Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
Who cares, except the wingnuts who have made this an issue? What if his name was something else? You'd still freak because he's not a white guy.

lol, look who is quoting talking points.
if he never legally changed his named back from bhos, then he is guilty of fraud. and he should have after all he was a lawyer, so he should have been aware of this issue.
by the way, he is only half african (maybe ? ).
Whatever. I just see what I see.
Then you need to have your eyes checked or have another type of professional help. Yea, there are some people that hate 0bama because he isn't all white, just as there are people that love him simply because he is part black and professes to more aligned with the black race. IMHO, those two groups are the same. I have no idea why anyone else doesn't like 0, I just know why I don't and it has nothing to do with his race.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Then you need to have your eyes checked or have another type of professional help. Yea, there are some people that hate 0bama because he isn't all white, just as there are people that love him simply because he is part black and professes to more aligned with the black race. IMHO, those two groups are the same. I have no idea why anyone else doesn't like 0, I just know why I don't and it has nothing to do with his race.

+1. Its sad that Liberals seem to try and make it about race...Why?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Because the Right does. Really? So everyone on the right is a racist? Or is it anyone you disagree with who is against Obama and his agenda must be a racist? Listen to some of your media "leaders" sometime. I dont hear my "Media Leaders" saying anything racial and if they did i would not listen to that person. I do hear some of your "Media Leaders" bringing up race but i dont think all of them are idiots...just the ones who bring it up. It is just beneath the surface. Rush is a major race baiter and nibbles at the edges with Obama all the time. So by your example then all Dems must be idiots because Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackon are "Race Nibblers"? He's savvy enough not to do it directly, at least with Obama. So then Rush has not done it "Directly" and you are just assuming? Give an example of Rush's "Just beneath the surface" comments towards Obama.[/QUOTE]

In the end i really want the left to keep using the race card because i think it just makes the right even stronger. Just like the Tea Party was written off by the left and the Messiah in the begining and now they are afraid of them. Keep demonizing them., it makes them stronger.:wink2:


Engorged Member
Because the Right does. Really? So everyone on the right is a racist? Or is it anyone you disagree with who is against Obama and his agenda must be a racist? Listen to some of your media "leaders" sometime. I dont hear my "Media Leaders" saying anything racial and if they did i would not listen to that person. I do hear some of your "Media Leaders" bringing up race but i dont think all of them are idiots...just the ones who bring it up. It is just beneath the surface. Rush is a major race baiter and nibbles at the edges with Obama all the time. So by your example then all Dems must be idiots because Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackon are "Race Nibblers"? He's savvy enough not to do it directly, at least with Obama. So then Rush has not done it "Directly" and you are just assuming? Give an example of Rush's "Just beneath the surface" comments towards Obama.[/

In the end i really want the left to keep using the race card because i think it just makes the right even stronger. Just like the Tea Party was written off by the left and the Messiah in the begining and now they are afraid of them. Keep demonizing them., it makes them stronger.:wink2:

The Right absolutely race baits. The Left uses it to their advantage, as you pointed out, with Sharpton and Jackson, both of whom are race pimps. Rush has been taped numerous times making racial statements, so that is well-established. Lesser Right Wing talkers also do it, but they couch it in a topic that allows them to not appear overtly racist.

You can think that it strengthens the Right, but only among the Right, because most people are smart enough to see through it, and know that it's code for attacking African-Americans.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
The Right absolutely race baits. So then again i will ask you...are you saying everyone that disagrees with you and is against Obamas agenda must be a racist?The Left uses it to their advantage, as you pointed out, with Sharpton and Jackson, both of whom are race pimps. What advantage is there for the left if its not true. Isnt making up something thats not there a lie? Rush has been taped numerous times making racial statements, so that is well-established. So again...does Rush speak for all people on the right? Lesser Right Wing talkers also do it, but they couch it in a topic that allows them to not appear overtly racist. Again...what examples do you have of this?

You can think that it strengthens the Right, but only among the Right, because most people are smart enough to see through it, and know that it's code for attacking African-Americans.

The Code? Whats the code...please give an example.

So when Baba said this:

Originally Posted by Baba gounj

“Obama was legally adopted by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro..” 10/23/08

And you responded with this:

Who cares, except the wingnuts who have made this an issue? What if his name was something else? You'd still freak because he's not a white guy.

Where is the "Code" in what Baba said, since your an expert?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
lol, look who is quoting talking points.
if he never legally changed his named back from bhos, then he is guilty of fraud. and he should have after all he was a lawyer, so he should have been aware of this issue.
by the way, he is only half african (maybe ? ).

The code is contained in this statement: Ive placed it in BOLD so you can find it if you cant figure it out.

Well, is he "Half african" or "half kenyan"....why if the right, and especially babaganoush cant get this right? Or are they trying NOT TO?

By using the term half african, subtly, they can still make him out to be a "BLACK GUY"... why else use the term?

Who thinks of "white" people when someone sez AFRICAN?

Wording by the right is all code. They have to motivate their white christian base in any way that they can. Why not prey on their inner predjudice?

I know I know, none of you have a hidden annomous for black people, you just hate democrats.

Even though you want to take help away from black people, take away school grants for black people, kill afirmative action plans for black people, take away a momentous time in our history where we have a black president, its just really because you care about our fiscal order and these things are merely coincedental.

Racial coding is all babaganoush is all about in his posts. Just review them.

I can cut and paste hundreds of them right off this board.

Lets be real.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
+1. Its sad that Liberals seem to try and make it about race...Why?

Its not the liberals who make it about race, its the liberals who point out that the republicans are making it about race. No matter how they skirt the issue, they get close to the edge and use the dictionary to all but call him an N-WORD.

The use of photoshopping in the tea parties email system is a prime example. Here in southern california, just last week, an official of the tea party and GOP, forwarded an email that she found "funny" and not racist to all her friends. It was sooooo funny that one of her ''friends' turned it over to the media. Now of course, only FOX news left this story alone but everyone else did not.

The lady's name is Marilyn Davenport. A leader in the Tea Party in orange county california. She recieved an email from her tea party friends depicting president obama in a family photo with a monkey in a shirt and tie, a monkey in a dress with makeup and earings, and a baby monkey with obamas face on it. The caption at the bottom read "NOW YOU KNOW WHY NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE".

Now, I am sure you tea party people can tell me that this was not racist in any way shape or form, just as she tried to do, but the photo speaks for itself.

The bigger issue here isnt the photo, its the rational behind it. We are suppose to be changing the dialog with one another in this country, yet there are those who want to keep the racial divide in this country as wide as the grand canyon.

Why didnt this woman simply delete this email? Why didnt she contact whoever sent it to her from the tea party and tell them it was inappropriate? Why didnt she take the lead and end the email?

How about, who created the photo? Why isnt that persons name tracked down to see where it originated? Why is it tea party standard for these types of imagery?

Why do tea party/republicans continue to deny that they are racist? or that racism is a part of the methodology?

This type of messaging speaks to the inner annimous of the typical right winger.

As long as its kept quite, its okay, seems to be the mentality.

This woman has been asked to resign and is refusing, the GOP has asked her to resign and even today, there are protests in front of her home.

IF you truly want us to believe the republicans are not a hateful bunch of rednecks, then DENOUNCE this type of actions and force your officials to quit when they get caught.

Otherwise, you are a part of the problem and not the solution to this countries woes.

Its not the liberals who make it about race, its the liberals who point out that the republicans are making it about race. No matter how they skirt the issue, they get close to the edge and use the dictionary to all but call him an N-WORD.

The use of photoshopping in the tea parties email system is a prime example. Here in southern california, just last week, an official of the tea party and GOP, forwarded an email that she found "funny" and not racist to all her friends. It was sooooo funny that one of her ''friends' turned it over to the media. Now of course, only FOX news left this story alone but everyone else did not.

The lady's name is Marilyn Davenport. A leader in the Tea Party in orange county california. She recieved an email from her tea party friends depicting president obama in a family photo with a monkey in a shirt and tie, a monkey in a dress with makeup and earings, and a baby monkey with obamas face on it. The caption at the bottom read "NOW YOU KNOW WHY NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE".

Now, I am sure you tea party people can tell me that this was not racist in any way shape or form, just as she tried to do, but the photo speaks for itself.

The bigger issue here isnt the photo, its the rational behind it. We are suppose to be changing the dialog with one another in this country, yet there are those who want to keep the racial divide in this country as wide as the grand canyon.

Why didnt this woman simply delete this email? Why didnt she contact whoever sent it to her from the tea party and tell them it was inappropriate? Why didnt she take the lead and end the email?

How about, who created the photo? Why isnt that persons name tracked down to see where it originated? Why is it tea party standard for these types of imagery?

Why do tea party/republicans continue to deny that they are racist? or that racism is a part of the methodology?

This type of messaging speaks to the inner annimous of the typical right winger.

As long as its kept quite, its okay, seems to be the mentality.

This woman has been asked to resign and is refusing, the GOP has asked her to resign and even today, there are protests in front of her home.

IF you truly want us to believe the republicans are not a hateful bunch of rednecks, then DENOUNCE this type of actions and force your officials to quit when they get caught.

Otherwise, you are a part of the problem and not the solution to this countries woes.

There is no doubt that racism is alive and well in the US today. There is no doubt that there are some in the Tea Party that will do or say just about anything to disparage 0bama. My first thought when I saw the pic on one of the threads here was, "That's just wrong". Did I cry out about it? No, I was waiting on you to do it, because I figured that is why it was posted on here, to get the libs all riled up. I had no idea where the pic came from.

I have been to one Tea Party rally a couple of years ago, I saw a really good mix of many races, of course the vast majority was indeed white.

Yes, we should be changing the dialog with one another in this country, but why do you expect all the changing to come from the right? I can go though the treads on just this forum and find many places were un-provoked slurs were posted by many of the left/progressive members.

The picture you are trying to paint with such a large brush is not only incorrect but hardly an attempt to change dialog. Just because there are a few racists in the Tea Party and the Republican Party hardly means that everyone follows along. I recall several times when open rasist TP members were asked to resign with harsh condemnation from party organizers.
I have admitted to going to one TP rally, I freely admit that I usually vote Republican, I challenge you to find one time I have said anything racist. I take exception to your claim that the picture of your example being the "standard" and the "methodology" of the conservatives of this country, that is simply preposterous and offensive.

This Davenport woman is a leader in the OC, ca Tea Party and you postulate that she represents ALL TP/republican members? Does Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton (two of the biggest racists in the country) represent all Democrat/Progressives( yes, there are racists on the left as well)? See how silly that sounds?

As to why she didn't stop the email, why she didn't tell the person she received it from or why she didn't find out the photoshop creator and burn him at the stake, I have no idea you should ask her those questions. My guess is that she is a racist and has no business representing a group of people on a large scale. I have no clout in the OC, Ca Tea Party, but if I did I would raise so much sand it would look like gravel until she was removed from her position.

Are hateful rednecks any worse than hateful tree hugging tea sippers? I don't think so.


Strength through joy
Hawaii senator questions Obama's true birth father
'There is information, for reasons known only to him, he doesn't want released'

The lone Republican in the Hawaii State Senate told a radio interviewer today he believes "the real issue" stopping Barack Obama from releasing his long-form birth certificate is something the president has to hide, perhaps even the name of his actual birth father.

Hawaii State Sen. Sam Slom further told the host of "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on WABC 770 AM in New York City that so long as Obama refuses to be transparent about his past, questions about the president's birth remain "a legitimate issue."

"My particular point of view – and why I haven't identified myself as a 'birther,' per se – is that [Obama] probably was born [in Hawaii] and that the real issue is not the birth certificate, but what's on the birth certificate," Slom told Klein.
Asked what that could be, Slom said, "It could have to do with what his name is on the birth certificate, who is actually listed as his father, the citizenship of the father."


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
ooooooh, more NOTHING to spread around! More subjective B.S. to call "truth"...cant wait for the emails to be passed around.

Sheesh... BABA, get a hobby.
