Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Well-Known Member
He wasn't a hater. His ideals don't exactly coincide with those of the Right, yet they lay claim to being the righteous ones. Sure.

Try reading Ecclesiastes 10:2 and come back and talk to us.

Never mind; I'll type it for you so you don't have to work.

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.


Engorged Member
Try reading Ecclesiastes 10:2 and come back and talk to us.

Never mind; I'll type it for you so you don't have to work.

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

Sorry, but I don't debate Bible Bangers. They always "know" they're right. Quote all the scripture you want. Memorizing the Bible is kind of like Muslims who memorize their holy book that you like to make fun of all the time. Their fairy tale is just different from yours, and you don't like that.


Für Meno :)
You must not be counting on a place in Heaven.

That from someone that wants everyone to carry a gun, and shoot other people if neccesary ?
You don't forgive or forget like the Bible tells you to do ?

You rather kill someone if they have an "off day" and commit a crime ?

No thanks ! That's not the religion I believe in.


Well-Known Member
You were the one telling us all "Jesus wasn't a hater" and that he "leaned more to the left"; what happened to your interest now that it doesn't support your argument?


golden ticket member
".....You rather kill someone if they have an "off day" and commit a crime ?...."

Oh, that's rich !! So criminals commit crimes because they're having an off day !!!!
Now I've heard everything!! :knockedout:


golden ticket member
Some do ! Tuscon shooting wasn't planned, either are many other crimes.
You're wrong was planned because on the shooter's computer he was checking out the penalties for murder in AZ. and also what it's like to die from lethal injection....knowing that's what he would probably get.


Engorged Member
You were the one telling us all "Jesus wasn't a hater" and that he "leaned more to the left"; what happened to your interest now that it doesn't support your argument?

Quoting scripture "proves" nothing except to the feeble-minded who cannot think for themselves. You're no different from Muslims who spend their lives memorizing and quoting. Evangelicals are scary folks.

1st Venutians 4:20


Für Meno :)
You're wrong was planned because on the shooter's computer he was checking out the penalties for murder in AZ. and also what it's like to die from lethal injection....knowing that's what he would probably get.

Yeah, I was probably wrong there, but many other crimes are just a random act, don't you agree ?


Well-Known Member
Quoting scripture "proves" nothing except to the feeble-minded who cannot think for themselves. You're no different from Muslims who spend their lives memorizing and quoting. Evangelicals are scary folks.

I think you are upset because you can't refute the evidence to my arguments. I don't have too much memorized; nothing like you think. I am no better than anyone else- I'm a sinner saved by God's grace, but make mistakes daily. Being persecuted or even killed for my faith is one of the greatest achievements I could give back to God. You think you know me, but you don't; not even a clue. Go ahead and sling your insults and insinuations all you want. You are just skirting the issue and making yourself look foolish.

1st Venutians 4:20