Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Engorged Member
Don't let this so called "Canadian Press" fool you.

It's not 1 single bit Canadian.
It's some sort of US extreme right wing internet news site.

I am deeply ashamed they call themselves "Canadian Press".
Someone should put a stop to that !

I don't doubt that a bit. Right Wing news sources generally prove to be very partisan once you do a bit of detective work.


Für Meno :)
Trump vs. Seinfeld — it's on and it's ugly

Comedian pulls out of charity event and the Donald goes off in letter

Simply this: Trump was back on his bully pulpit yesterday, writing a public letter condemning Seinfeld after the funnyman had the nerve (the nerve!) to back out of a fundraiser this fall for his son's charity, the Eric Trump Foundation.

Reading between the lines of Trump's missive, it's clear that Seinfeld pulled out because he (along with the rest of the nation's rational thinkers) was apparently growing uncomfortable with the follicle-challenged reality star's birther rhetoric and continued quest to call for President Obama to produce his birth certificate. (Nevermind that it's already been proven he has one . Why should a little thing like facts and showing respect to the leader of the free world get in the way of a good dogfight?


Für Meno :)
Jerry is still going to donate his money to the St Judes hospital, on his own.

Can't blame him for not having anything to do with the Trumps now.
He certainly doesn't want his image tarnished.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Jerry is still going to donate his money to the St Judes hospital, on his own.

Can't blame him for not having anything to do with the Trumps now.
He certainly doesn't want his image tarnished.

Seems like Jerry is getting his image tarnished because he lets politics get in the way of Charity...but it is nice to see that his is still dontating some money, which if the Messiah has his way wont be tax deductable anymore.


Strength through joy
(Briefing Room) — President Obama on Thursday lightened up talk of high gas prices and the budget deficit on his West Coast swing with a joke about those who question his citizenship.
“A lot of you got involved when the prospect of electing Barack Hussein Obama to the Oval Office was slim. None of you asked for my birth certificate. It was a complete leap of faith,” Obama said during a Los Angeles dinner fundraiser, drawing laughs from the crowd of his supporters.
I recall that his middle name was never mentioned during his campaign.


Engorged Member
(Briefing Room) — President Obama on Thursday lightened up talk of high gas prices and the budget deficit on his West Coast swing with a joke about those who question his citizenship.
“A lot of you got involved when the prospect of electing Barack Hussein Obama to the Oval Office was slim. None of you asked for my birth certificate. It was a complete leap of faith,” Obama said during a Los Angeles dinner fundraiser, drawing laughs from the crowd of his supporters.
I recall that his middle name was never mentioned during his campaign.

Of course not. The lunatic fringe would have freaked. I recall that McCain didn't mention some of the things that could have hurt him during the campaign either. Tirades, melanoma, being born in the Panama Canal Zone, university ranking, etc.
Of course not. The lunatic fringe would have freaked. I recall that McCain didn't mention some of the things that could have hurt him during the campaign either. Tirades, melanoma, being born in the Panama Canal Zone, university ranking, etc.

On your second sentence do you really think there were many voters, including the "lunatic fringe", not aware of what 0's middle name is?
The fact that his name is Hussein was about the only info that the American voter was allowed to know.
McCain info was all publicly available.


Engorged Member
On your second sentence do you really think there were many voters, including the "lunatic fringe", not aware of what 0's middle name is?
The fact that his name is Hussein was about the only info that the American voter was allowed to know.
McCain info was all publicly available.

Neither candidate wanted to show all of their cards. That's just smart politics. Obama's middle name is unfortunate, but I'm sure you'd have found something wrong even if his middle name was Herbert.


Staff member
Neither candidate wanted to show all of their cards. That's just smart politics. Obama's middle name is unfortunate, but I'm sure you'd have found something wrong even if his middle name was Herbert.
There is nothing wrong with his middle name. And as General Powell said, if he is a Muslim, "So what?" Brilliant man General Powell. Too bad the Right could never get behind him as a strong and thoughtful candidate. He could have been good for the country.
Neither candidate wanted to show all of their cards. That's just smart politics. Obama's middle name is unfortunate, but I'm sure you'd have found something wrong even if his middle name was Herbert.
I never cared what his middle name is, I cared about his politics and his fabrications of the truth. He's out there tell lies on his current campaign too. There was and still is plenty wrong regardless of his name.