get a long form from the State of Hawaii.
So the question is ‘Why can’t Obama produce a valid long from Birth Certificate?’


Engorged Member
John Travolta is gay with a wife and 2's the perfect cover up.

For the second time in history, I agree with you. I think he and Mr.Cruise are both closeted gays. Probably not a good idea to let the world know, if you're a leading man in the movies.


Strength through joy
Also research a Canadian press story about Rev Wrights' DLC men only group and the gentleman club the O used that had it's records taken away by gov't agents.


Für Meno :)
Don't let this so called "Canadian Press" fool you.

It's not 1 single bit Canadian.
It's some sort of US extreme right wing internet news site.

I am deeply ashamed they call themselves "Canadian Press".
Someone should put a stop to that !