Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Staff member
If it is your struggle, then it is one that we share. It's easy to judge and think we know who "deserves" what. But as you said, it is best that God is the one in charge and our duty to obey (yes, that can be difficult) "with a full and grateful heart".:wink2:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Don't get me wrong- I'm a strong Christian and believe in helping the poor and meeting the needs of others. I think the government should help people get back on their feet that need some help, but not as a permanent way of life. It's the "I expect it" and "They owe me" attitude that puts the sour taste in my mouth.

The goverment needs to just give a "Hand up" instead of "Hand outs".

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Video Flashback: Barack Obama Speaking In Western Kenya With Mass Murderer Raila Odinga: “I Am So Proud To Come Back Home…” – August 26, 2006 –

The Messiah says it best: "The only people that dont want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide".


Strength through joy


Staff member
I agree 1000%, and that is where I have my difficulties. God commands to give and love to those in need; it's the ones who always have their hands out and don't want to pass on the love and kindness. It's wrong that I think this and I have no authority to judge, but it's those kind of people that cause the conundrum. It's a struggle I've talked about at church and many agree with me and struggle with the same problem. I'm just glad God is in charge- His will be done.

Just something to consider: "but it's those kind of people that cause the conundrum." In truth, it is our own since of pride and self-justification. Brings a spiritual angle to Christ's teaching/admonition that "It is not what enters a man that defiles him, but what comes from him."


Engorged Member
Oh, that's the "pass through" line at L.A.X.

I call the Right Wingers who profess Christianity but act in the exact opposite fashion to Jesus "HypoChristians". Several folks here seem to be haters of the first order, not exactly "what Jesus would do". Jesus was the original Liberal, and He probably wouldn't like the way folks use Him for earthly gain.


golden ticket member
He was a bit perturbed with the money changers in the Temple.........flippin' tables like Teresa on Housewives of New Jersey!!!


Squeaky Wheel

I see women who, IMO, have been treated like 2nd class citizens or worse all of their lives. I don't question their religious beliefs because it is not my place to do so. I feel bad for them and hope that by their presence in our country they are afforded some benefit, some ease or peace in their lives they wouldn't have otherwise.

I can also see how this scene would unnerve people. I find no fault with that. I only ask for the same respect for my beliefs too. Strong as they are, I consider it a personal flaw, an immaturity that I need to improve upon, if I allow myself to be disrespectful to those who's beliefs and feelings differ.



Für Meno :)
In France, that gear isn't allowed anymore.
And I do find that a good law.
More rights to the women, even if they are sooo conservative and want to maintain it.
I call the Right Wingers who profess Christianity but act in the exact opposite fashion to Jesus "HypoChristians". Several folks here seem to be haters of the first order, not exactly "what Jesus would do". Jesus was the original Liberal, and He probably wouldn't like the way folks use Him for earthly gain.
What do you call the left wingers who profess Christianity but act in the exact opposite?